CHAPTER 3 Nightmare

"I'd be having an accident in about five minutes," I said, looking at my wristwatch. "Please help me. Also, make an I lost a baby result."

I could feel his hesitation. "No questions, please. If you ever cared about me, you'd do this for me. Thanks."

I immediately hung up before he started asking questions.

With renewed determination, I started the car and headed to the big tree I saw in front of me. "Hello, dear baby, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do," I say as tears roll down my cheeks, "but if you are here to stay, then you'd stay with me even after this."

I harshly wiped my face, and with renewed determination, I read that mate bonds, once formed through marking, were hard to break but not totally impossible.

There are two ways to break it: either.

Get the approval of the pack elders and hold a rejection ceremony. It would be humiliating to be stripped of all titles.

Have a witch divide our mated souls, but that would be extremely painful, so I'm interested in that idea.

I also read somewhere that if the mate hatefully revised the mating process, it would break, and since I don't want to be humiliated nor do I want too much pain, I'd try the third one.

Please be with me. I smiled and closed my eyes as the car collided with the big tree.

I hit my head on the steering wheel and could feel myself losing consciousness, but it was nothing compared to the pain of betrayal from my loved ones.

"Hey, hey Luna..."

I heard Eden's voice; if it wasn't him, then who else?

"Are you okay?" He whispered as he sat down beside me on the bed I was lying on. "Are you okay? I'm worried; I mean, we are all worried." He corrected himself, but I could sense worry in his voice as I blinked my eyes open.

He is always worried about me, but when I remembered that he probably knew about Brett and Jennifer's affair, I sighed.

"I'm fine." I innocently smiled at him. I pointed at the visitor's seat so he could take his seat and leave me alone.

I was not in the mood to talk to him; he was always babysitting me, which is one of the things I hate about him.

"Where is Brett?"

I acted ignorant and asked him, not that I didn't know where he was or what exactly he was doing, but I wanted to hear another lie from Eden; yes, he'd lie for his betrayer, an Alpha.

"Luna, the Alpha, says, "He is busy with work, and he will be here in a while; just be patient."

Ha! Patient, indeed.

I could not help but sneeze inside of me; silly Eden was already sweating profusely. At this point, I understood that the reason he'd always start sweating after I asked him a question was because he was telling a lie. Well, someone just isn't good at lying, while others are just too stupid to understand.

"So what am I expected to be doing here if my mate has become too busy to care that I'm in the hospital? By the way, what am I doing here?"

Eden blinked for a while before opening his mouth to answer me.

"You got into an accident, Luna."

He said that, and I nodded at him. Right from the start, he was the only one who truly accepted me as his Luna, if that wasn't a lie as well. But what to do? I've got to play dumb and wait for the news to fall on that bastard.

I was just thankful for the fact that Jeff proved that he really cared about me. I wasn't too sure, though; the main game hadn't started yet.

Wait! My baby! Is she okay?

I became worried. I totally forgot that I was pregnant. What if I had already lost her?

So many questions crossed my mind, but I had this ray of hope in me: if she was here to stay, she wouldn't leave me.

I slightly rubbed my hand on my belly, forgetting that Eden was sitting right in front of me. "Luna, are you okay, or should I call the doctor?" I could see the worry on his face. If he cared so much, why would he also lie to me?

"I'm good, Den; I'm just feeling weak."

I curled back into bed and closed my eyes, awaiting the drama to begin.

Seconds passed, minutes went by, and even hours passed, but Brett was nowhere to be found.

I felt myself being drawn into a whole new world, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a dark place with no one in sight. "Hello, anyone?"

I called out but got no response, though the place was void and scary. I said one thing to myself: I'd be fine.

"Elli." I heard a voice, Jennifer; she was always there in my darkest night, just like I was, but my shining armor had become my worst nightmare.

There, I could see her right in front of me smiling, but in a flash, she was right before my eyes. I felt my stomach burn as though I was being stabbed by a sharp object, and when I looked down, I saw her bloody hands holding onto a knife that had already been buried in my belly.

"Why, Jen? Why?" I choked out as tears streamed down my face.

"Hehe, now you know how it feels to be hurt a thousand times," she cackled like a lunatic.

"You always get everything, but what about me? I have nothing! I will always be your worst nightmare. Beware!" She twisted the knife into my stomach, and I screamed in agony. I desperately wanted this nightmare to end.

"Stop! Please!" I begged her.

But she only laughed at my pain.

"Elli, hey Elli, wake up!" I heard my name being called, and my eyes snapped open. It was Eden; he had saved me from her.

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