Chapter FOUR
"Hey, you okay?" Draco asked, noticing the sullen look on Kira's face.
"Do I look like I'm not okay?" Kira asked boredly and Draco immediately sensed the unfriendliness in her tone.
"Did Damien do something?" Draco asked, wondering what his friend could have done wrong now. He had hoped that the dinner would help resolve the tension between them but judging by the look on Kira's face, he didn't think it worked.
"Must everything that concerns me revolve around him? Am I also not allowed to be tired without everyone thinking he has something to do with it?" she lashed out and Draco's eyes grew ten times wider in shock. The last thing he expected was Kira raising her voice at him and he couldn't help but wonder what Damien could have said wrong this time.
"You know what Draco, thank you for caring enough to ask but I'm perfectly fine, believe me. Anyways, Damien better be here in the next five minutes or I'm retiring back to my room and he had better not call me out again," she added, not bothering to mask her anger and irritation.
She knew her attitude would come off as weird to Draco but for some reason, she just couldn't bring herself to care. Everything around her irritated and annoyed her and even Marianne wasn't left out of her nasty attitude earlier today.
"He'll be here soon," Draco muttered a reply cautiously, staring back and forth at the entrance and hoping Damien showed up sooner.
Damien finally walked in and Draco let out a sigh of relief as soon as he spotted him.
"The next time you call for me and you're not already here before me or immediately I arrive, you and I are going to have serious problems Damien. You do not discomfort me and waste my time for no reason," Kira hissed as soon as she saw Damien walk in and Damien was taken aback by her harsh reaction.
"A very good morning to you too Kira," Damien drawled in confusion, wondering why she sounded mad.
"Let's just get this over with guys," Draco said, mentally preparing himself to talk as fast as he could and run out of the room where he wouldn't have to be on the receiving end of whatever it was that happened between them.
"Did you two fight?" Damien asked, wondering why the energy in the room felt so tense and Draco mentally rolled his eyes at his clueless friend.
"You're an idiot," Kira hissed harshly and Damien is even more confused.
"Wait what? Why? What the fuck going on with you Missy? Whatever it is, you better not take it out on me," Damien fired back at her defensively and Draco immediately wished more than anything else that he could disappear.
"Can we just talk about the recent murders and strategize on how we're gonna catch these bastards? I don't know what's going on with you two but please, keep it out of this room and let's focus on getting to this over with before more people turn up dead," Draco snapped impatiently, getting sick and tired of having to be the reasonable one.
"Don't you guys think it's weird that all of a sudden, the deaths are getting more and more obvious? I mean, before I got here and before you guys started to notice the patterns, there were barely any deaths recorded but ever since we were attacked, the deaths are becoming much more frequent and also for some weird reasons, it's currently only happening in your pack and nowhere else. Don't you find it weird?" Kira pointed out, going straight to her reason for coming to the meeting.
"You have a point but what exactly are you insinuating? Do you suspect that we're the target?" Draco asked.
"Honestly, this isn't about you guys being the target or anything, I just think there's something very off about your security system. Let me explain," she paused.
"There are about three packs surrounding the Silvermoon pack including my pack but we haven't recorded any weird death cases or anything like that. I even made sure to tighten the border security and I also sent out word to the other packs to do the same just in case they also face similar attacks but it appears to be a waste of time cause there's nothing suspicious happening in our territory but yours is different Damien, you strengthened your security, closed off the borders and yet, the deaths aren't stopping. Isn't that questionable to you? How the fuck are they getting in? How does no one witness these murders and how do they even get out?" she wondered out loud.
"Are you saying there's a high chance they're actually living amongst us?" Damien chimed in and Kira nodded positively.
"Well, that's the only plausible explanation I could think of. Think about it, people are dying in mysterious ways but there's absolutely no sign of any suspects. There has been no report of any intrusion, no rogue report, no nothing and yet, you already have over twenty dead bodies with bite marks on their necks. Asides the fact that the perpetrators live here, I see no other plausible explanations," she explained and Damien could not help but agree with her.
"She has a point Damien. More people are dying and as much as we're trying to suppress and avoid the situation so more people don't turn up dead, it's not working. The deaths are minimal but they're frequent and yet, we can't even point to having any possible suspects. It's getting out of hand at this point," Draco added and Damien said nothing for a while, contemplating on what to do.
"I think it's high time you warn your people of the impending danger Damien. The more clueless they are, the more dangerous the situation gets. I get that you're trying to protect them and also keep them from panicking but at this point, it's no longer a good idea to leave them in the dark about what's happening. The murderers are obviously taking advantage of their cluelessness and if this goes on, your pack will be emptied right before your very eyes," Kira advised.
"The problem is, if that happens, your people will automatically be blamed for the murders. I know for a fact that you have no hand in it but you and I know it won't be easy convincing thousands of werewolves of your people's innocence especially now that I also plan on telling them of our alliance. They're gonna think you're taking advantage of the truce and secretly killing our people. They won't believe there's a supposed creature cursed by the sun," he explained and Kira rolled her eyes.
"So what if they don't? Who cares of they blame me? Don't tell me you're willing to jeopardize the safety of the people simply because you're scared of how they might react? Listen Damien, I cannot be mad that they'll suspect me because if I were in their shoes, I would suspect me too so instead of worrying about such a trivial situation, you should rather worry about the lives that we can save if you create awareness and also shake up the bastards behind all this," she replied and Damien scoffed at her cluelessness.
"You said your aim is to prevent another fight between us, right? You want things to settle quickly, don't you? Well, let me just put this out there that the minute I announce this, not only will all that be much more difficult to achieve but you will immediately be in danger. I'll do my best to protect you as best as I can but once you're out of my sight, I cannot help you but if you say you're ready to deal with the consequences of being blamed and possibly harassed, then, goodluck to you Kira," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant, although deep down, he really wished she would agree to lay low instead.
"If your idea of protecting me is keeping me locked up in this vicinity and keeping your men around me like you did when I first got here, then, no thank you Alpha Damien, I do not need your protection and just so you know, it's gonna be really difficult for your people to do anything to me. I'm not some powerless girl that needs to be protected Damien. I can take care of myself," Kira said confidently, visibly displeased with his idea of protecting her.
"I don't mean to interrupt you two, but we have a situation that needs addressing and we still haven't come up with a way to actually get to them. We may be creating awareness which is fine but there's no assurance that they'll get caught. We need to do something to trigger a direct reaction from them," Draco chimed in as soon as he noticed that both Kira and Damien were about to divert.
"How about we spread misinformation?" Damien suggested out loud, earning curious stares from both Kira and Draco.
"A misinformation? How's that gonna help?" Kira asked.
"As soon as we tell people about the deaths, we can also inform them that we have leads on catching the murderers and create a rumor that they'll soon be caught. With what we have now, we can at least paint a picture of them and allow the rumors to spread and get to them. If they hear that they're about to get caught, it could trigger fear in them and as you know, there is no perfect crime and the second they start to think they could get caught, they'll start to act recklessly and make visible mistakes and we'll be here to finally nab them as soon as we can," he explained.
"What rumors are we gonna spread Damien? We don't even know much about them aside from how they kill people. Anything else is just us assuming and they would know we're lying if our rumors don't end up fitting their descriptions," Draco said, not exactly buying the idea.
"It's not that serious Draco. We know we're lying and it's okay if they think we're bluffing too. The point of the rumor isn't to make them think we know what they are, it's to make them think we're close to knowing what they are so they can start acting out in an attempt to secure their safety. All we have to do is make use of the obvious information we have on them and use that to trigger them," Damien explained and Kira scoffed out of nowhere, earning a displeased glare from Damien.
"Is there a reason you scoffed, miss Kira? Do you not agree with the idea? Do you have a better one?" Damien drawled with an irritated look on his face.
"Well, it's not like I don't agree with your idea, I'm just surprised that somewhere in that head of yours, you actually have good ideas. I was starting to think Draco did all the thinking and the only thing you did was scream orders and throw tantrums when things don't go your way," Kira replied and Damien fumed whilst Draco's hand immediately flew over his mouth to suppress his laugh.
"I thought we decided to stop being petty towards each other Kira? What the fuck is your problem?" Damien asked, wondering why she was being so mean to him.
"My problem is you, you idiot! If only you just get the fuck away from my face and never show yourself to me, my life would be ten times better but of course, you just have to be in my face and irritate me every fucking second of the day!" she yelled furiously, taking both Damien and Draco by surprise.
"What did I do now?" Damien asked, still in shock.
"Is this meeting over Draco?" Kira asked, ignoring Damien's question.
"We just need to set a day for the announcements," Draco muttered.
"Goodluck with that then. Just let me know what day you guys choose so I'll be there," Kira replied, throwing a death glare towards Damien before attempting to walk out of the room but is stopped by Damien.
"Excuse us Draco," Damien instructed in a serious tone and Draco, without wasting any time, disappears from the room as soon as he could.
"Why the fuck are you holding me back?" Kira hissed, trying to struggle out of Damien's grip on her hand.
"I'm really trying to understand why you're still mad at me Kira. I thought we settled things between us?" Damien asked and Kira scowled.
"Do I look like I'm mad at you? I just want to get back to my room and go to bed," Kira hissed, finally struggling out of his grip.
"You and I know that's a lie Kira. It's obvious you're mad at me," he replied insistently.
"Think whatever you want Damien, I don't care!" Kira fired back and turned to leave but Damien stopped her again.
"I'm sorry Kira. For whatever it is I did or said wrong, I apologize," Damien said, hoping his apology would help ease the situation.
"Whatever Damien, just leave me alone, I beg of you," Kira replied calmly and Damien watched as she walked out of the room with a confused and unhappy look on his face.