Chapter 2
Elaina awoke the next morning feeling the battle from the night before.
Inching slowly out of bed her body screamed at her insisting that she just stay put, which she wanted to do, but knew that she couldn’t.
Ignoring the protests she took a quick shower and changed into jeans and t-shirt then hurried downstairs following the smell of coffee wafting through the living room from the kitchen, beckoning her forward.
“Morning.” Charise called not turning around from the smoothie she was throwing together. “I made you some coffee.”
Grateful Elaina helped herself to a cup and sat at the table.
As usual Charise was already dressed for work sporting black pants, a simple white shirt, and red apron. Her unruly brown hair piled atop her head.
Charise worked as a barista at a local coffee bar on the strip, even though she didn’t need the money she insisted it made her feel a little more normal.
Elaina had been confused by that, but Charise was different. She enjoyed the battle and even took pleasure in it occasionally, but she also enjoyed acting like a normal woman in her early twenties.
Unlike Elaina, Charise hadn’t chosen this life; her parents had chosen it for her and with some major persuasion from Elaina, Charise had agreed to follow in their footsteps and train to be a warrior as well. Where Elaina hoped that the battling never ended, Charise hoped that one day it would and she could live a peaceful life with a family. Something Elaina knew that she never wanted.
“Late night?” Charise asked curiously, finally turning.
Elaina shrugged, “Yeah, you know the usual terrifying dreams and then an encounter with a messenger from the dark brothers.”
Charise’s eyes grew wide, “You got a message from the dark brothers? Why didn’t you come get me? Are you hurt?”
“Woah.” Elaina said, holding up her hands. “Obviously I handled it just fine, I’m sitting here talking to you aren’t I?”
“True.” Charise eyed Elaina curiously. “How did you manage that anyway?”
Elaina sighed, “I had a little help to be honest. This guy showed up right before I became a kabob.”
“A man?” Charise asked, raising an eyebrow. “Possibly a cute man?”
“Why do you always have to ask that particular question? Why does it matter if he is cute or not? He was insulting and totally full of himself.” Elaina said simply.
“Insulting how?” Charise pushed obviously wanting every detail.
“He called me a stupid little girl and told me to go home and let the big guys handle the beast fighting.” Elaina huffed, sitting her coffee cup down.
Charise didn’t take her eyes off Elaina, “Did he say it like that or are you being over dramatic?”
“I might have added some things to that, but it was pretty much the same thing.”
Elaina realized that her cup was empty and stood to pour herself another.
Charise continued watching her as if she had grown a second head.
“Why are you staring at me?” Elaina asked impatiently, whirling around.
“Aren’t you just in the slightest bit interested as to how this man magically showed up, since you didn’t know who he was? He is obviously not part of the Eastern brethren.” Charise looked very interested in the mystery that was this strange man.
“I’m not interested in anything about him.” Elaina said indignantly, sitting back down. “He was rude, arrogant, and thought that women aren’t capable of fighting in battle alongside men.”
Charise licked her lips. “Arrogant and a hero, I would really like to meet this guy.”
Elaina sighed defeated, getting up she rinsed her coffee cup out and sat it in the sink. “Good luck with that, I have no idea where he is or where he came from.”
Elaina stormed out the kitchen, but not fast enough to not hear Charise call after her. “You never answered my question.”
Elaina turned, “What question was that?”
“Was he good looking?” Charise called back.
Not bothering to respond, Elaina slipped on her boots and headed out. After her run in last night she planned to pay a visit to the brothers in order to get answers from them.
The sky outside was a bright perfect blue, the smell of autumn’s arrival evident in the breeze. Taking in a deep breath Elaina began walking.
When Elaina arrived at the institute Brother Benjamin stood at the gate to greet her.
She had sent word ahead to let them know she was coming. Brother Benjamin smiled brightly at her, his wrinkles prominent on his face.
He had been one of Elaina’s main caretakers growing up, he was the closest thing Elaina had to a father.
“Hello Elaina.” Brother Benjamin said as she stepped forward. “What brings you here?”
“I had an interesting encounter last night.” Elaina confessed following Brother Benjamin inside.
“Care to add to that?” Brother Benjamin asked not bothering to look behind him.
Elaina took a deep breath. “I ran into a beast who claimed to be part of the Northern Brethren. He said that he was delivering a message about some type of darkness coming our way. Afterwards he tried to kill me, but I was saved by some man. Who may I add is part of the warriors.”
Brother Benjamin listened quietly and didn’t look surprised when Elaina mentioned the man who saved her.
“That means they have arrived.” He said simply turning and disappearing into an alcove.
Elaina followed ducking between the wall of beads that separated rooms from the main hall. Brother Benjamin sat on a mat at the front of the room and gestured for Elaina to sit across from him.
Elaina obliged, sitting down with her knees gathered below her. She took in the room around them, it was the one she spent many days meditating in.
Sconces sat on either side of the room holding candles that burned brightly illuminating the golden walls all around.
Behind Brother Benjamin sat the statue of Ezra, the first warrior of the brethren, the master sword held securely in his outstretched hand.
The sword had been lost after the battle of darkness, most thought it had been destroyed along with Ezra, although others believed the dark army had secured it and were planning on using it against them one day to get revenge.
“Who has arrived?” Elaina asked now. “You called on the other warriors of the brethren?”
Brother Benjamin simply nodded, “As you know it is very unusual for things to be so calm, we fear that the dark brothers may be gathering all their forces in preparation for an attack.”
Elaina let out a breath, “Are you sure they simply just haven’t finally started to all die off? There’s no way that there are that many demons and beasts.”
“For every one warrior we have there are at least a thousand beasts Elaina.” Brother Benjamin responded gravelly. “They are made when the warriors are born.”
“That can’t be true.” Elaina whispered quietly. “We are so little in numbers, how can there be that many?”
“It is the way of the world.” Brother Benjamin said simply. “As for this other warrior you ran into, tell me more about him.”
Once again Elaina recounted her encounter with the arrogant warrior who berated her simply for being a woman. She tried to keep her voice even and not show Brother Benjamin just how much she disliked the man, as a warrior she was supposed to give nothing but respect to the other warriors she encountered, although the man hadn’t bothered showing her any respect.
“He did not introduce himself to you?” Brother Benjamin asked curiously.
Elaina shook her head, “No, but I didn’t really give him the chance.” She admitted lamely. “I got mad and left.”
Brother Benjamin gave her a disapproving look, making Elaina feel like a child in training again. Each time she let her anger get the best of her and let her guard down whichever brother that was training her at the time would give her a look of disapproval that made her feel like she had let them all down.
Elaina squirmed under Brother Benjamin’s gaze wanting nothing more than to get up and leave, but knew that she couldn’t do that, it was the most disrespectful thing she could do.
After what felt like hours, brother Benjamin finally spoke, “We are having a gathering tonight, a way to introduce our warriors to the visiting ones. Hopefully this time you will show more respect Elaina.”
“Yes Brother Benjamin.” Elaina said defeated.
“Now, go ahead home child.”
Elaina nodded and stood. She bowed slightly to brother Benjamin before hurrying away.
“A gathering!” Charise squealed brightly. “I hope there are at least some cute warriors, I’m so bored of all the ones we have here.”
“Only because you have already made your way through them.” Elaina noted.
She stood in front of Charise’s full length mirror moving a black dress with a v-neck top in front of her and then a baby blue one that fell to her knees, but seemed more presentable from side to side.
When Elaina had told Charise about the get-together that night, Charise had insisted that she borrow one of her dresses. Despite a lot of protesting Charise had ended up winning and was now holding her hostage until she was absolutely sure that Elaina looked like a real woman.
Charise herself had already changed out of her work uniform and into a violet number so short it could be considered inappropriate, that hugged her figure nicely, sure to catch the eye of quite a few of the Northern warriors men.
“I don’t know.” Elaina quipped, continuing to move either dress from side to side. “I don’t really feel like either of these suit me very well.”
Charise rolled her eyes, “You don’t think any dress fits you very well.”
True, but Charise was making a big deal out of nothing.
“Tell me again why my normal meeting clothes aren’t good enough for this gathering?” Elaina said, throwing the dresses down in frustration.
When the Brothers usually called a gathering of the warriors they were required to wear all black, black shirt, slacks, and boots. Simple, easy enough to throw together and go, but Charise had insisted that this gathering was different.
She had spoken with her parents and they said it was going to be somewhat of a banquet with eating and dancing, a celebration of the two groups coming together. That had set Charise off and when she got started she was most certainly a force to be reckoned with.
“You don’t have anything a little more modest?” Elaina asked, sitting on the edge of Charise’s bed.
Charise sighed and disappeared into her closet.
Elaina watched as articles of clothing came flying out as Charise dug around trying to find something to make her happy.
At one point Elaina saw a pair of men’s pants come flying out, but decided to keep her mouth shut. What Charise did was really none of her business, they were both adults and could do whatever they wanted after all.
After a large pile of clothing had formed in the middle of the room Charise appeared holding a simple grey cotton dress with a scoop neck. She hurled it at Elaina and demanded she put it on.
Sensing Charise’s mood Elaina disappeared into the bathroom and did as she was told.
The dress really didn’t look bad on her, it hugged her hips and chest just right, but not enough to really draw attention to herself. It was a little short, but not something that would make her terribly uncomfortable.
As Elaina stepped out of the bathroom Charise let out a whistle and started catcalling.
Elaina found a pillow and flung it at her which set Charise into a laughing fit.
“Now, sit so I can do your makeup.” Charise demanded pulling out her vanity chair.
“Wait what?” Elaina asked, eyes wide.
“You said nothing about having to wear makeup.”
Charise sighed, losing her patience with her best friend. “This is kind of like a ball, you remember the ones we were always told about as kids?”
Elaina nodded, “Yes, but what does that have to do with me wearing makeup?”
“Just let me do what I do best.” Charise insisted, pulling out a compact.
Closing her eyes Elaina let Charise attack her face and then without any warning she went after her hair.
Elaina tried to protest, but Charise simply quieted her with a huff.
“Open your eyes.” Charise clapped finally done. She stepped back and examined Elaina smiling proudly. “You look fabulous.”
Elaina opened her eyes and turned so that she could face herself in the mirror.
A gasp escaped her lips as she stared at the stranger before her. Charise had managed to define her dark waves so that they surrounded her face even more than usual and fell gracefully down her back and shoulders. Her face looked like it was made of porcelain, very fair except for the rosey spots on her cheek bones. Her eyes were surrounded by silver making the blue pop even more and her eye lashes looked full and long shadowing her much too wide eyes.
Dizziness overtook Elaina making her collapse back in her chair, tears threatening to start spilling.
“What’s wrong?” Charise asked worriedly. “Are you ok? Do you feel sick?”
“It’s like looking at my mother.” Elaina whispered, refusing to look at her reflection again. “I look just like her.”
Charise placed a reassuring hand on Elaina’s shoulder. “Your mother would be so proud of the woman you have become Elaina.”
“Do you think so?” Elaina asked sniffling.
“Of course.” Charise said. “You’re beautiful, strong, and a pretty badass warrior, what isn’t to be proud of?”
Elaina considered this and then smiled, “I am pretty bad ass huh?”
“And full of yourself I forgot that part.” Charise said laughing. “Now come on or we are going to be late for this gathering.”
Elaina nodded while standing then looked down at her feet which were still bare. “You don’t happen to have some shoes I can borrow, do you?”
Charise smiled one of her devious smiles, “Of course I do.”