Chapter 5: Logan Past
“Come on honey, one more push, and the baby will be out,” a male voice said while the woman screamed and growled in agony as she kept pushing. Each push was worse than the last one. The woman had her legs propped up as holds on to the rail on the sides of the bed. “Doctor, how much longer?” the man asks.
“Not too long, Alpha, I can almost see the head; keep going Luna, you're almost there, “The female Doctor said.
Alpha was at the side of his Luna bed consoling her; seeing how much pain she was in. it was hurting him on the inside that he wished that he could find some way to ease away the pain for her. That when he realized that giving birth was not easy for women, and he really must appreciate his Luna even more because she is fighting will all her might to bring his seed into this world. “Come on Luna, the head is out; I need one more big push,” the doctor said. With everything she had inside of her, the Luna took a deep breath and gave a big growl; that growl was so loud that it shook the windows in the room; she gave the most significant push of her life, she did not stop till she heard a sound of crying. A sound of relief escaped her mouth, and she lay back. The doctor took the baby out of the room so she could get the baby clean up.
Alpha led over to his Luna and kissed her on the lips, and said, “I’m proud of you
Lina, you made me the happiest man ever.”
Lina was exhausted from all of the pushings that the only thing she could do was crack a smile. “Eugene, did you see how our baby looked? “She asks, trying to sit up.
“Yes, I could only see a little bit of the baby before the doctor took the baby out so she could clean the baby,” Eugene said.
“I can’t wait to see the baby, I wonder it’s a girl or boy? Lina asks.
Before Eugene could say something, they were interrupted by the sound of the door being open, as the doctor walked in with the baby wrap in a white blanket and had a pink and blue cap on the head. “Alpha, Luna would you like to say hi to your baby boy,” the doctor said smiling while headed over to them. She handed the baby to Alpha Eugene; once the baby was in his arms, Eugene shed a tear from his eye as he looked down at his baby boy; seeing his eyes open a little bit put a smile on his face. It was an incredible feeling to know that you help create life.
His trance was interrupted when he heard his name being called, “Eugene, I want to hold the baby.” Lina said. Eugene carefully hands the baby over to Lina. Once
Lina got a hold of the baby, she could not help but cry with tears of joy; once she saw the baby open his eyes and crack a little smile, she could help but grin. She looked up at Eugene and said, “I believe I have a name for the baby.”
“Ok, what do you want to call him?”
“I want to call him Logan,” Luna said.
Alpha Eugene stood there and thought for a minute about the name's sound, and then he let out a smile. “Logan, it should be.”
“Logan Xavier Winchester, you come inside and clean your room,” His mom said, calling him from outside.
“I’ll do it later, mom; I want to keep playing with my friends,” Logan replied while standing in the middle between his two friends Julian and Simone, as they played their favorite game called to catch a wolf. Before Lina could respond, a booming voice said, “You dare to talk back to your mother?” Lina turned to see that
Eugene was standing there with an angrier in his eyes, which made both Logan and his friends fear him. In Eugene's eyes, one thing about being an Alpha is dominant at all times; just as he respects people, he demands respect. Another reason people fear him is that Eugene, who stands about 6’4, is very muscular with nice caramel skin and light green eyes; when Eugene becomes mad, they will become dark with a glow. The most important thing he wants to influence in Logan's life is to respect people, and the rest will fall into place.
“Sorry, Dad, Logan said while looking down at his feet.
“You need to apologize to your mother, Logan, for the disrespect that you have brought upon her,” Eugene said with anger.
“I’m sorry Mom, it wants to happen again” Logan said sadly.
“Look here my son, you are the future Alpha. And one thing that we taught you is to respect yourself and others around you, that includes your mother and me.” Eugene hinted.
Seeing Logan giving those sad puppy gray eyes, Lina could not help feeling bad for her son; seeing him standing there looking like he was about to cry just made her feel even worse inside. In her eyes, she does not see a 10-year-old; she still sees that precious baby that she gave birth to and held in her arms every night.
“Eugene, it’s okay; you know kids are going to be kids, but in his case, boys will be boys,” Lina said.
“That’s not the point Lina, if you spare the rod, you spoil the child. And we will not accept this type of behavior because if we do, he will never learn from his mistakes. And also, he would never be able to lead this pack in the future if he continues to go down this path of rebellion,” Eugene indicates.
“I agree with you Eugene, let’s not be too hard on him; after all, he’s still our son,” Lina utters.
“Okay, if you insist,” Eugene stated, with a grin, then he stared at Logan, that is still looking at the ground. Knowing that his son was frightened of him, Eugene headed over to approach him, and when he did, he spoke, “Logan, I’m sorry for raising my voice at you, but you know you were wrong for disrespecting your mother.”
“I know dad, and I’m sorry again,” Logan responds.
“It’s not me that needs an apology; it’s your mother, I do want you to apologize to her again, and this time give her a sincere apology. Remember, your mother is the reason that you came into this world; if anything, you owe your mother the most up respect, now go and do what your mother told you to do,” Eugene stated.
“Yes sir,” Logan replies, heading over to his mother to embrace her and do what his father told him.
Eugene turns to Julian, and Simone and speaks: “It’s time for you two to head on home; you two have your first training in the morning along with Logan, so rest up; you going to need it.”
“Yes, Alpha,” they both said and nodded before taking off. “Julian tells your dad that we need to meet later on tonight to discuss pack business.” Eugene sighed.
“Ok, Alpha, I will let him know, “Julian shouted.
Eugene turns around to head back into the house once inside, he shouts “Baby, where are you?”
“I’m in the kitchen cooking,” Lina said.
Eugene headed towards the kitchen, and when he entered, he saw that Lina had her back turned to him; there at the sink, she was washing vegetables, she was planning on chopping them up to make a salad to go along with dinner. Eugene approaches Lina, wraps his arms around her waist, and then kisses her on the neck where his mark is. Lina's body begins to shiver with excitement that Zelda keeps purring and running in circles with the kiss.
“Lina, you know I can’t resist this affection,” Zelda said.
“I know Zelda, Eugene loves to turn me on from time to time; I’m about to go crazy now,” Lina responds.
Lina turned around and wrapped her arms around as tongues collided, which ran shocks through each other's bodies. Before they could venture more, they heard Logan said: “Mom, I’m done cleaning my r- ew, can you two get a room.” Eugene and Lina broke the kiss and laughed at Logan's comment. “Logan, how about you set the table? Dinner will be ready in a minute,” Lina responds.
“Ok, mom” Logan went to retrieve the plates, silverware, and cups. Heading out into the dining room, Lina went back towards the kitchen sink, grabbed a knife from the dish rack, and cut vegetables into a bowl. Eugene walks over and whispers in Lina's ear, “Tonight, we are going on a run, so we can finish what she started.”
“I hope you and Zeus are ready because Zelda and I are purring our hearts out, and my pussy is throbbing right now.” Lina sighed.
Eugene faces turned red all over; before he could say more, the bleep of the oven went off, meaning that dinner was ready. Lina headed over to the stove there, she took the roast and dinner rolls that were on the stove, and she went into the cabinet and brought out a long-serving plate; she lay it on the counter and grab a knife, and began cutting the roast into pieces and placing them on the serving plate. Eugene went into the refrigerator and grabbed the picture of Lemonade and from there, he put it on the counter and went into the cabin, grabbed a small blue bowl, and began placing dinner rolls on the table. Once done, he gathered the bowl and the Lemonade picture and looked over to Lina, and said, “I’ll see you out there”.
“Ok, be out there in the minute,” She states.
Eugene walked out of the kitchen and headed into the dining room where the table was; Logan had set up the table with plates, cups, and silverware. Eugene places the Lemonade and bowl of dinner rolls in the middle of the table. Eugene went to sit at the head of the table, look over to see that Logan was looking at his comic book. Within minutes Lina came out the food and set it on the table. It was roast, mashed potatoes, salad, and of course, dinner rolls. Lina began fixing plates; she handed the first one to Eugene and then Logan, and she made her plate last while eating. Eugene looked over to Logan and uttered, “Logan, I forgot to tell you, starting tomorrow, you and your friends start training at 6 a.m.
“6 a.m., come on dad, that’s too early; I want to sleep in and watch cartoons,” Logan replied.
“Logan, you are the future alpha of this pack, and one of the benefits of becoming an alpha is training. Because whenever we must go to war, you have to learn how to protect and lead this pack into victory. So, like I said you better go to bed early, and be ready for tomorrow” Eugene said.
“Logan, your father is right, this is one of the responsibilities of becoming an alpha. I honestly believe you are going to become a good alpha” Lina said smiling.
“Ok, if you say so mom” Logan stated.
After everything was final, there was silence. After dinner, Eugene was getting ready to head out the door to meet up with Mitchell Woods, his Beta, for a meeting. Before he could leave, he kissed Lina on her forehead and embraced her; from there, Eugene whispered in her ear, “Be ready when I come back” he headed to the doorway.
Lina blushed, putting her hands to her mouth; as she watched Eugene leave out, she turned in the direction where Logan, was, which was on the couch. She spoke, “Logan time for bed.”