CHAPTER 2 - Secret Crush
Ira's pov -
Everyone is just asking me about the love of my life. Even the media also asks the same question in interviews. I am fed up. I am just 23 then why is everyone busy with my love life? I don't get it. It's not that I also don't want someone in my life with whom I can share my sorrow and happiness.
But I also can't trust anyone randomly as I experienced bitter things in my past life. But whom I explain; because it's a secret of mine. I can't share with others that I am not interested in boys. And in this society, it's not possible to bring this kind of reality. So, I prefer to zip-lock my lips. And I almost left the hope to get someone.
But I hope someday someone will be with me who will know me and also understand me. But I know it won't be easier as our society won't accept it. That's why I avoid hanging out with anyone without Arif. He is my buddy and I can trust him. That's why I appointed him to my expense area because I know he will keep my trust.
And today he also asked me about the same thing. Let's see what is waiting for me. Where are you, my soul?
Aayana's pov -
This account manager I just hate. He always puts all of his work on me and I also can't say anything because I need this job for my family. It's not like I can't change this job but I don't want to because I don't want to stay away from her; though I am not close to her at least I can see her daily.
When I was 22 I first saw her in a TV interview. At that time she was just 20 and she established the most successful fashion house TREND and that time I was also a student of MBA, so, I took the opportunity of being an intern on TREND. On the 2nd day of my internship period, I saw her for the first time live.
She was so kind to her employees which took my heart. And Her charm is another level; how she talks, how she looks, how she walks. Everything is just awesome. And from that day I started working hard because I wanted to join here. I know she hasn't seen me yet though I have been her team member for 2 years. As I am in the accounting department and the owner doesn't have direct work with a junior accountant.
So, I am working hard so I can get a promotion but this Account Manager; put his brother-in-law in my deserving place as Senior Accountant. So, I hope that someday I can meet her face to face. I wonder how my name will sound when she will take my name. I know she is the moon and it's tough for me to reach her.
And I also dunno how she feels about girls. But I have a crush on her. Even though crush is a small word I think my soul is to her. I wish she would also find something special to me. I love you, Ira. In these thoughts, I was checking her Instagram profile. I love her lips. God gives the perfect shape to those.
Actually, in a small word, she is so sexy. The perfect word is only made on her. I just want to touch those lips. I want to see the blinks of her eyes in front of me. I love to do those in my dream. Though never couldn't for real and it's not possible in the far future too. Though I can't touch her but please God at least let me see her once from closer. My yearning, will it ever be turned into reality? Will I be able to see her from closer?
All of a sudden the account manager is screaming like an insane person about why I stopped work. I mean seriously who allowed him to be born on the earth as a human; of course God but he should be a pig. The wrong comparison, I think the pig is much better than him. Bloody moron. I hate him. Nope, hate is less to express, I wish there were more words on this.
So, I just look at him and start my work in the thought of my Ira, my love, my soul.
Ira's pov -
It's 12:30 pm and I just completed two continuous meetings and I'm feeling so tired with fever. I forgot to take medicine last night and now I'm getting the result. Actually bitter results. I know if this will be known to Sana; she is going to scold me very badly so I skip to let her know and take a Paracetamol BP to get little relief.
Though Sana is my doctor, she is like Arif to me. I just love her and she is the only person who knows that I am gay. And I know my secret is safe to her. For the last 2 years, I have been suffering from a blood infection.
That's why I am under her observation but I don't like to take medicine; I told her several times what she will do because if I skip medicine I get sick. The last time when I skipped medicine, I suffered from a high fever for 1 week and in 2 years I skipped medicine for the 2nd time, I know history repeats. Hopefully, I won't face that again then Sana will kill me.
As I have almost 1 hour for the next meeting, so I set an alarm at 1:20 pm and take a quick nap in the personal room of my cabin. Hopefully, this quick nap gives me relief. Otherwise, it will get tough to do anything else. Let's see what happens with this drama fever. Can't this fever just go? I don't like this fever. Shameless fever, an uninvited guest to all. Hahahaha. I am laughing alone at my bad joke.