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Chapter 01

What If I Marry His Uncle?


A harsh slap landed squarely on Cassie Brooks' cheek.

""Seriously? Olivia's been leading a tough life for more than two decades. Now that she's finally back home, you actually wanna steal her man? Have you no shame?"" roared Helen Brooks, Cassie's mother.

""Mom, Arthur's my boyfriend. Olivia's the one trying to steal my man. How could you blame me?"" Holding her stinging cheek, Cassie stared at Helen in disbelief.

She had just returned from a business trip, only to discover her boyfriend Arthur Lewis screwing Olivia Brooks, her long-lost sister who had returned a while ago.

Worse still, Olivia was sitting atop Arthur, rocking her hips forward to take more of him in Cassie's nightie.

Stung by the sight, Cassie burst into the room, dragging them out of bed. Just as she was about to grill them about when their affair had started, Helen, having heard the commotion, smacked her right across the face.

""Mom, stop blaming Cass,"" Olivia pleaded, her face awash with distress. ""It's my fault. I should never have returned...""

Arthur, steadying Olivia, piped up, ""Cass, I've always thought of you as my family. Sorry if it causes any misunderstanding. Actually, Olivia's the love of my life.""

Something snapped inside Cassie, almost knocking the breath out of her.

'Family? You once told me that you loved me!

'When we were in love, we had even had our future planned. You promised you'd hold a grand wedding for me, and we'd have three babies...

'And now, you cheated on me and even tried to deny the sweet memories we've had!'

""Shut up!"" Cassie had enough of his bullshit. ""Arthur, you make me sick!""

Helen, with a face full of disgust, scolded her, ""You hear that? He never liked you. Why can't you be a bigger person and let Olivia be with him?""

Cassie couldn't believe her ears. ""Why should I?""

She was not so magnanimous as to sacrifice her love just like that!

Helen went on, ""Olivia's been going through hell for so long. We gotta do everything we can to make it up to her. Your father and I have agreed on letting her get engaged to Arthur. And we're giving her 80% of the company shares.""

Cassie trembled. She glanced at the mean Helen, the silent Arthur, and then at Olivia, who was snuggling up to him. Suddenly, she felt like the biggest joke ever.

These were the people she cherished most, yet now every single one of them sided with Olivia. While Cassie busted her hump for the company, Olivia effortlessly took her shares and boyfriend away.

Tears slid down Cassie's face. After wiping them away with force, she turned and bolted.

The sound of hurried footsteps followed. It was Arthur who caught up and grabbed her hand. ""Cass, you know I'm in a tough spot. My dad's got a love child, and my bigwig uncle looks down on me. If I can't get your family's support, I won't be able to compete for my family's assets. Cass, I wanna give you a good life.""

""How are you gonna do that when you're getting engaged to Olivia?"" Cassie retorted, ""You want me to be a mistress?""

Arthur conceded guiltily, ""Sorry for putting you through this, Cass.""

Cassie was literally pissed. She hurled her handbag at his face and hissed, ""Scram!""

With that, she got into her Maserati and thundered away.

When Cassie's BFF Laura Miller rushed to Bar S1897, Cassie had already downed a whole bottle of red wine.

""Just in time. Join me. I've ordered a lot, and we're not leaving until it's finished,"" Cassie slurred, her face etched with defeat.

On her way over, Laura had already heard about the whole story.

""Arthur is such a scumbag!"" She exploded with anger. ""You two have known each other since childhood, got together right as you came of age. Anyone who knows you two thought you'd tie the knot. Now that he's with Olivia, it's literally turning you into a laughingstock. And your parents, geez! They're just downright biased towards Olivia!""

Cassie clenched the wine bottle. ""They think she has had it so hard out there and now that she's back, they wanna give her the best of everything.""

Laura exclaimed, ""But you're their daughter, too!""

Cassie gave a bitter smile. ""Now that she's back, I'm yesterday's news. My parents always told me they'd marry me off to Arthur when I grew up, yet now they're asking me to hand him over to Olivia. And Arthur that damn jerk! He promised to stay by my side forever, and then all of a sudden, he fell for someone else. I hate him...""

Her words trailed off into sobs, and she took another hefty swig of wine.

Fearing Cassie would drink too much, Laura sought to distract her, so she glanced around the bar. Unexpectedly, Laura spotted a familiar figure.

""Hey, look over there!"" She nudged Cassie and pointed towards a man sitting in the corner.

The man was sharply dressed, exuding elegance, totally out of place in this setting. He was reclining on a couch with his eyes closed, the roaming light fleetingly and mysteriously illuminating his wild yet classy profile.

Cassie shot him a glance and then withdrew her gaze. ""I ain't got no mood for that, however charming he is.""

""I was just gonna tell you that he's Joseph Hernandez, Arthur's uncle,"" Laura blurted out.

Cassie paused, ""You sure?""

""No cap. I saw him at a reception with my brother. They say he's young but extremely capable.""

It occurred to Cassie that Arthur did mention his influential, mysterious uncle. According to him, Joseph had been managing companies overseas and had returned only recently. Arthur had tried several times to meet up with him, hoping for some help, but got cold-shouldered instead. That was why Arthur sought backup from Cassie's family instead.

An idea floated into Cassie's mind, and her eyes lit up.

""So, what if ... I marry this Joseph guy?""

Laura almost choked in shock. ""What?""

Cassie grinned mischievously, ""Since Arthur has betrayed me, then I might as well hook up with his uncle. If I marry that guy, I'll be someone way out of Arthur's league!""

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