Chapter 3: Meeting Carter Part 3

She slowly peered up and her mouth fell open at the back wall and how it overlooked the city. A gorgeous rose gold desk sat in front of the window with a glass top. The chair had a rose gold frame with a white leather cushion. A matching seat sat in front of it. A black desk phone sat on the desk with a stack of books and a computer. A file holder in rose gold sat with some labeled folders in it. The flooring was nice and made from white marble with gold veins running through it. The wall that held the door was made from glass and looked into his office so that she could stare at him all day from her desk. 'What was wrong with her?' She shook the dreamy expression off her face as she heard him walk around her office. Her breath hitched in a gasp as she felt the air whisk off of his form, as he passed her with less than an inch of space.

"All of the usernames and passwords that you would need are in the Drive. If there are any missing, then Adalee should be able to help you. If you have any questions... I have told Adalee that you are to call her with any concerns." Carter stood with his hands behind his back. She turned to face him with her bottom lip between her teeth and her ankles crossed, trying to hide how she squeezed and relaxed her thighs against one another. She desperately needed to cum, and she was near losing her mind. He wasn't helping by being so close to her, teasing her without trying.

"I have one question." Ariana walked up to him as he sat on the corner of her desk, grabbing a blown glass floral paper weight from it. He looked like a Greek God statue sitting on her desk and she wanted to rip his suit off of him. Wanted him to pick her up in his strong arms and bend her over the desk and fuck her in front of all of New York.

"Yes?" Carter stared at her and waited for her to speak to him.

She got closer to him and set her notebook and pencil down beside him with trembling hands. "Why can't I just ask you if I need help? Your office is right there." She pointed behind her shoulder with her thumb.

"I-" Carter sighed and set the glass paper weight down. "I am not entirely sure how to use the software that you use."

Ariana suddenly burst out in a fit of giggles and covered her mouth.

"Do you find this funny?" Carter stared at her with a serious expression and crossed his arms over his chest.

Ariana peered up at him and lowered her lashes, as she picked up the glass paper weight and held it in her hand. Her gaze slowly ran down his emerald toned silk tie to the glass bobble in her hand. He couldn't help but follow her gaze with his own and his breath caught as her honey eyes shot back up and captured his gaze. "No. But I think it's time you learned how to use your own software. How about this? I help you learn your software and you help me-?" Her words came out breathy and she didn't mean for it to. She could no longer hide what he was doing to her, and she gave up as she shifted her thighs against one another.

Carter smirked and softly chuckled. It was a real smile and a challenging one at that. It set her heart on fire and suddenly the room's atmosphere shifted to something darker. She parted her swollen lips and stared at him with a sultry expression. "I don't remember there being a negotiation."

"Well, I'm asking for one now." Ariana rolled her eyes and he caught her wrist, as she tried to walk away. He pulled her back.

"Hang on." Carter watched her trip and fall into him with her hands on his chest. She gasped, a soft whine escaped her lips, and she pulled her hands away after feeling his muscular pecs beneath his suit. Her mind wandered to what he would look like without it, as her eyes slowly ran down to where his thighs met. Carter touched her chin and brought her gaze back up. "What do you need help with?" He removed his finger from beneath her chin and she swallowed hard, losing all of her nerve.

"I- um... fabric store. I mean- My parents own a fabric store and it's not doing so great like it used to, and I thought maybe if you were seen there..." Ariana chewed on her bottom lip, causing his gaze to focus on it.

"What fabric shop do they own?" Carter became curious about what her family did. He never was close with his own and he always loved to hear about others.

"Adam's Sew and Supply. They've owned it since I was little." Ariana softly laughed, as she remembered all of the times she spent there behind the counter. This conversation was a welcome reprieve from what was currently going on between her thighs. "I remember one time when I was three. I was running around the shop. Being silly. I didn't watch where I was going and I got in dad's way. Suddenly it started to snow. I was so excited because it was summer yet here it was snowing around me. It wasn't until dad got upset that I realized he had dropped a bag of batting and I had made a huge mess." She slowly peered up at him in the middle of giggling and saw how the corners of his lips had turned up into a warm smile.

Suddenly a burst of laughter came out of him that shook the desk as he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down at his lap. Her reprieve died within moments of him giving her a genuine smile. "Oh my God... your father must have been furious." He could barely get the words out as he spoke. "If I had done that to someone? My father would have never let me hear the end of it." Carter laughed harder until his stomach hurt.

"Well I did get a good lecture and time out. Mom was even more upset. Batting isn't that cheap. Especially specialty batting." Ariana shook her index finger at him, and he leaned back on his palms and stared at her as he sighed.

"I really needed that. Where were you when I needed someone to make me smile?" Carter lowered his lashes. Ariana chewed on her bottom lip again and shifted her thighs. She needed him. Wanted him. Absolutely wanted to get on her knees and beg for him to use his fingers and tongue in a way that she desperately needed at that moment. If he wasn't going to then she was and she didn't care if he watched.

Her heart was beating fiercely in her chest and her nipples were harder than ever. They brushed against the fabric and every small movement made her have to bite back a quiet moan. The lace of her bra felt too amazing against her sensitive nipples, and she found that she needed him more than before. There was no more hiding the fact that they were pressed against her dress and making themselves known.

She took in a shuddering breath as she slowly walked towards him. Her fingers reached up to move a strand of hair from in front of his eyes and he watched her through his long lashes. His cheeks flushed and his lips were swollen as he slowly wet them with his pink tongue. He searched her face as he took in how aroused she looked. Her body had curves in all the right places, and she lacked the ability to hide what he did to her. He wanted her. Wanted to fuck her on the desk right then. She was ready and willing, and he could easily have her. Have her all to himself, on her knees, servicing his cock like a good submissive.

He watched her with interest and tilted his head slightly as he watched her. His gaze switched between her swollen lips and her eyes as she slowly got closer. Her lips were mere inches from his and he raised his hand to touch her, knowing if he just barely grazed his finger along her neck... she'd come undone. He could tell that she was on the edge by the way her heady scent surrounded them. It only got worse as she got closer to him. Her breathing came out in short pants, and he knew for a fact that one little touch would make her... the office door opened.

Ariana quickly stumbled backwards, and Carter got off of her desk with a groan and fixed his suit. "Adalee?" Carter cleared his throat and Ariana turned to stare at the woman that was standing in her doorway with flushed cheeks.

Her suit was firmly pressed and in a dark crimson color that resembled a warm red wine. Her undershirt was cream in color and a peony brooch sat on her left lapel. She cleared her throat and Ariana fixed her dress as she became self-conscious. His late father's assistant looked so put together and professional, putting Ariana to shame.

"I thought that Ms. Adams may need some help navigating the software." Adalee smiled and stepped further into the room. She walked around them and turned on the computer.

"Right. I'll leave you two ladies to it. Adalee. Can you give Ariana my address please?" Carter backed out of the room and Ariana opened her mouth to say something to get him to stay, but he shut the door before she could.

"So, this is the Drive." Adalee's voice droned on as Ariana walked over to the desk, not really paying attention to what she was saying or doing. Her gaze was lost on Carter, who was busy pacing his office and trying to look like he was doing something important.

She watched him tap on his desk and sit down to organize pens that clearly didn't need to be messed with. Something about it confused her. How he went from being so serious and domineering to awkward and jumbled.

"Ms. Adams?" Adalee pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Right. Yes." Ariana gasped in a breath and turned to peer at the computer screen as Adalee continued to train her.

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