Chapter 8: Do Fill Me In Part 1
Ariana turned to look at Carter and she raised an eyebrow at him. "What did you tell her?"
Carter shrugged with his hands in the pockets of his tight designer jeans and walked away. Ariana ran up the stairs after him and grabbed the back of his olive sweater.
"Don't walk away from me!" Ariana yanked him back and he nearly fell backwards down the stairs.
"You're gonna kill me." Carter caught himself on the banister and peered over his shoulder. "Or is that your ingenious plan?"
Ariana blushed and pouted her lips at him. "It's not my plan! I don't want you dead! Do you think I'm some crazy person? Who just accuses someone of wanting to kill a man for his money?"
Carter was shocked by her reaction. Most women would kill him for it. At least marry him and then find some way to off him so they could collect. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I was joking. Although, I've been told I'm terrible at making jokes." He rubbed the back of his neck and sheepishly smiled.
"Are you awful at all things?" Ariana let his shirt go and gave him an annoyed expression. He was giving her so many excuses.
Carter smirked at her and his gaze suddenly smoldered, sending her heart ramming into her ribs. Her mouth ran dry as she lost all words and she nearly fell down the steps as she stepped back, but he caught her and held her against him. Her hands gripped his biceps, and she felt his muscles flex. Her chest rose and fell with each breath as she got lost in his forest green eyes and how the golden flecks sparked in the lights of his home. "Not all things. I'm really talented at certain things."
Her lips parted and she tried to look away from his gaze, but she found it difficult to do so. Her long dark lashes lowered as she closed her lips and softly smiled. "Certain things?"
"Mm-hm... but I don't think you'd find them to be very interesting." Carter shrugged and helped stand her upright. He chuckled as he became lighthearted again and the heavy atmosphere about him lightened. "You're mighty clumsy."
Ariana huffed as she brushed herself off and let him go. "Not all the time." She murmured under her breath and Carter chuckled as he waved for her to follow him up the staircase.
She followed him into a room that was clearly an office and waited for him to shut the door before she cornered him against a wall of books. He stopped and stared at her with a surprised expression at how random it seemed.
"What are you doing?" Carter searched her gaze as she peered at him with a curious stare.
"My best friend told me something before I came here, and we were drinking so I don't know how accurate it is and my memory might not be the best... But I honestly don't know how to explain what happened yesterday either without, maybe, giving in to believing she was right. I've looked it up. I did some research last night while she was passed out and I want to know what it is about yo... THIS that... Damn it! I can't focus around you long enough to finish my words." Ariana rambled on and on as she stared into his smoldering forest green eyes. She was lost in the way he peered at her through his lashes and crossed his arms over his chest. How he stared at her and stepped one foot to the left to widen his stance as he relaxed into a more natural pose, causing her breathing to hitch for a moment as the vibe between them shifted. Her nipples hardened against her pink shirt and her panties grew wet, as she felt him judging her. It was a feeling that was both concerning and sexy. Like she was this beautiful piece of art, and he was taking it in. Analyzing her and testing what she knew.
"Go on... I'm interested to know what she told you and what you researched after." Carter stared down at her through his long lashes with a hint of a smirk on his lips, showcasing his curiosity. He knew that she knew. He had put enough vibes out there to make it hard to deny.
"She's a vlogger and so she meets people at events and what not and she told me you-" Ariana stopped talking as he ran his fingers up her arm and spun her to be against the bookcase.
Her breath caught as he ran his hand up to her shoulder and along her neck, peering down at her soft skin. He gently caressed her neck, and she became flustered. "Before you speak... I'm going to jump the gun and tell you that anything she has told you is not true."
"You're not... a- um..." Ariana swallowed hard as she reached up on her toes to get closer to his face. Her lips were mere centimeters from his and she had no idea what she was doing.
Carter tilted his head slightly with a smirk as his warm breath teased against her lips. He was too close, but every ounce of her wanted him closer. She gripped his forearms, bracing herself against him as he slowly smirked. "I'm not a what, Ms. Adams? Do fill me in." His voice was dark, seductive, and velvet. He was good at certain things. Very good at certain things.
"A- um... uh-" Ariana couldn't get the words out from between her lips.
"Are you going to tell me, Ms. Adams?" Carter slid his hand up her throat, spreading his fingers along her sensitive skin.
She sighed and tilted her head to the side as she sank against the shelves, and he caught her by placing his knee between her thighs for support. He gently trailed the tip of his nose along her neck and up to her earlobe. "Tell me." His voice was a mere whisper yet was loud in her ear. His soft lips brushed against the shell of her ear, and she was his.
"A Dom." Ariana whined in a quiet tone and heard him softly chuckle as he let her go and backed up from her. She pressed her thighs together as she watched him with parted lips. Her breathing came out in short pants as she gathered what little strength she had left.
"Come with me, please." Carter walked away from her, and she pushed off the shelf on wobbly legs.