Chapter 9
"The only kraken that's ever out there is Karen. She and Jesse go swimming all the time when she's visiting." Mikey took a swallow of his soda, shaking his head as he set it down. "That's why I called when those people went in and didn't come back out. Normally those woods are safe as safe can be. No one is going to do much of anything when they can smell the presence of a kraken. So when I saw Jacob talking to the Moores and then never saw him come back from his run... At first I thought I just missed him. But later that same day, the two women my wife is always chatting with-Bethany and Tanya-did the same damn thing. That was stranger because my wife always goes out to talk to them when they're done. I did the same because Jesse is out of town and I wanted to let them know. I went out a couple of minutes early... and they never showed. That was too strange for me, especially with the Moores acting all funny, actually going out to chat with them and Jacob. They never do that. Jacob is normal, and they've been steadily pushing all the normals out of the area. Beth and Tanya are werewolves, and you know how that goes down with the snobbier crowds." He made a face and finished his soda, then got up to throw the bottle away. "What did the others say, if I'm allowed to know?"
"Not much," Anderson replied. "The Thompsons refused to speak with us, and the Moores wanted us to shoot first and not ask bothersome questions. No one mentioned they spoke to all the victims before they vanished." He took a swallow of his crème soda. "This all seems very sloppy."
"It seems like them," Mikey replied, pulling another bottle from the fridge. This one was marked with a black, white, and bright red label, a discreet gold symbol in one lower corner marking it as government. Lynn's sense of smell was his worst one, but even he could smell blood as the cap was popped. Mikey stuck a straw in it and sucked idly between sentences. "They're always getting rid of people, usually through old-fashioned bullying. We've tried to mitigate where we can, and they've learned the hard way to leave us the hell alone, but it's a losing battle. Most folks don't have the time, money, and power to counter them. Even we're leaving in a few months, and my wife is no one to be trifled with, let me tell you. They're sloppy because they don't care-as long as the mess is out of sight, they're done with it."
Lynn looked up from the reports he'd been skimming as they talked. "Hey, Sparkleson, look at these reports again. The Moores and Thompsons called in to report missing persons and a suspicious kraken almost at dead the same time-just a couple of minutes apart."
"Not necessarily suspicious," Anderson replied. "They could have been talking or something and noticed the weirdness at the same time."
"Reports are almost verbatim."
Anderson rolled his eyes. "Sloppy-like, almost too sloppy."
"I think Mikey is right in that they just don't care. They probably thought we'd show up, confirm a kraken had been around, and go gallivanting off when we realized he'd fled. The missing persons would be blamed on him and they could have carried on with Project Cleanse the Neighborhood a little bit longer. Given they were the only ones to notice and report-so they believe-they look like the good guys. They just didn't bank on an attentive vampire gumming the works. Your report came an hour before theirs and is nothing at all the same. Obviously genuine."
Of course, the unicorns had been watching them as they left, so they were probably aware of a third witness by now and that didn't bode well. Nothing to be done at that point, though, except to forge ahead and be extra cautious.
"Jacob was a good guy," Mikey said quietly. "He was stoked his girlfriend was getting back from a study abroad in Spain. They were going to move closer to her parents at the end of the year, get married. Beth and Tanya were half-sisters, had the same father. Good kids. I hope those stupid assholes get what they deserve."
Lynn smiled, cold and toothy. "Oh, they will, just as soon as we can find evidence to nail them to the wall." He closed the file and stood up. "I think out best bet is the pond."
"Agreed. Let me call in and update the home office because I think we'll want backup on standby when we do bring them in." Anderson pulled out his phone and slipped away into the hall.
Finishing his drink, Lynn carried it to the sink.
"So how long have you two been together?" Mikey asked. "I don't think I've ever seen Anders that sparkly."
Lynn snorted. "We've been partners for all of five hours, if that. If he's sparkly, it's because he's still buzzing from a cupcake and white chocolate mocha."
"The way you two act, it seems longer than that."
"Everybody loves me, what can I say?" Lynn replied. "And who could possibly hate a magical sparkle pony? Well, other than some exes and other unicorns?"
Mikey laughed, but Anderson returned before he could get out the reply he started to voice. "They're sending backup, said they'll move in the moment we give the word."
"Let's get to the pond-lake-whatever it is, then," Lynn replied. He shook Mikey's hand. "Thanks for the help, Mr. Wright. We'll be in touch."
Mikey nodded, then gave Anderson another quick hug before showing them out, ordering them to come for dinner sometime.
They walked in silence until they reached the sidewalk and started back down the street to go past the first house they'd visited and into the woods. "So that's the only ex of yours I've met today who hasn't been hostile."