Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1: Marked By The Devil

Stephanie Decatur is a good girl. She goes to Church, volunteers to help the elderly, and works as a preservation activist. So, what is she to do when a Devil marks her for his own?

Tall, dark, and handsome, Avail Leeds is just your average little Jersey Devil! The millionaire playboy is determined to keep his true nature secret from the prying eyes of the public. Insta-famous for his scandalous lifestyle, one nefarious accusation has him hiding in his tower! Hardly the image for a devil like him, but what's a guy to do when the family lawyers order him to stay put?

Stephanie Decatur has no idea what she's setting herself up for when she comes knocking on the door of the infamous Avail Leeds. The sassy female works for a committee that is trying to stop a development company from tearing down acres of the Pine Barrens for a new strip mall. Short the funds needed to keep the land a sanctuary for local wildlife; she is determined to try her best to secure them. Surely, the wealthy Leeds family can spare some cash for a good cause.

It's the last quarter moon, Avail's Devil is bursting to be let out when he spies the curvy young woman encroaching on his land! It's too late for her to run away once he sets eyes on her. Beast and man agree, this female has been marked by the devil!


Snap! Flash! Snap! Bang!

"Over here! The Dark Prince is by the window!"

Click! Bang! Snap!

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Avail growled. He could feel that secret part of him pushing to be released. Power pulsed through his veins, his beast demanding to be set free, but he fought the temptation.

Snap! Flash! The horde of paparazzi swarmed outside the entrance to the Leeds Foundation, snapping pictures and banging on the polished reinforced glass doors in hopes of catching a glimpse of him. Their prey.

If they only knew. He growled aloud, eyes flashing at the throng below. The man they hunted was not the useless, spoiled playboy they took him for. Avail Leeds was something more. A predator. Not like those uncouth vultures circling with their cameras and cheap shots.

He was the real thing. A creature humankind built into legend with stories of midnight encounters. He snorted a harsh laugh. If only I could show them. Grrrr.

They'd been there since daybreak hoping to get a statement or a picture of him, but Avail had managed to dodge them. He was no stranger to this kind of game. Unfortunately for him. Sigh. They'd dubbed him the "Naughty Dark Prince" years ago, recording his exploits and reporting them with more than a touch of exaggeration, as a constant source of entertainment for normals the world over.

As heir to the Leeds fortune, Avail had been in the spotlight since birth. Especially after his parent's tragic death when he was an infant. His grandparents had brought him up with the finest education and surroundings a boy could have. So, yes, he was known to indulge in a bit of luxury and sport in between his family's foundation and other philanthropic works.

The Leeds family was enormously wealthy. The money had come to the family at first from the land itself. Natural resources like coal and oil had started the family's legacy. Later on, they'd dabbled in manufacturing, then real estate and development. Now the family was known for their charity.

Avail himself had increased their holdings by playing the stock market and investing in several internet start-ups. He certainly had a marvelous head for figures. The mathematical and the female kind.

He gritted his teeth at the reminder. The latter had, once again, caused him this current headache. Women would surely be the death of him, or so his grandmother promised. Often. Oh dear. Grandmother is certain to be angry this time.

"Denise!" Avail groaned his secretary's name as he looked out his office window.

So many of them are here this time. Ugh. He slumped back in his Perigold executive chair. The exotic French walnut was highly polished and smelled of lemons. The seat was made from the leather of a sixteen-point stag that his great-grandfather had taken down himself. He remembered that day.

Hunting with Grandfather was often the best time of his life. After all, he'd taught Avail everything he knew about controlling his inner demons, so to speak. He sure missed the old man.

His darling grandmother ordered the leather made from the buck's skin to be turned into this bit of posh office furniture for Avail when he took over as president of the Leeds Foundation. Conditioned with only the best mixtures of Mink and Neatsfoot oils, the chair was fucking amazing, if he did say so himself. Soft and strong, perfect for his six-foot four-inch, two-hundred and forty-pound frame.

He was certainly grateful for it as he slunk down into the buttery depths and cradled his head in his hands. It was only seven o'clock in the morning. How did those vultures find him so quickly?

"What have you done now?" Why does her voice have to reach that pitch? He cringed.

"Just the usual, Denise," he answered with a grin.

His silk shirt of the night before hung open revealing a large expanse of his muscled chest, evenly covered in a dusting of black hair. It matched the midnight dark strands atop his head that earned him the hated moniker "Naughty Dark Prince".

Of course, if he'd bothered to stay out of the public eye the name would probably be forgotten. Fat chance. Avail couldn't help himself. He simply loved life, women, and parties. Usually, in that order.

He didn't bother to button his shirt or his pants as Denise stomped across the floor in those ridiculous heels she wore. The older woman had seen him in far worse shape. He could use a shower and shave, ooh, and some breakfast.

A bloody steak and half a dozen eggs should do it, but even as he thought it his stomach revolted. Ugh. See what happens when we mix whiskey and magic! His Devil growled inside of him and Avail groaned aloud. The magic had been a bit much, but the little Witch deserved it. Taunting him for not being interested in her obvious wiles.

The glare coming from Denise had him refocusing his attention on the motherly woman. Ouch. She could singe toast with that look! So loving, he thought. His secretary of seven years cared about him. That was nice.

"Well, Denise, I suppose you want to know what happened-"

"Oh, a night of wining and dining the little trust fund baby? What's to know? Did little pookie not like getting kicked out of bed at 3AM?"

Denise Reynolds stood over Avail with a large, steaming mug of his favorite French roast, served black, in one hand. In the other was a large cup of tomato juice and six aspirin. Otherwise he might have growled at her insolence. As if. He loved the crotchety older woman.

Her white hair was sprayed straight up like spindles guarding a castle. The sight was a bit harsh on his poor bloodshot eyes. Yes, he'd had far too good a time last night, but it wasn't with little pookie as much as it was with the whiskey he'd imbibed. And the magic he'd wielded.

It was nearing the last quarter moon and Avail's beastie had been up for some good old-fashioned debauchery. As was the little Witch he'd brought along for the ride. Bambi was a trust fund baby and a Witch. He'd met her at The Thirsty Dog where he'd gone to partake in some booze and dancing, perhaps a little nookie with a stranger.

He thought he'd found the perfect partner for the evening in the wicked Bambi. The woman had been down for just about anything. Including skinny dipping in the frigid Blue Hole which was just a few miles from his home.

He'd used a few tricks with some ancient runes and conjured a little light show while they swam. He'd even allowed his Devil to play a little bit as well. Hoping for a little suck and blow afterwards. Not the card game.

And then it had all gone wrong. Bambi had wanted promises with her sex. That was a serious no in his book. Then the taunting came and out she went. Like a light.


"Oh Denise, what can I say? She wanted more than an evening's entertainment. I simply didn't see us headed that way."

"Well, normally I'd say the girl had standards, but uh, I don't think so."

He stretched as he swallowed his aspirin and downed the tomato juice. Avail held his hot coffee carefully. Denise had a sadistic side and he'd caught her trying to burn his Devil once or twice over the years.

"Humph. How is that too hot for you?" She rolled her eyes and gathered the empty glass as he continued to wait for his coffee to cool down.

"I told you before, I'm not that kind of Devil, Denise," he murmured and sipped the brew as it reached the perfect temperature. Heaven. He continued to sip with his eyes closed ignoring everything but the smooth warm liquid as it slid down his throat.

"Really, Avail? You took that silicone doll to the Blue Hole! Your grandmother is going to be furious with you."

"Yes, yes, I know. Wait, how did you know?" He frowned.

The swimming spot had been shunned by locals for decades, but the Leeds family still enjoyed the crystal-clear waters. They were fed by an underground glacier though some still claim to be baffled by its existence. Whatever.

Still, he knew better than to take a normal to one of his family's private haunts. He also knew better than to use magic in front of anyone. But he'd figured it was alright since Bambi was in fact a Witch. Even better, she had her own money. So he didn't need to worry about her motives. Ideally, she'd been looking for a little light fun on a Friday night. That was all! How wrong he'd been.

"Avail, you need to see this."

"hmm? What?" He turned and looked at the older woman who was staring at the television with her mouth hanging open.

"Pookie took pictures! Ha! Looks like you've finally did it this time. And look, an interview too-"

"Oh fuck! Turn it up!"

"Leedsy is a very naughty boy! Mmm hmm. He fed me whiskey and oysters on a silk sheet by the pool...I tell you the truth I didn't mind spanking him, but the ball and gag was where I drew the line. I like it when my men talk dirty, you know?...Of course, that's true!...Well, he insisted on wearing my thong as a choker...Yes, I'd be willing to go out with him again. He is a big boy after all, and his endurance is divine... I found his size to be more than adequate though his oral skills were slightly exaggerated...but that is nothing compared to what happened afterwards...yeah we both saw him...the actual Jersey Devil..."

For fucks sake! On and on, the insipid woman spewed lie after lie for the next twenty minutes while displaying scenes of Avail swimming while imbibing of the locally distilled artisan whiskey, Devil's Bite, straight from the bottle.

How he loved that fiery smooth alcohol! Mason Lane, his friend and the owner of the distillery, created the label specially for Avail.

The perfect blend of piri piri, or African devil peppers, and burnt sugar, Devil's Bite is distilled and aged for five years in casks created from local oak trees.

Avail had cases of the stuff back at Leeds Mansion. His childhood and now permanent home, as his grandmother was determined to globetrot for the rest of her days. Especially since grandfather was dead and buried.

He hoped this story wouldn't carry to Egypt, where his grandmother was currently spending her time. She deserved. The shrill ring of the telephone snapped him out of his musings.

"Avail here."

"Mr. Leeds, this is Mr. Henries, your grandmother demanded I find you."

"Hello, Henries. Well, I'm at work. so I guess you found me."

"Yes. I figured as much, and I don't need to remind you that the launch of our newest campaign for Leeds Foundation, the one you initiated, to raise funds for at risk youth, begins today."

"You don't need to remind me. Our campaign, Leeds Foundation, Believe in the Future, was my idea as you said, Henries."

"Yes, well, Mrs. Leeds was not a fan of this campaign. Coupled with your latest adventures, I am tasked to advise you that your grandmother is seriously displeased. She suggests you go home, Avail."

"What? But there is a lot to do-"

"Denise will handle it. You are to go back to Leeds Mansion and 'wait out the storm'. Those are her exact words"

"Tell my grandmother that she knows what happens at the end of the week-"

"She is aware." Avail could practically see the blank expression on the lawyer's face through the phone. He'd never quite pinpointed what sort of supernatural the man was, but his loyalty and devotion to the Leeds family had spanned decades, twelve or so to be exact.

"It's almost the last quarter moon, Henries, and I have no intention of staying-"

"Mr. Leeds," his voice deepened, "your grandmother has told me that if you refuse, she shall be forced to defer back to your grandfather's original will. The one where you do not inherit until you have achieved thirty-eight years unless you marry before then. Do you recall the terms?"

"Yes," Avail growled into the receiver, "I recall the terms. Tell Grandmother, not to worry. I am on my way home."

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