Chapter 1: Going Out on TOP
"Oh, my God!" Carissa's hands shook as she read and re-read the words on the card she held. "I got a bid." Her heart raced, and her eyes widened as she glanced up at her best friend and college roommate. "I got a bid!" she shouted.
"Me too!" Tiffany shrieked.
Carissa dropped the card, grabbed Tiffany's hands, and jumped around their room, laughing and squealing with excitement. They'd attended a handful of rush parties and had their hearts set on pledging Theta Omega Pi, which was the most elite sorority at Harmony Falls University. And now they'd been officially invited to pledge.
"I can't believe we both got bids," Tiffany said, out of breath. She pushed her long, dark hair away from her face, then planted her hands on her hips.
Last year, as freshmen, they weren't allowed to pledge a sorority, so they'd spent that time researching various groups, and they'd made a promise to each other: they pledged the same sorority together or not at all.
"I know!" Carissa collapsed onto her bed with a laugh. "This year is going to be so amazing."
"Well, we're not in yet," Tiffany said.
Carissa propped herself on her elbows and rolled her eyes. "There's absolutely no reason we won't get in. Stop being so negative."
"I'm not being negative. I'm being realistic."
"Whatever." She tossed a pillow at Tiffany's head, but she caught it mid-air and hurled it back at Carissa. "I have to call Danny and tell him." She rolled over to reach for her cell phone.
"I thought him and Garrett were moving today."
Carissa groaned. "I keep forgetting they're moving off-campus. Must be nice." She tossed her phone to the foot of the bed, then stood. "I'd give anything not to have to live in this res hall."
Tiffany laughed. "Yeah, right. Like your dad will ever allow that. If he had his way, you'd be living at home right now."
She scrunched her face. "Sooner or later, he won't be able to stop me. I'm mean, I'm already an adult so..." She shrugged.
Tiffany didn't respond other than to give Carissa a disbelieving look. Carissa ignored her friend and busied herself with gathering a towel and her shower caddy so she could start getting ready for tonight. Their first pledge meeting started promptly at 6:00 p.m., which meant she had a little over an hour.
"Hey, I'm gonna run down to the cafeteria and grab some food. Want anything?" Tiffany shoved her phone into her back pocket, her wallet and keys clutched in her hand.
"I'd devour a slice of pizza right about now," Carissa said, opening the door. "Want some money?"
Tiffany waved off her question. "Be back in a few." She disappeared down the hall.
By the time Carissa finished showering and returned to her room, Tiffany was back with food. The enticing aroma of sauce, cheese, and pepperoni greeted her, and Carissa's stomach growled. She set her toiletries on her desk, snatched her pizza, and sank down on her bed with her phone. She took a large bite and moaned at the explosion of flavors on her tongue as she aimlessly scrolled through social media.
"What're you wearing tonight?" Tiffany asked while rummaging around in their shared closet.
"I don't know." Carissa chewed and swallowed another bite. "I was thinking either my black Gucci dress or my red, pleated Chanel skirt with the matching jacket. I have a new tank I can wear with it."
Tiffany spun around. "The Chanel skirt with your Coach sandals." She nodded adamantly. "Then I can wear your black Gucci dress." She grinned.
Carissa laughed. "Deal." She polished off the rest of her pizza, then wiped her fingers on the towel she had wrapped around her hair. Her phone chimed with an incoming text message.
Danny: Hey, babe. Miss you.
Despite all they'd been through last year, his simple texts still managed to brighten her day. If only she didn't question every single word he spoke or sent.
Carissa: Miss you, too. All moved yet?
Danny: Almost. Hang here tonight?
She frowned. Since classes ended last semester, she hadn't seen Danny much. He'd gone home to Maine for the summer, and her father had her on lockdown for two solid months. Other than his intense hatred for her boyfriend Danny, she couldn't understand why her father kept her on such a short leash-she'd done everything he wanted. What more could she do to appease him?
Carissa: Tiff and I got bids to pledge TOP!!! First meeting is tonight. Sorry.
She set her phone down long enough to get dressed and apply light makeup. When she picked up her phone again, she had four new texts.
Danny: I'm happy for you.
Danny: I really am. I know this means a lot to you.
Danny: We haven't spent much time together lately.
Danny: A sorority is a huge commitment. Will you still have time for me? Us?
"Are you friggin' kidding me?" Carissa grumbled, brows pulled down in a scowl.
"What's wrong?" Tiffany shimmied the dress over her hips.
"Danny." Carissa sighed. She read his messages to Tiffany. "I mean, I get he's upset because we haven't seen each other much since the new semester started, but he knows how much this means to me." She shrugged. "I just hoped he'd be a little more supportive."
"We all know how crazy the start of a new semester is, and he's been moving all day. I'm sure he's just stressed and doesn't mean to make you feel bad." She slipped the spaghetti straps over her shoulders. "Danny loves you too much to ever hurt you."
"Yeah, you're probably right. We should go see their new place tomorrow."
"I'm good with that plan." Tiffany smiled.
Carissa composed another text, hoping to calm his fears because she really didn't want to fight with him. And, partly, because she was still carrying around a million pounds of guilt for what she'd done-and for the massive lie she was living. Then again, if Danny hadn't done what he did... She shook the thoughts away. Now wasn't the time to dwell on the mistakes they'd both made.
Carissa: I'll always have time for you. I love you. We'll come over tomorrow and spend the day, ok?
Danny: Ok. Love you too. Call me after your meeting?
Carissa: Ofc.
She added several heart emojis and hit send. Hopefully, when they saw each other tomorrow, things would be fine. They always were better in person than on the phone anyway.