Chapter Two
“Hey Annie, what’s up?
“Not much girly, did you run into the bitch and her posse yet?”
“Of course, she felt the need to tell me that James is hers and that I need to stay away from him, is she for real, I can’t stand the guy, why on earth would I want to be with him. Then she felt like I was trying to challenge her for her future Luna spot. I mean Seriously. She has a couple screws loose.”
“I agree, she needs to have her head checked. I think she goes out of her way to mess with you.”
“You might be right.”
Annie is the one person I can always count on, and she always has my back. Annie is a lot like me, she has the curves like I do, but she is a bit taller than by only a couple inches, she doesn’t get made fun of like I do, but she does get attention from the other guys, but she ignores all the looks, she always says how she is waiting for her true mate, like I am. Her hair is long like mine but much darker, her hair is like a dark brown with blonde highlights and has so many curls throughout, sometimes I wish I had her curls, but I wouldn’t change anything about my hair. She has the lightest brown eyes and a perfectly shaped nose along with perfect pouty lips.
“Come on, Annie let’s get to class before we are late.”
She gives me a nod and we make my way to class.
By the time school is over and I make my way home I am ready for dinner and bed this is going to be a rough year, it's only the first day of senior year, and the popular guys and girls are already out to get me.
I try to keep my head down and keep to myself, but I don’t think even that is going to keep me out of their radar. I manage to make it home without incident, but when I walk in the door, I hear my parents again whispering but this time it's coming from the living room.
I manage to hear my parents in the living room talking about our annual Blue Moon Ball that is going to be hosted at Alpha Robert’s Pack House this year. I’m kind of excited about it because this year I finally get to attend.
“Hey mom, Hi dad. What’s going on?”
“Oh hi, honey, Dad and I are just talking about the Blue Moon Ball this year.”
I know before I even ask that my mom is going to want to make this a big deal.
“What about the Blue Moon Ball?”
My mom gives me a look like she knows that I don’t want to make it a big deal. I’m just not a girl that’s not into all the frilly, fancy stuff.
“So, the Blue Moon Ball you know is coming up in a couple of weeks and we still need to go shopping to find you a proper dress for the event, how about you and I go shopping this weekend to see what we can find?”
“That sounds good mom, but nothing frilly, poufy, or princess style, you know how I feel about those types of dresses.”
“Oh, Alex, calm down honey, IT IS a ball, but you don’t have to wear anything like that, we can find you a very nice, normal dress that is suitable for the ball, don’t worry.”
Huh, don’t worry she says, If I know my mother and I think I do, she is going to try and get me into a dress like the one Belle wore from beauty and the beast. You know that big frilly, poufy yellow thing she danced around in with the beast.
“Okay well, I have a lot of homework to get done before tomorrow for school, if there isn’t anything else we need to discuss, I’d like to head up to my room and think about everything and get started on my homework.”
“Yea sure honey, I will let you know when dinner is ready, but other than dress shopping there isn’t much else to talk about.”
“Okay, sure guys, I’ll be back down later for dinner,”
I yell out as I make my way upstairs to my room to start all this homework that our wonderful teachers decided to give us on our first day back at school, if they gave this much to do on the first day then that means the rest of the year is going to be so much fun, I roll my eyes internally.
As I sit down at my desk and open my books to begin my very exciting amount of homework, I hear my phone ding from across the room on my end table, I turn my chair and stand to walk over and retrieve my phone. It just happens to be a text from Annie.
Annie: Hey Alex today was such an awesome first day am I right? Ha-ha
Me: Oh yes it was wonderful. Ha-ha
Annie: Jackie needs to take that stick out of her ass and get over herself.
Me: Yea no kidding, feel free to tell her that next time you see her.
Annie: Yea, not going to happen, I try to avoid her, so I don’t have to put up with her high and mighty attitude.
Me: Yea I wish I was more successful with that, but she always manages to track me down somehow.
Annie: Just because she’s dating James, she thinks she is Queen Bee. She needs to be knocked down a few pegs.
Me: I agree, but I need to get some of this homework done, I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Xoxo
Annie: Okay see you tomorrow. Xoxo
Once I’m seated back at my desk and I am more than halfway through my assignments for the day I can smell that dinner is ready. So, I make my way downstairs to eat. My mother really knows her stuff, she made her famous spaghetti and meatballs with garlic cheese bread and her homemade spaghetti sauce. I sit down at the table and enjoy a nice dinner with my mom and dad.
“So, dad, how was work today? Any rogues found roaming the border?”
“It was a good day, no rogues today, but you never know when they could show up. How about we head outback after dinner and do some training?”
My dad is the head warrior trainer for the pack, and he has made sure that I am always ready for battle, I can kick ass just as well as any male warrior in this pack. My dad has made sure of that.
“That sound great dad, But I need to finish up my homework for tomorrow first, but after that I would love to do a bit of training. You know I can never pass up an opportunity to kick your butt.”
“Hey now! You will never be able to beat me. I’m head warrior of this pack after all.”
“Yea okay, dad. Whatever you say. We’ll see about that after dinner.”
Mom has to jump in to cut our banter short before we get carried away.
“Okay you two, knock it off and eat your dinner before it gets cold.”
We get back to eating our dinner with little chit chat about our day. My mom makes the best spaghetti with meatballs.
Once We’re done with dinner, I clean off the table and do the dishes then I make my way back upstairs to my room to finish what’s left of my homework and settle my stomach before dad and I head out to do some training.
After my training session with my dad, I make my way inside and decide on a soak in the tub to help relax my muscles before bed, it’s already late and I’m going to have a hard time getting up in the morning, but I don’t want to be sore. So, I make my way into my bathroom and walk to my tub and turn on the water as hot as I can handle it, I add in my hibiscus and vanilla bath salts and essential oils, to help my tense muscles. When I climb in, I can’t help but exhale as all the tension that has built up from the day leaves my body.
After my bath I make my way to my room to get ready for bed. I pull on a black tank top and black booty shorts, I hate sleeping a lot of clothing, I just end getting tangled and can’t seem to be comfortable, so I sleep in as little as possible.
Tomorrow is going to be another glorious day to deal with Jackie and her wannabes. Wondering if tomorrow is going to be better and hoping for the best is the last thing I think of before I start to drift off for the night.