Chapter Seven-His
I knew she was there before the door to my sister's head shop was even closed. I hadn't laid eyes on her, yet I felt her warm presence. The energy felt stronger and more vibrant when she was around. My suspicious side questioned if this was another coincidental meeting or if I had unknowingly become a stalker. At this point, I felt like a stalker. Ever since that day, she was snatched away by the older woman; sleep had become difficult. This auburn hair temptress filled my thoughts, dreams, and fantasies. I'd tried my best to avoid the alleyway, but my wolf form was drawn to her place every night to ensure the shop closed without issues. I hadn't seen the scumbag from lately, though, and that was a relief.
She appeared before me as though I had conjured her up from the depth of my subconsciousness. I looked across the room, instantly feeling that ache in my chest. She was squatting down in front of a large box. Her tight yoga pants showed off her round cheeks and immediately brought to life my lower half. I tried to think of anything else. She wore a loose-knitted sweater that showed off bits of a tank top and skin underneath.
"Thank you again for selling these in your shop." The woman's voice was like the soft melody of a waltz. There was something seriously wrong with me.
"All good vibes, girlie. These books you choose totally plug-in with my clientele. I made so much dough on that Herbology text you brought last month. I dig it." My younger sister Aurora hyped. I rolled my eyes, knowing that the year she spent with my aunt in the woods created her slang-filled speech. Evidently, they hadn't heard me come in, so I stealthily sat down at one of the high counters attached to the floor-to-ceiling windows.
"It's nice to know that people enjoy the books I pick out. Choosing books was always something I've been able to do well. "there was a slight sadness to her words.
"Yes, you do! I loved that romance you brought over. The CEO and the environmentalist falling in love on opposite ends of the battle!" my sister sighed and plopped into an open chair. "Far out primo love story."
The woman bites her lip and pulls down her sleeves to hide a smile. I was envious of that lip. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You gave off the opposites attract vibe."
I wanted to watch this wholesome interaction a little longer, but glancing at my watch, I knew I needed to return to the office. Plus, the thought of my baby sister reading romance novels sent a chill down my spine. I stood up from my hiding space, surprising both of them. Aurora was the first to recover by giving me an exasperated look, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the man coming to keep me down! You're being a freak sneaking up on us."
I rolled my eyes at her, "Yeah. Yeah. You're the one who called me here."
Aurora held up a peace sign fingers on both hands, bouncing on the balls of her bare feet when she stood up. I've warned Aurora so many times about not wearing shoes. It was a gross habit she formed when she was younger, and she would always forget her shoes. If it's brought up now, she claims her feet must be bare against the earth, or her entire chakra will be off. "Peace, my brother, peace! I've got your money, be right back."
My sister escaped to the back rooms. The woman and I were suddenly alone, and my mind went blank. I could take on some of the most brutal men in the world, yet standing in front of this petite woman, I was nervous. I stuffed my hands in my dress pants pockets, noticing a slight flinch from her. She continued to stock the display shelf silently with various titles, and I noticed they were all books that fit my sister's customers. I was impressed at how much each book would appeal to the hippy mindset.
I tried to put on my most charming smile, "We seem to keep running into each other."
She eyed me suspiciously, studying me head to toe, and for some reason, I found that look seductive. The image of her giving me that look, spread eagle on a bed, flashed in my mind, and I looked away to hide my thoughts. She tilted her head. "Do we?"
I rocked on my feet, suddenly feeling a little off my game. Maybe these moments I think we keep having are all in my head. Then I realized she didn't know my wolf form, so I can't say how often I sat and watched her. The stalker-ish feeling was back. I nodded, "Yes, I met you on the street the other day. You were puking your guts out, and I got you some water."
Her whole face flushed beet red while her eyes grew wide. Damn, she was so cute. I removed my hands from my pockets and leaned against the back of a chair.
She was quiet momentarily, placing a few more books before faintly stating, "Oh. That was not my best moment. I apologize that you had to witness that."
I shrugged, "No worries, it happens. Are you feeling better?"
The woman ducked her head, hiding another flare of pink across her cheeks, "Yes, thank you for your help on that day."
She turned back toward the display case, placed the last book in the remaining open spot, and stood. I wanted to hear her talk more but fumbled for something to say that would keep her here. She gathered the empty box, shifting it to her hip, and turned to me. Her lips slowly opened as if to say something.
"Bro, I've got your tax right here!" Aurora called out as she ambled up to me with an envelope full of cash. She was slowly buying the building from me, so she made a payment towards that every so often on top of her rent. Judging by the weight of it, she must have had a lot of sales in the last three months. I wondered if book sales were included in that profit. I glanced at the woman, and her eyebrows were raised. Was there a hint of judgment in her gaze? Aurora also looked at the woman and grinned. "Coolio babe, thanks for getting that all set up for me!"
The woman nodded, "It's no problem. Let me know if you need more; otherwise, I'll stop by next month."
"Right on! Laters!" Aurora didn't go to hug the woman, which struck me as odd because my sister was a hugger.
The woman quickly shuffled around the table to avoid walking directly next to where I still leaned against the chair and headed for the door. I followed her every step with my gaze and walked toward the front window to watch her cross the street. That pull in my chest began again, forcing me to run my palm over my collar. When she was across the street, she turned her head back, and if I didn't know the windows were tinted against the sunlight, I swear she was peering right through my eyes into my soul. Then she spun around and entered her shop. I turned back toward my sister, only to find her studying me. "Whats your hang up, bro?"
I rolled my eyes again. I took the envelope and stuffed it into the inside pocket of my suit jacket. "I don't know what you are talking about."
"Get real! Get your kicks off on some other chick. That one is a cool cat." Aurora pointed her finger at me in the most threatening manner possible, yet it felt more like a bunny threatening a Siberian wolf. I gave her a sarcastic look before sticking my hands in my pockets.
"So, do you happen to know her name?"
Aurora's eyes narrowed, she folded her arms across her chest, and her lips set into a straight line, "Nah, even if I did know, I would never sell out to the establishment."
I shook my head in amusement. My sister started calling me that as soon as I claimed the throne, although I knew she meant it as a joke. I chortled and waved to her on my way out the door, "Yeah, Yeah. Fight the power! Make love, not war! And all that hippy-shit."