Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1: Hell-Like

Atherton, California. Year 2022.

The New Year's Eve party, an event longed for by many, where joy and fun were present. This city was no exception, a large group of millionaires had organized a party for everyone, taking advantage of opportunities to strengthen public relations with partners.

Sam Hathaway knew that many things would change that day. Newly appointed as CEO of one of the richest companies in the city and the country, exceeding his expectations and having what he claimed was the perfect life, he believed that nothing could go wrong.

His wife didn't think so.

How was she supposed to feel about giving it all over?

Skyler point of view.

Looking in the mirror, I examine the marks I have on my body, making sure that none of them would be noticed when I put on that dress. I had become a good makeup artist in recent months, but not for good reasons.

I never wanted my gaze to look that way, because observing myself there, I don't even recognize myself. Many of the things that happen in here, no one would imagine, only I was aware of the hell I lived every day after that incident.

He had me, he knew there was something to defend himself with, and he used it. I had no choice.

I roll my eyes and look through the mirror at Sam, my husband, looking at me with a frown and arms crossed, already annoyed and restless.

"Why do you have that grimace on your face? It seems as if you are suffering all the time, put a little desire to the situation. We will spend the night with important people"

"Why do you want me there anyway?" I take my eyes off his and grimace, I just want to get him out of my sight.

"Because I need appearance, my dear. Do you think someone will leave the wife at home?" I feel his voice disgusted as his footsteps approach. "I hope along the way you think a little about your posture, Skyler. Today is my fucking night, don't ruin it for me. "

"Anyway, you already had what you wanted," he muttered.

Suddenly Sam's face transformed and he was so quick to get in front of me that I was surprised by his movement. I recognized that look, he was about to lose what little patience he had left and I was beginning to get tired.

His grip on my neck is soft, because he knows that my skin is easily marked, but his thumb squeezes in the right place.

"Do you want me to remind you why the fuck you signed my company papers?" he says threateningly. "Stop making yourself the saint, because it doesn't stay with you. Do not answer me again because I assure you that this party may end sooner than you expect. Did you understand?" he shouts in my face "Huh?"

"Yes, Sam. "

"Unhappy. If it wasn't for me you'd be in prison or on the street, you have to be more grateful" he pushes me back and growls quietly as I hold onto the furniture and hit my back. "Move! I don't have all night to wait for you! "

When he comes out of there, I look in the mirror and know I'm not having good thoughts at a time like this. There weren't many escape routes, but I wouldn't ruin my life for a piece of shit like him either. So I take a deep breath and think about my plan.

There is little left.

What was happening here was ironic if you compared it to what we started with. We started dating when we were young and I was an inexperienced idiot, who fell in love with his charm, his beautiful details and his chivalry. I hadn't had my heart broken until then, and then Sam arrived. We had a brief love story when he was awarded a scholarship to college. My social life became increasingly scarce when the subjects drowned me and I even walked away from him for a while too, when he had family problems and his mother died.

We didn't find a few years later, I fell in love with him again, but deep down I knew I had never been the same again. We ended up married and had Gustav, my career was only increasing, as were our problems.

My father had a company, although he never let me work there just because of my last name, everyone knew that I was very qualified for the position I had taken over. Sam had put college on hiatus since his mother's happened, so I managed to get my father to give him a position as secretary while he returned to school.

When Dad confessed to me that he wanted to leave me in charge of the presidency, Sam stressed that Gus was spending more and more time alone, so I reduced my work hours and did not accept the position.

The first blow was in a heated argument about the looks a partner had made at dinner. He threw the glass ashtray to the ground and hit my foot, so that ended in a small intervention by the surgeon. Sam cried in regret for a week, hoping she would forgive him.

He promised that it had been an outburst and that it would not happen again.

He lied.

Everything got worse when my father passed away from a heart attack. I inherited the company and I had no choice but to accept the presidency, so my professional side began to rise, being indispensable and a successful woman. I didn't understand it until much later.

Sam didn't like it being successful. At least, he didn't like that I was higher than him professionally.

He exhausted all resources to get him to accept my resignation. What was happening today?

Sam was in the presidency while I stayed home with my son and took care of him.

"Smile a little. "

When I hear his voice I realize that we are entering the party. My mind was probably suspended somewhere, thinking about everything that had happened until today. The only thing that comforted me was knowing that it was the last night in purgatory.

I know several people here, there are many who used to be my friends years ago. The hall is filled with familiar people in our circle and I just want to get out of here. When Sam decides to let go of my waist to start talking to a man, I grab my cell phone to take care of anything there and accept a drink from the waiter.

I take a long sigh and raise my gaze after a few minutes. That's when I find a man on the other side of the room, leaning on one of the columns while looking at me. I feel my throat burning when I take the contents of the cup in one sip and disguise to observe it.

He wore an expensive and very neat blue suit, the fabric tightened the muscles of his arms and left not much room for imagination. The man was tall, brown skinned, broad shoulders and a particular face. His light eye color was not what attracted attention, but his dark look. Not in a bad way, but the kind of darkness that drags you into his bed on a Saturday night.

Someone comes to talk to him and our exchange of glances ends. Sam arrives next to me at the same time that the man disappears, although I didn't risk looking too much while my husband talked about something he didn't even hear.

"Sam, dear!" cries one of the men with joy.

Robert Lorde, another millionaire who loved to splurge on escort women and parties. He and Sam were getting together too much lately.

"You finally come in good company," says the man with a smile. "It's nice to see you. Robert Lorde, to serve you. "

"It's a pleasure Mr. Lorde. The pleasure is mine" I try to smile kindly, I hope it doesn't look so fake.

Sam ignored me, starting to talk to Robert as if they were absolutely alone. Three more men joined and I couldn't feel more bored. The drinks kept going on, I took advantage of the moment just to relax my stupid mind.

"Oh, let me introduce you to my son," Robert says to Sam. "Lucca, he's the man I've been telling you about." "And she's Skyler, his wife."

"It's my pleasure, miss. "

I raise my hand to shake his hand and when he takes it, he leaves a kiss on it. It's when I felt a chill in my spine, but not the ones I like. I knew Sam was watching and also what exactly he thought.

"Much pleasure" I answer with scarcity, removing his hand

"Is she the owner of the tech company?" the boy asks.

"Do you think she might be able to resist a single day?" Sam laughs. "She's good at home. I love coming home from work and finding her there," he says in an innocent voice, as if what he had just said wasn't crazy. Sam leans over to kiss my forehead.

I felt like throwing up. That cretin had not done anything to have the position he now had, he had just graduated in business management with mediocre grades and some bills on the desk, it was insulting to believe that he had a better level than me.

"Gentlemen, if you will excuse me. I'll be right back. "

I don't give Sam time to ask anything, I just hope he makes plans with those and gets drunk as much as he can. Right now I needed a change of air before I start freaking out.

I felt my hands trembling with rage, I couldn't believe that I had handed over my father's company to that garbage of people.

I walk out of the room, coming to a corridor, which is the junction between that room and another. I settle my elbows on the railing and think about wanting to get out of there, I'm not putting up with this. I take a long sigh when I finish another drink.

"A bad night? "

My breathing stops for a few brief seconds when I get scared, it was so submerged inside my mind that I wasn't expecting someone there. When I turn my face then I realize who owns that voice.

It was the man watching me from across the room.

If for a second I thought I could be handsome from such a distance, now I finished confirming it.

I wasn't wrong, he was much taller than me. I didn't want to stand there looking at him like a lunatic, so I turned around again and just made an affirmative gesture.

I see a box of cigarettes in front of me, he is offering me one and I don't refuse. The lighter is placed in front of me and we are still silent for a few more seconds.

"What's a woman like you doing here?" he asks as he settles next to me, looking at the scenery.

"A woman like me?"

"You're too fancy to be in the midst of everyone in there. And from your face I can tell you don't even want to be here. So why don't we go have a few drinks?" I laugh wryly and shake his head, without even looking at him.

"You're wasting your time. "

"You say so?" he laughs quietly and I feel him looking at me. "At least you seem a little funnier than before. "

"Ironically speaking, maybe yes," he sighed. "My life will probably change from today."

"Ah yes? And why? "

"Why do you think I would tell you?" I smile and turn to look at him, he looks funny. "And why don't you go back to the party? "

"Because this is rubbish. I just wait for my father to talk to some people and get out of here" I close my eyes before a long puff. "You haven't smoked for a long time? "

"Yes, since college. It feels good," I admit.

"Mhm, what's your name? "

I smile when I hear his cell phone ring, which saves me from this. It's not that I want to be a bitch right now, but I wasn't in a position to strike up a good conversation. Basically, today was not a good company for anyone.

"Hey, if you change your mind about leaving this wake then you call me. I know a place where they have good drinks. Oh, my name is Roan, by the way" he is smiling when I look at him and then offers me the box of cigarettes, winking at me before leaving.

He has written his number there.

I didn't dare turn around to see where it had gone, it just stood there with the box in my hand and my head anywhere.

Unfortunately I didn't have much time left for freedom either, I had to consider the idea of returning to Sam's side before a circus started in the middle of the party. However, I was glad to know that he was drunk, that just meant that he would get away with one of these undesirable men.

"We're leaving," he says with little sympathy.

"Already?" I try to hide my smile. "Expect me to go and greet those who were with us."

"Don't even think about it," he replies bluntly.

He takes my hand and almost starts dragging me around the room. For a second it crossed my mind to look for that man and end up accepting those drinks, but it was true that today I had big plans. He just kept me quiet as Sam drove home.

The door of the apartment almost turned when Sam opened it, it had exerted so much force that it almost broke. Against all odds, the man said nothing and simply walked towards the room.

I breathed a sigh of relief, waiting there to find out what I planned to do. Sam came out five minutes later wearing a clean shirt and exuding expensive perfume.

"What are you doing?" he asked, feigning interest.

"What the **** do you care?" he attacks me with a look. "Now do you care what I do? After you dared to flirt with Robert's son in front of my nose?" the man hits the wall behind me. "Fuck you. I don't have time. "

"We have to go find Gus," I try to say as he starts walking toward the door.

"I'll look for him in the morning when my meeting is over!" he shouts. "Don't even think about going out! "

I knew perfectly well that this meeting lasted until noon the next day and nothing could make me happier. It was the information I needed.

What would happen after this, was what I had thought about long ago.

My father was no longer around to support me and everyone I could trust was on Sam's side. He thought of the last alternative and I was not going to stay with the desire. Hours before I had managed to prepare two large suitcases, with his and his son's clothes, I left everything ready so that I could leave here soon when Sam thought of continuing to get drunk.

My husband had never noticed that I left a very different car parked than the one I used to drive in front of the house. I wasn't going to be so stupid to do it with mine, he had the GPS on the phone.

I didn't know how to explain what I felt when the roar of the engine got me out of there, I just reached into my coat and took a cigar out of the box, taking the phone after that.

"Skyler?" replies a female voice

"Fiorella, I'm sorry. I know it was too late, I'm on my way" I try to hide the voice of happiness

"Sam said they would take time, don't worry. He is asleep, if you want you can come tomorrow. "

"No, he doesn't like to wake up somewhere else. Give me a few minutes and I'm there. "

Sam's sister had done me the favor of taking care of Gus while we were away, which I appreciated. Fiorella didn't know anything about what was going on in the house and it was the only reason I trusted her to leave my son.

The first hug is from Fiorella, who I respond with kindness, but as soon as Gus approached me, I felt like crying for everything that was coming. It was like when you're about to get on the plane on your way to your dream vacation. I just hoped mine would last forever.

"Did you have a good time with Auntie?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes, it was fun Where's Dad? "

"Dad is with some friends" kissed his head. "Shall we go? Why don't you say hello to the aunt? "

"Can you let me know when they get home?"

"Yes, don't worry. Thank you for taking care of it. "

Despite the kindness between us, the truth is that there was not much relationship. I had to admit that she was sweet, but I was being too suspicious to tell her anything about it, so I preferred to keep my distance. After all, it was difficult for his sister to take my side.

Sam didn't have much of a relationship either, the three brothers were very disunited, the older brother of theirs I had barely seen once.

A few meters away from his house I dared to turn on the radio, open the window and throw my cell phone there. There was no way they would track me, and I didn't give a shit if he went crazy after this.

There were no more credit cards, no documents, nothing to do with Skyler, My fake ID gave me a new name that I would have to learn to use from now on.

Megan Tomlinson.

Gus didn't ask, he fell asleep a few miles later and I enjoyed the silence, solitude and freedom. This was the most wonderful feeling of recent years.

My anger increased on the fourth stop to the motel where I didn't get a room. Long hours had already passed and I needed to rest, but my vehicle didn't seem to want to collaborate that night. The car stopped.

I reluctantly take off my jacket and get out of the car, trying not to make noise to a still sleeping Gus. That's when the rain started falling on my head and I thought things couldn't get any worse.

It had been too long for me to give up there, so I took a long breath of air so as not to cry and think about something. I lift the lid and watch the engine, although I doubt I can do too much.

I hear the sound of a car approaching and the lights illuminate me, so I look up and see a woman driving to where I am. She watches me and gets out of the vehicle, pointing her phone flashlight at me.

"Do you need help, honey? What happened? "

"I don't know, it just stopped" she grimaces and watches the engine.

"You may have run out of battery, although I don't think you can fix it with this rain" I close my eyes in frustration

"No, I have to fix it. I don't have much time to leave and I didn't buy it that long ago. I just want to get out of this **** place!" tears threaten to come out, and I didn't even dare to look at her.

As I comfort myself, I feel the silence on her part, but she seems to be thinking about something, because when I look up, I find her looking at the marks on my arms.

"What's your name? "

"I'm Sk.... Megan. "

"Okay, Megan. Load your things into my car, we'll drag yours somewhere else so you can fix it later. Tomorrow we will be able to find a solution when everything is cleared. "

"What?" I look at her, she gives me a soft smile. "Are you sure? "

"Look there," the woman tells me, pointing to a little girl sitting in the back. "It won't take too long for her to wake up and she's certainly a pimple on her butt when she sleeps poorly. I think your son doesn't like the idea of sleeping in the middle of the road very much either, and I certainly won't leave you alone. So where will you stay tonight? Do you have a place? "

"I don't have a place. I booked a hotel but they said there was no space and apparently nothing near here. "

"It's not a good time to get a place, honey," she laughs. "Agreed. Come with me, I'll get a place for you and the little one to sleep tonight," she says as she adjusts her wet hair back. "By the way, I'm Izzy. "

"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't ask your name, I'm an idiot. "

"Don't worry. How far from home are you?" Skyler frowns. "Honey, it's my third time. I know what you're doing, and I just want to make sure you're safe. "I can understand what's going on with you, you don't need to tell me anything if you don't want to, but I can help you. Can you accept my help? "

Something good has happened in my life after a long time and the woman in front of me was a miracle.

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