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Chapter 16: Visit

Skyler Point of View

I can confess that a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I told Izzy who I really was. I understood that she was angry because she thought he would abandon her, but beyond that, she understood everything else.

I allowed her to call me Skyler because I knew I couldn't deny my name, I liked it, it was a part of me. Megan was more of an invention to make me feel better, but it never felt like my own and my old life seemed to come more and more strong.

As I squirm in bed I feel a small body lunging at me, so I open my eyes and find my son, smiling.

"Mommy, it's time to wake up. Auntie said it's breakfast is ready," I smile at his words and hug him, dragging him under the sheets. "Are you ready for school yet?"

"Yes, but I don't want to go, Mom. I just want to have an afternoon of movies and lots of sweets."

"Oh, honey. I don't want to go to work either. What if we stay?" the boy smiles happily and his eyes sparkle.

"Can we really?"

"I wish we could, honey," she laughs as Gus frowns. "We'll have a day off soon, but mom has to go to work and you have to go to school."

"Okay," he replies reluctantly. "Mom?"

"Yes, honey?"

"Don't we play anymore changing our names?" she smiles.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because yesterday Aunt Izzy called you by your name. She now knows that your real name is Skyler. Is she playing too?"

"Yes, Auntie got into the game, honey. Soon the game will be over or we can look for other names, what do you say?" the boy grimaces. "What's wrong?"

"Do we have to get out of here?"

"Not for now, why? Don't you want to leave, or do you miss your old home?"

"I have a lot of friends now, Mommy. Besides, Dad is in the other house," she says in a low voice.

"And you don't miss him?" he shakes his head. "Why not?

"Because he's mean to you, Mom. I don't like that. I don't want to see him again," the woman leaves a kiss on her forehead. "Do we have to go back?"

"No, not if you don't want to"

"Hey, you two," Izzy folds her arms under the doorway. "We're waiting for you with breakfast, don't even think about falling asleep" Gus starts laughing. "Also, we can't be late for school because we'll go to the movies in the afternoon."

"I have to go, Mom!"

I never badmouthed Sam in front of Gus, even though I couldn't do anything if he didn't want to. Sam had taken it upon himself to sow that in the child, when he never shared anything with him. He never made an effort to be a good father, or at least to have a minimal bond with him.

That day when he punched me in front of our son and then yelled at him, I knew I wouldn't see it the same way. Gus was frightened when I was by his side because of his father's temper, and I always tried to keep the party peaceful, but he didn't cooperate.

That's the only reason my son never minded leaving our home, or why he never asked about it.

As I cleaned the tables at the bar I thought of Roan. I have to admit that I behaved like a jerk to him, but there's no way I'm going to trust someone I don't know right now.

I don't know what to think of him, sometimes I think it can't be possible for him to do something good for someone without anything in return. He had hidden from his father that I took some of his money and then wanted to warn me about someone who was somehow threatening me, so I didn't understand what his goal was.

If I had his number I'd be texting him right now, but I have no idea where he might be. I only knew about him when he showed up unannounced.

A woman catches my eye as I leave the kitchen. She's sitting at one of the tables with her face covered, so I can tell she's crying. I look at her and notice that she is a little misaligned, the woman seems lost and I have no idea how I should approach her.

"Uhm. Hello. Can I help you with anything?" she looks up and wipes away her tears, trying to smile for me

"No, thank you. How much is the coffee?" When the woman begins to check her pockets, I realize the situation.

"Which one do you like?"

"I think it's enough for a regular coffee"

"And which one do you like?" I ask cautiously again.

"The latte," he replies, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm coming back now"

Looking at the backpack next to him just reminded me of when we ate in cafeterias with Gus when we didn't have much money. The first few days at the shelter when I didn't want to see anyone.

She didn't seem to have eaten very well at least for today, she looked sad and desperate. He couldn't ignore her, even if he couldn't give her too much.

I made him a full chicken sandwich and orange juice in addition to the coffee, hoping he would like it. When she smiled at me, my heart felt better and a smile appeared on my lips.

"Megan. Come here"

I roll my eyes when my boss calls me. Mr. Roderick is not known for wearing a big smile and today he seems more annoyed than usual.

"What are you doing giving customers food?" he asks furiously

"I'll pay for it with my money, sir."

"I don't care. What you're doing isn't right. Do you think you own this place?"

"Lord, I don't mean to"

"Go back there and get paid for what you consumed. We don't do charity here."


My words hang in the air when I look for the woman with my eyes and see who is there. Joe was walking into the place, with a smile and several bumps on his face.

What the hell was there?

The man continues walking until he sits at the same table as the woman I met just now. She at first remains serious and speaks softly to him, but he wants to hold her hand over the table.

"Are you listening to me!? Get back there!"

Joe hadn't come for me, I don't even think he's on his mind right now. He seemed to be in a big argument with that woman and it was my time to leave.

I started pretending I was getting dizzy as I watched my boss pucker more and more zealously.

Omniscient Narrator

Skyler's nightmare was moving through the city with a smile on her face. The driver parked outside the law firm as he watched his boss.

"It will only take a few minutes. Wait for me here"

Adjusting his suit, the man begins to walk towards the receptionist. She greets him with a smile as she takes her eyes off the computer.

"Do you have an appointment with the lawyer?"

"No, but you can advertise me. Maybe he can take care of me right now."

"His name?"

"Sam Hattaway."

The moment Roan received the call from his secretary, alarm bells went off. There was only one option for which the man could be there, and he didn't like at all what might happen from today.

The door to her office opens and the man appears, with a smug smile that causes her rejection. Sam seemed like a rich man at first glance, a young man who had made good choices and surely had an enviable life, but from what I had read about him I knew that none of it was true.

He was nothing more than a pathetic man who had taken everything from his wife, to whom he had done something serious enough for her to leave his side.

He wondered what was going on.

"Graduate, good morning," the man walks over to him, shaking his hand. "I've been looking for him, he looks like a busy man"

"Were you looking for me?" asks Roan, raising an eyebrow. "How can I help him?"

"On a lot of things. First I would like to know something about the laws, do you think I can answer it?"


"Can I sue my wife if she took my son in the middle of the night and left me?"

Roan clenches his jaw and is silent for a moment. She knew he was saying it on purpose and she knew he knew her. I wanted to guess his intention, why he had really bothered to go to his office.

"Is he intending to sue his wife?"

"My intention is to talk about business. I think you know very well who I am."

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