Chapter 4
My mouth hung open as I heard my father laughing from his room. He really was in a good mood today, even though it was at my expense. I smiled and shook my head as I made my way to the kitchen. Despite having a full fridge of ingredients, I opted to make a simple salad to go with some leftovers from the night before. I tried to avoid cooking as much as I could, and today was no exception.
My father didn't complain when he finally joined me for the simple dinner, and we ate together in comfortable silence.
"So, I've been thinking of starting a new business," dad spoke up, breaking the silence.
I remained quiet and waited for him to explain because I didn't know where this was coming from. He had never said anything about starting a business before.
My dad cleared his throat, looking a bit nervous. "I just think... I feel it is time I take control of my life again. I know I haven't been the best dad..."
"You are amazing, dad," I quickly said, hoping he heard the sincerity in my voice.
Sure, life had dealt us a bad hand when we had lost mom, but my dad was still an amazing father. Something he always had been and never stopped being for even a second.
"Well, I still need to fix a few things around here. And I have a few ideas, so I just need to get that ball rolling."
I nodded and asked, "What did you have in mind?"
"You remember my friend Julian? I think we might be able to work on something together."
The room temperature felt like it had risen by several degrees, and I resisted the urge to fan myself. There was only one Julian whom my father was friends with, and he was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen. It wasn't fair for one person to be that good looking, confident and successful. But Julian was all three, and I'd had the biggest crush on him for as long as I could remember.
Which was hopeless and pathetic since he was so much older and would never consider me even on my best day. He obviously had more sophisticated and mature women catching his attention, and would never know that I existed.
"It will be a lot of hard work, but I'm prepared to put in the necessary hours."
I shifted my focus back to my father, thinking I really needed a run to clear my head.
"You know I will always support you in whatever you decide to do, dad."
He smiled, and I took his hand in mine and squeezed it gently, trying to show him that I would always be in his corner.
"Even if I decide to rob a bank?"
I laughed and stood up to clear our empty plates.
"I doubt Julian would be into that sort of business."
That made me start thinking of the kind of business Julian might be into, and not in a PG-rated way. I really, really needed that run. My mind was all over the place, and I could blame it on stress.
"Leave that, I can do the dishes since you cooked such a complicated dinner for us."
"You are becoming really mean in your old age, dad."
He laughed, and I walked out with a smile. I'd never been one to turn down an opportunity to skip doing dishes. Right now I just wanted to be free. Get into a headspace where I didn't think of carrying a child for money because, to be honest, I would never make enough money from my current jobs. And definitely no thoughts of handsome men who were out of my league.
I felt my Wolf welcome my surrender as I shifted, feeling the hard ground beneath my feet as the wind ruffled my fur. I surrendered all my thoughts and worries as I let my Wolf finally run free.
It was as my father said, like I was born to do this.
I was in serious danger of information overload as I looked at all the open windows on my computer. Who knew there could be so much written on the simple act of making a child? It was overwhelming and at the same time, reassuring. As challenging as it was to process all of the information on having a baby by a surrogate, it was good to know that this was being done successfully all over the world and there was next to nothing to worry about. There were many specialists in the area and a thousand success stories. It was hardly alien territory, and the procedure was becoming popular as an option for many couples who couldn't have children the good, old-fashioned way. And for single parents too.
I guess I fell into that latter category as it was highly unlikely that I would find a mate anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.
I closed the open windows in my browser and focused on the website of the surrogate agency Seth had told me about. The website was well done and easy to navigate, but I needed some form of interaction with the people answering my questions. I wanted to be able to see the place for myself and find out more from their specialists.
"Hello, sir?"
I looked up at my assistant who stood at the door and didn't make a move to come in.
"Are you driving to your next meeting yourself, or do you need a driver to take you?"
I thought about it for a second. My appointment at the surrogate agency concerned a personal matter, and I wasn't sure I wanted a driver knowing where I was going. They were discreet, of course, but I still felt better doing my research on my own for now.
"Thank you, Natalie. I think I will drive."
She nodded. "And will you be returning to the office afterwards?" I didn't really need anything from my office today; the only reason I had come in was to try and make some progress on my research. There was something about the office environment that made me concentrate harder than when I was at home.
"I don't think so. But if I do, I'll lock up after myself. You don't need to stay past your hours."
"Ok, sir. But if you need me..."
"Yeah, yeah; I know how to press my speed dial."
She smiled and walked away, her high heels making a soft noise against the tiled floor. Natalie was almost perfect as an assistant, and even though she swore I paid her enough, I would forever remain unconvinced.
I took the car keys from my top drawer, and my jacket from my chair as I prepared to leave. I was dressed in dark jeans and a button up shirt, which looked formal enough for an impromptu day in the office. It would do for my trip to the agency; I was a firm believer in first impressions after all. I wondered, though, whether I was supposed to impress them, or whether they were supposed to impress me.
My question was answered the moment I stepped out of my car and took in my surroundings. The agency was a half hour drive from my office, and I'd really hoped it would be worth what I considered a long drive. And my first impression of it was that it was. The place looked beautiful. I rarely used that word to describe anything other than a confident woman or a well-constructed motorcycle, but this place was just that.
The buildings were impeccable and well-maintained, and everything really seemed to be in order. I walked into the reception area, still taking in the place but not making it too obvious that I was impressed.
"Good day sir, welcome to First Class Surrogacy."
The receptionist smiled at me, and I wondered if she was genuinely happy or if it was all an act for her job. Not that it mattered, I wasn't here to be her friend.
"Good afternoon, Miss," I glanced at the gold badge she wore before adding, "Victoria."
She blushed, but her smile remained professional as she tried to assist me.
"Are you visiting us for the first time?"
"Yes, and I would like to take a look around the place and learn more about your services."
She nodded. "Certainly. Please take this and proceed to the first office on your left, it's just after the glass doors."
I took the visitor tag and put it on, proceeding to the office she had directed me to. The bold letters marking the enquiries room were hard to miss, and a young man was quick to greet me and offer his assistance.
I repeated my request to him, and he nodded, leading the way as we began our tour.
"You have come to the right place, Mr. Rollett."
"Please, just Julian is fine."
My tour guide, Elton, nodded.
"Of course sir."