4. Kaya
He said his name was Cade. I had never met anyone named that. Then again, I had yet to meet that many people. I wanted to know if there was any significance behind his name. I was examining him when he grabbed my hand.
It sent little tingles across my flesh. He pulled me past Quill and out of the hall with everyone. He continued to lead me up the stairs and then into a room. It was dark in there, but I had no problem seeing. My vision was superb, not to mention we wolves had already had the ability to see in the dark.
The next thing I saw was his face coming towards mine. Then I felt his lips connect with my own. I had never been kissed before, and I was hoping I was doing it right. I wish I could have asked him if I was okay. But the kiss began to deepen, and to me, it didn't seem like he thought I was a novice.
If he did think that, it didn't seem to faze him as he opened his mouth, and I reciprocated, opening mine. Letting him take the lead, I followed what he had done. I began to feel light and euphoric as the kiss became more demanding. I felt a wetness begin to pool between my legs.
What the hell was happening. I knew it would be natural to be drawn to your mate, but I didn't realize there would be a primal need to get naked and rub our bodies together. I knew what sex was. I knew it was supposed to be enjoyable, but I had never had the desire.
But in this instance, I wanted to experience it. I wanted him to be inside me. I wanted to know what it would be like to have his naked body pressed against mine. I knew the smell of my arousal was overpowering our room.
It was signaling to Cade that I wanted him. I knew he had felt the same as I had felt a bulge pressed against me. He had his hands all over my body. It wasn't enough; I wanted his hands on my flesh. I wanted to feel his skin against mine. I pulled my hands away from him and tried to lift my dress off. But he grabbed my hands. I looked at his mouth to see if he wanted to say something. "Not yet."
Not yet. Was he kidding me? I know how he felt the same. The signs were all there, but now he wanted to show restraint. My mother had told me it was natural to seal the mate bond relatively fast after finding each other. Why was he holding back? I know it wasn't me, so what was it? I just stared at him in the dark room. I wanted him to explain himself. He could tell by my face that I wanted an explanation.
"I want to do this right. I don't want to rush it in some dark room that is not mine." I felt my lips turn up, and I knew I had to have released a laugh. I had been so turned on that I had forgotten all about what was happening outside the door of this unknown room. He smiled and looked at me.
"So, you make sounds, laugh, and moan. "I felt my face get hot. I knew I was blushing. I can't believe I had moaned while we were kissing. I wondered how I must have sounded, probably like an idiot. I put my hands on my face, covering them in embarrassment. Cade pulled my hands away from my face so I could look at him. "No need to be embarrassed. I liked it."
Somehow, that didn't make me feel better; I was still embarrassed. My brother mind linked me. "Look, I know you found your mate and all, but you can't just run off to do. Goddess knows what.""Sorry." "Can you please come back to the party?" This time, I led Cade out of the room and back down to the party. We met back up with my brother. "Where the hell did you go."
Before I mind linked back, he cut me off, "You know what I don't want to know. I have a good idea. "I know he knew we had been kissing. He knew better than to think we did more than that, as my scent had not changed. Cade had asked me to dance, which was super friendly. But after the dance was over, a tall blond woman approached us.
She had a short bob that suited her face. Her dress showed her body, giving the impression of having a figure. Just then, Cade stepped before me, blocking my view of the women. I poked my head out from behind his back. I looked at the women's lips coated in ruby red color. "Cade, I didn't know you would be here. I am glad, though; maybe we could do what we did last time we were together."
She said and then began to trace her fingers up his arm. What the hell was going on. What did they do last time? Then, the woman's mouth moved again. "Come on. You liked it last time. I know I did, and after all, we are engaged."
Whoa what. Engaged. Oh, hell no. I don't know who this chick was, but he was mine. I pushed my lips together and growled. One of the things I could do was growl; it was menacing. My father even felt a bit intimidated when I did it.
My mother described it as uninhibited as I couldn't gauge the sound, and it came out like a feral wolf wanting to devour something. Cade turned around and looked at me with an amused look on his face. I felt eyes land on me. I knew it was because I had growled. Then, the woman looked right at me. "You are?"
I growled again. I couldn't help myself. I felt possessive like I never had. "Calm down." The women looked at Cade for some kind of explanation. I knew what he was saying without looking at him. I kept my eyes on the blond woman. She looked back at me. "Your mate?"