6. Cade
Kaya threw the first punch. But Annalise dodged it. Then Annalise swung down and went in for a gut punch. It connected with Kaya's ribs. This ignited a frenzy in her. She began to circle fast. She went in for punches, not worrying about the blows she was taking.
Annalise stepped back and went in for a roundhouse. Then, in an instant, Kaya grabbed hold of the kicking leg and punched the femur. I could hear the bone breaking. Annalise backed away, almost hobbling.
Kaya didn't stop there, though. She, in her human form, crouched down and pounced. This was the first time I had seen something like it. It was as if, in her human form, she had taken on the attributes of her wolf form. She spang up, tackling Annalise to the ground.
Once on top of her, she began to franticly hit. Annalise at first threw some heavy punches, and you could hear Kayla's ribs cracking, but that didn't stop her. She continued to hit and hit. After minutes, Annalise stopped moving. But Kaya just kept hitting her.
Her brother walked up behind Kaya and lightly grabbed her shoulder. This seemed to snap her back to reality. She got off her motionless body and stepped away. Quill then bent down and checked Annalise. "She has a pulse. She needs a healer."
He spoke. Then he two backed away. I looked at Kaya; she was covered in blood. Some being Annalise's and some being her own. I looked at her hands; they were cracked open, and I knew she had to be in pain on account of the broken ribs.
What I had heard about the Northerns had been confirmed. They, indeed, were fierce fighters. I still could not believe she was still standing after all the blows she had taken. I knew she would be feeling that for a couple of days. Unlike humans, we healed much faster, but it was not instantaneous by any means.
Broken bones would still need to be set so they didn't heal incorrectly. I walked up to Quill, who was half holding up his sister. "Quill, she should see a doctor." In truth, I just wanted to make sure she was OK. "I think so too. I am sure it is OK, as the breaks were all in the ribs, but it is best to get it checked out.
I pulled Kaya away from him and picked her up. "Let's go see this if this pack has some sort of clinic. "With Kaya now in my arms, I walked up to the alpha of the nightshade pack. He had watched the whole thing unfold. "Bryan, do you have a clinic? We need to make sure Kaya is OK." "OK, I am more concerned about Annalise, though."
"Bryan." "Yes, sorry. There is a clinic I will show you." He began to lead the way, and both Quill and I followed. I looked down at my tiny mate. She looked up at me, and I could see the black eye already forming. She gave me a half smile. Bryan began to talk as we walked.
"Quill, I had heard you northerners knew how to fight, but I had never seen it up close. I have to admit it was quite impressive seeing your sister fight like that. You all would be a big threat if you ever wanted to expand down south." "Yeah, I don't see that happening. We like to be on good terms with you lot. But, living down south would be a change of our traditions, and you know we won't give that up. "
"Yes, I know you have said it all before. "We finally arrived at the clinic. Bryan walked right up to the counter. "We need to see the doctor on staff tonight." "I am sorry, alpha, he is with a girl that was just brought in. She was unresponsive at the time, so it may be a little while." "Alright." "Quill, Cade, I will leave you to wait. "
He then looked at the lady at the desk. "I want an update on Annalise and Kaya when she has been seen." "Yes, Alpha. "With that, he gave us a nod and walked back out the door. The lady looked at us."If you want to, just take a seat."
I was irritated. No one seemed to even care that Kaya had been injured. I mean I knew she was awake and conscious, but that didn't mean her wounds were not severe. I didn't want to sit and wait; I wanted her looked at now. "Excuses me, miss." "Yes." The woman said to Quill.
"This is my sister Kaya. She was the one who injured Annalise; I think her name is the girl who came in unconscious. She sustained many blows, and we need to have her checked out as soon as possible. I know she is lucid and awake, but that does not mean she is not injured. Please just set her up in a room, at the very least. "
I was surprised he was so cordial. I was about to lose my temper, and he asked kindly. Maybe he figured he would be taken care of if he was nice about it. Well, it worked. The women got up and led us into a room. "A nurse will come take her vitals, then a doctor will come when he can."It didn't take long after we were placed in a room for the nurse to come in.
"You will need to look directly at my sister when you talk; she needs to be able to see your mouth. I will relay what she says over the mind link if she needs to say anything." "What can she not talk." "She is deaf and doesn't talk." "Oh."
The women looked surprised. I knew the feeling; it was not every day you met a deaf wolf. That didn't impact her all that much, though. Back home, it didn't make a difference as she could mind-link everyone in her pack once she joined our pack.