9. Cade
It had been two days since I said goodbye to my mate. I was having a hard time focusing on anything else. I missed her smile. I missed her smell. It was not usual to part with your mate after the meeting. It was unnatural. Something that was not intended for our kind.
Under normal circumstances, we would have sealed our mate bond already. I had to keep telling myself we were almost there. But I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to keep these instincts from taking over and busting out of this plane. I was glad I had brought Mark and his Mate Helen. I asked Mark to come, and Helen had insisted she tag along. Their presence was the thing keeping me in check at the moment.
The plane finally touched down. There was fresh powder on the ground. And the aircraft swayed a bit. As we exited the small plane, I took in the area. It was covered in a white blanket. You could see hills in the distance. Helen spoke up. "What now? I am freezing my ass off." I internally laughed at the thought of a wolf being cold.
But even I could not deny that for October, it was well below freezing, I was sure that it was normal for this part of the world. Quill had given us the latitude and longitude. According to the GPS, it was about 7 miles north of here. We had a handheld GPS thing that Mark had picked up for us prior to coming out here.
Since we didn't know precisely when we were coming, they didn't plan on meeting us at the research station. "We better get going." It was not long before I could smell her. The smell was getting stronger, and suddenly, I saw a small white wolf. It ran fast with its paws hitting the snow leaving small tracks in it’s wake. I was knocked down flat on my back.
The white wolf rubbed its head against my chest. I knew who this was, it was Kaya. Her small white wolf got off me after a few seconds. Still leaning its body into me, my hands ran through the soft fur. Her wolf mewled at me making my urge to shift and run with her strong. I got control of my inner beast when Kaya began to walk off up the trail like she wanted to lead us. "Mark Helen, come on." I said following her.
Kaya took us to a village out on the tundra. It was a small settlement. A bunch of children came running out of who knows where. They seemed amused by us. The wolf ran up ahead and into one of the tent-like structures. While waiting for Kaya, I saw a familiar face approaching us. It was Quill." Cade, Mark." He offered his arm, and I took it. I did it like I had seen grabbing his forearm. He looked past me at Mark and Helen.
Mark said. "Good to see you again, Quill. This is my mate, Helen. "Quill nodded. I looked past Quill, and there she was. She was standing a few feet behind her brother. I pushed past him and went to her. She looked up at me. I bent my head down and kissed her soft lips.
I had missed her mouth; I missed her smell. I hardly knew her. But I craved her and hated that we had to be separated just after our meeting. But there she stood in this frozen tundra. She consumed my mind. I felt my winter pants getting tight in my groin being close to her again. I couldn’t wait until I could have her under me. Her small frame rubbed against me. I think she must have been feeling the same pheromones I was.
"Eh, hum." Someone was trying to get our attention. I pulled away to see an older woman looking at me. She had a head full of silver hair and several tattoos on her face. "You must be Cade." “Yes." "I am Nieva." "Good to meet you." The older woman smiled. "Come with me." Kaya grabbed my hand, and we followed behind the older women. Once we reached a tent, she turned to me.
"You can put your stuff in here for now. You won't stay in the tent tonight, but your Beta and his mate can." What did she mean by not staying in the tent? Would I be staying with Kaya in hers, or did she mean something else? I had no idea the customs of these people. “If you want to change, clothes are there for you and your Beta. We will get clothes for Helen. You don't have to change. You may want to, though. It's up to you."
She turned and faced Kaya. She must have mind-linked her because Kaya smiled and blushed a bit. Then, the women left. Kaya pushed past me and went into the tent. I followed her. She bent down and picked up a quill and parchment.
I put down my pack and watched as she wrote. "The sun is going to be setting in about 15 minutes. Mark and his mate should get settled. Then we can go eat. You will meet everyone, and we will leave after dinner if it is okay with you."
I took the Quill from her. I examined it. I had never written with a quill, but I placed it on the parchment and began to write. "Where are we going?" Kaya turned a bright shade of pink but did not write a response. She looked down at the parchment again and began to write. "We should get Mark and his mate. What is her name, by the way?"
I looked at her. "Helen. Her name is Helen." She looked back down and began to write. "Let's go get them." We walked out of the tent. Kaya approached Helen almost at a running pace and hugged her. She smiled at her. Helen smiled back. We followed her back to our tent. Once in there, she wrote on the paper again. This would be so much easier when we could mind link.
"Come find me once you all are situated." She then leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the mouth. It was chaste. Not like it was when we first met, that was all passion. Once out of the tent, I turned to face Mark and Helen. Helen looked down. "So, I take it we are sleeping on the ground?" I saw blankets, furs, and some sort of padding on the ground. It was big enough for two people to sleep in. They did not plan on me staying in the tent tonight. Kaya had said we wouldn’t be, but I didn’t know where she intended for me to sleep.
"There are clothes for us." I said "They want us to wear them." Helen questioned "I think more so they want us to be warm. I have a feeling it will be cold tonight." "Yeah, well, I am glad they gave us warmer clothes. I, for one, am freezing." Helen said as she dropped her pack and picked the clothes off the ground.
"Can you turn around, Cade? I am going to change." "How about we all change.” We picked up our clothes, and I turned my back to give Helen some privacy as she did as well. We all changed, and once done, Mark began to speak. "Okay, I have to say these clothes are comfy as fuck. Also, I am shocked they fit everyone around here is pretty short. "Yeah, they are comfy, but man, are they warm.” The material was lined with swayed, making it soft. When we walked out of the tent, the sun had set.
"It is early for it to be this dark." Mark commented. "Let's go find where everyone is." I followed the scent of my mate. We reached a roaring fire. There were tables placed around where the flames were. The three of us walked to the table at which Kaya and a few others were sitting. Some girls began to laugh, and Kaya's face turned red. Then I heard a woman speak. I turned to see the woman from before; her name was Neiva.
"Welcome, guests. We are glad to have you here. Before we eat, let us thank the Gods for the bounty." Everyone bowed their heads. Kaya nudged my arm, and then I bowed my head, too. The women began to speak in a foreign tongue. Then, after a moment or two, everyone got up. Kaya nudged me, and the three of us got up with everyone else and went to where the food was being served. We all took bowls and returned to the table.
"What is this?" Mark asked Quill. "Oh, this is caribou soup." I took a bite. It tasted amazing. I was surprised. I expected it to be a bland soup. "What is in this Quill? It is delicious. "Oh, um, Wild onion, potatoes, mushrooms and some salt. They grow out here in the summertime. We will probably see them for two more weeks, then they will be gone till next season."
We finished eating. I looked at Kaya, and she grabbed my hand and smiled. She stood up and she began to lead me to a tent. I heard the young people snickering as we left. I followed her inside the place was mostly empty with just two packs sitting on the ground. Kaya snatched the first one up, but I took it from her when she went to grab the second pack, I took that one too, but instead of carrying it on my back like the other I put it on my chest. I didn’t want her to carry either. Kaya blushed and led me out of the little encampment.
Kaya took my held hand in her own and began to lead us deep into the surrounding trees. We must have walked about three miles when she finally stopped. There was a clearing and beyond that nothing but darkness. The surrounding forest had vanished and it was now just frozen plain. The frozen ground reflected the full moon. We were completely alone. Kaya stood there looking at me. Her chest began to rise and fall. I dropped both packs. I knew what I wanted to do not that it was just the two of us.
As we walked to where I would have us camp for the night, I began to feel a bit nervous. I felt my palms sweating. I tried to relax. Once we had reached the edge of the forest I stopped walking and turned to Cade. I was nervous but also knew we needed a fire. I hopped doing something may calm my nerves so hesitantly before Cade made the first move I bent and pulled out the Ax I had attached to the side of one of the packs. I rushed away running back to the tree line to cut up something so we would have fire.
When I returned Cade had made moves and had some of the supplies out, I moved some things around so we would have some kind of bed next to where I would build our fire. Cade had taken the ax and had begun chopping some of the large pieces of wood I had brought to start the fire. Once we had heat going there was not much else to do to ready the place.
I felt my face getting hot. Why was I so embarrassed? Cade came closer, closing the gap between us. His gaze met mine. He must have known I was nervous because his mouth moved. "Just take a deep breath. It is just us here."
I did as he said my body trembling lightly. Then, slowly, he kissed me. He opened his mouth, and I mimicked the action. The second our mouths touched my trepidation vanished and a primal urge tore throughout my whole body. His large hands moved over my body. Pulling at my clothes. I pulled away from him. I wanted him to see me, all of me. It was exhilarating knowing that he would see all of me. I stood before the fire and removed my clothes to be naked before him. His face lit up.
He came over and began to run his hands over my abdomen. Trailing his hands over my skin. He took his time exploring my flesh. I tried to sign for him to remove his clothes. I wanted to see him too. I wanted to be bare with him.
He must have got the message as he began to remove his garments. I looked at him and examined the contours of his muscles. I wanted to feel them beneath my fingers. His muscles ripped and covered his whole body. He had a bit of hair on his chest. I placed my hand on him and moved it down to feel his abs. I looked down at his manhood. It was large red and as stiff as any rock, and I wondered how something like that would fit inside me.