The sticky part
Logan Denton had found himself in a number of sticky situations over the years. At this point, he prided himself on getting out of them.
It likely started with the time he was caught breaking into an abandoned house with his buddies in elementary school. He’d managed to slip out of that one by concocting a story on the spot about going in there because they were trying to help a stray dog.
From there on, the stakes had only grown. As necessarily, so had his skills.
Raised in a rougher part of Chicago by a distant (and probably clueless) grandfather, he’d learned early on the skills necessary to not only get by, but to also come out on top. For the most part, he’d done all of this unapologetically.
Sure, he had scruples. Just not always.
And that was only because few people seemed to care about anything other than their own asses. Simply put, he played the game that was necessary for survival.
After hearing that Charlie Lane’s sister had been kidnapped and was being auctioned off, hopping into a car and going down to the warehouse seemed like a no-brainer. The universe, seeing he was in need, had supplied him with a resolution.
The sticky part of it all?
Terri Lane was drop-dead, earth-shattering, knee-shakingly gorgeous. On top of that, she had an enigmatic attitude to match.
This he hadn’t planned on. He wasn’t used to hard-set lines when it came to women. Usually, any female he wanted automatically wanted him back.
But it would need to be hands off with Terri, for a number of reasons. Not only did he not want to give off the impression that he expected sexual favors in exchange for buying her, she technically couldn’t be trusted.
Not yet, anyway. Her brother was the enemy. Based on the digging Logan’s assistants had done, the two of them were close. It wouldn’t be easy for Terri to help out Charlie’s nemesis, no matter the circumstances.
“This is your building?” Terri asked. She scooted closer to the window and eyed the doorman.
“It is.”
She put her heels back on. With her long hair covering her face, he couldn’t tell if that had been a jab or an actual compliment.
The driver who Logan had hired through a local service killed the engine and came around to open Terri’s door. She hesitated.
She didn’t trust him. Fair enough.
However, though it would be best if he kept his guard up, the same couldn’t be said for her. He opened his mouth, about to say something encouraging, but she took a deep breath and stepped from the car.
Nodding a good morning, the doorman opened the door for them and they entered a shiny lobby with a grand piano in the corner and oil paintings on the walls. It was one of the nicest buildings in the city. Even though Logan often didn’t spend more than a few weeks out of the year in the area, having a place to call his own made all the difference.
“Top floor, huh?” Terri commented after the elevator operator punched the buttons.
Logan shrugged. “I like a good view.”
She nodded and said nothing else. They rode in silence, the operator tipping his hat and bowing when they got off.
As they walked down the hall, Logan found himself stealing glances at her. What was going through her head? So much had happened to her. Could be that she was in shock.
“I want you to make yourself at home.” He opened up his front door. “There’s only one bedroom, but I want you to have it. My home is yours.”
She cast a wary look around the living room. The cleaning crew had come by the day before, so the wood floors shone and the place smelled of pine and citrus. In the corner, between the bar and the pool table, the saltwater tank gurgled. A starfish crept along the glass, and one of the octopus’ red arms poked out from the center cave.
“One bedroom, you say?” She turned to look at him. “Giant living room, though.”
Something in her bright green eyes caught him off guard. He couldn’t say what it was, but his heart rate increased and he felt oddly unsettled.
“Yes, well…” With a throat clear, he looked away. “Technically, the place came with two bedrooms, but I needed a gym.”
“Right.” She hovered near the door.
“That’s the bedroom there.” He pointed at the door. “The master bath is through there. Feel free to take a shower. I’ll order some breakfast.”
“Thanks. Hey, do you have a phone I can use in a bit?”
It was his turn to hesitate. “What for?”
Her eyebrows rose. “To make a phone call.”
Logan sighed and looked at the floor. “You’re not going to mention this trafficking ring to anyone, are you? Because for the time being, it would be best if we don’t.”
She crossed her arms. “What I’d like is to get in touch with my brother and let him know I’m alive. My cell phone is back at the hostel, and I’ve been checking in regularly with him. If I don’t get in touch, he’ll probably come looking for me.”
“I’m sorry.” He spread his hands. “That came off in a…”
“Dickish way,” Terri supplied.
He snorted. “Right.”
Her lips twitched, and she dropped her arms. “It’s okay. Unless, of course, you’re going to tell me I can’t use the phone.”
“Of course you can.”
“After a shower.” She grabbed fistfuls of her dress and made a face. “Ugh. I want to burn every stitch of this.”
“I’m sure we can arrange something.”
“Thanks.” She sighed. “I need my stuff, by the way. If those pieces of scum didn’t take it all. My wallet, my cell, my passport… it’s all at the hostel.”
“I’ll take care of that. What’s the address?” He grabbed the notepad that lived on the side table by the front door and wrote down the street number she gave him.
“Thank you.” Terri hesitated at his bedroom door. From across the room, their eyes locked. “Really. Thanks.”
A shiver went through him. “You’re welcome, but it’s not necessary.”
“Still, let me say it.”
The second the door closed behind her, he let out a long breath and laced his hands behind his head. He had to keep himself on track. There was no room to get distracted by a pretty face.
Except Terri had more than a ‘pretty’ face. She was mind-blowingly stunning.