Read with BonusRead with Bonus

For me

I’m sure he’s going to hurt me now, and I brace myself for a blow. Instead, he just pulls me into his embrace and holds me tightly.

My face is buried in his chest, and my naked body is pressed against his. I can smell the clean, musky scent of his skin and feel something hard and warm against my stomach. His erection. He’s fully naked and turned on.

I open my mouth to say something but I swallow hard and my lips feel tight. I can't even think straight or yank away.

Instead of reacting, I remain calm fantasizing about his fat long cock that was making a contact with my bare body.

With the way he’s holding me, I’m almost completely helpless. I can neither kick nor scratch him. But I can bite. So I sink my teeth into his pectoral muscle and hear him curse before he yanks on my hair, forcing me to release his flesh.

Then he holds me like that, one arm wrapped around my waist, my lower body tightly pressed against him.

His other hand is fisted in my hair, holding my head arched back. My hands are pushing at his chest in a futile attempt to put some distance between us. I meet his gaze defiantly, ignoring the tears running down my face.

"Don't dare me, Nora."

I know the voice, I recognise the emotions behind the voice but I don't care. I need to do something for myself, I need to make sure I act.

I have no choice but to be brave now. If I die, I want to at least retain some dignity. His expression is dark and angry, his blue eyes narrowed at me. I am breathing hard, and my heart is beating so fast I feel like it might jump out of my chest.

We look at each other— predator and prey, the conqueror and the conquered—and in that moment, I feel an odd sort of connection to him. Like a part of myself is forever altered by what’s happening between us. Suddenly, his face softens.

A smile appears on his sensuous lips. Then he leans toward me, lowers his head, and presses his mouth to mine. I am stunned. His lips are gentle, tender as they explore mine, even as he holds me with an iron grip. He’s a skilled kisser.

I’ve kissed quite a few guys, and I’ve never felt anything like this. His breath is warm, flavored with something sweet, and his tongue teases my lips until they part involuntarily, granting him access to my mouth.

Holy shit.

This man tastes better than he looks and that means a hundred percent good. I can't even begin to compare what his lips taste like but it's something I love and something I know I'll always crave.

This shouldn't be happening to me. I don’t know if it’s the aftereffects of the drug he gave me or the simple relief that he’s not hurting me, but I melt at that kiss.

A strange languor spreads through my body, sapping my will to fight. He kisses me slowly, leisurely, as though he has all the time in the world. His tongue strokes against mine, and he lightly sucks on my lower lip, sending a surge of liquid heat straight to my core. His hand eases its grip on my hair and cradles the back of my head instead. It’s almost like he’s making love to me.

"You are so beautiful."

My lips part for him more. I don't know how I'm getting this accessible but it's happening and I can't think of anything but to let him.

I find my hands holding on to his shoulders. I have no idea how they got there, but I’m now clinging to him instead of pushing him away. I don’t understand my own reaction.

Why am I not cringing away from his kiss in disgust? It just feels so good, that incredible mouth of his. It’s like kissing an angel. It makes me forget the situation for a second, enables me to push the terror away. He pulls away and looks down on me. His lips are wet and shiny, a little swollen from our kiss.

Mine probably are too. He no longer seems angry. Instead, he looks hungry and pleased at the same time. I can see both lust and tenderness on his perfect face, and I can’t tear my eyes away. I lick my lips, and his eyes drop down to my mouth for a second. He kisses me again, just a brief brush of his lips against mine. Then he picks me up again and carries me upstairs to his bed.

"You'll love what I have for you," he whispers to my ear and I give a nod.

"What— what do you have for me, Julian?"

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