Read with BonusRead with Bonus



My brain had been sending "excitement juices" to all parts of my body and I just to hold myself back until I got into the security of my room. The opportunity created by the absence of Melvin was the best chance yet, and I had to really exploit it.

Melvin's absence is for the best of my interest, I really believe that if I can wisely use this, I will be able to get back at him fully. Having Audrey on my side is the best for me right now.

Once Melvin is gone to war, I will become closer to her and use all I have to get her to believe my friendship with her to be genuine. And when I get her to acquiesce, then fifty percent of the job is done.

But first, I have to get her to believe and trust me wholly.

Unfortunately, I also have to leave for another district. The annoyingly important duty of overlooking the construction of a drainage construction, pfffft.

I mentally facepalmed at the reality of my plans probably not coming to fruition. I had to use this opportunity I had efficiently, but here I was– having another thing that could come in the way.

Trying to get Audrey on my side may not be that difficult, in real sense. I just approached her in a wrong foot. Maybe this time, I will take all the time in the world to get her to feel relaxed around me and comfortable enough to start confiding in me, then I bring up the topic of helping Melvin kiss this world goodbye. By that time, she would have been so engrossed in the feeling of warmth and belonging that she would yield to my plan.

Moreover, she seems the dumb type. Her emotions get the best of her all the time. Imagine me almost killing you and you still came to apologize to me. What a dummy?

I couldn't explain why I found that funny as I barked into laughter as I fell to my bed. The soft cotton fabric padded my fall and I landed safely. I laughed aloud as the event played in my head again and again.

I won't blame Melvin if he didn't want to settle with her, if I was in his shoe I would do same.

But how did I become this? When did I become this heartless? I used to know what loving a person meant? I used to know love my brother unconditionally, but– he ruined it. He totally ruined seventeen years of our most beautiful years together. He made me the beast I am today. And I can't help but to bring him down to nothing, that, and only that can quench my bloodlust.

I turned to the full-length mirror by the side of my bed and the face I saw, tho was me– it wasn't mine.

The cool morning breeze was blowing its last as it gave opportunity for the sun to intensify its heat on the land. The pools would do a lot of good right now, or a cold bath. Summer always had its way of making its presence felt, it was such a narcissistic weather condition.

Diana stood under an almond tree waiting for her love, Melvin. She knew he was going to war today, and she hoped she would be the last person he saw before he left the palace.

I reek of good luck

She thought to herself as she adjusted her dress, baring her cleavage a little bit more. The breeze ruffled the length of her gown as she paced the short wooden bridge that connected the garden to the royal quarters. She had made sure she arrived early, but before she could find her way to the entrance of the throne room and block him, they had concluded the meeting and he had returned to his room. Therefore, she was going to be waiting here until he came out. She expected him to have been out of the royal quarters by now because he had made it so obvious that the presence of his wife– or acclaimed wife– or forcefully wedded wife, disgusted him, and he would do anything not to be in the same place with her, talk more about staying there for long.

The beautiful thing that gave her the most joy of fulfilment was that she was having the most time with him. Though she wasn't sure he loved her, but she would make do with the company they kept each other.

She mentally calculated how long she had been there and was sure it was going to be almost an hour.

"Hey," Kiara greeted as she walked on the other end in the royal quarters. She was still in her combat wear and Diana waved back at her as she walked down the hallway.

Shouldn't I just cross and go into the royal quarters myself? What could be keeping him?

Diana asked herself.

Just a few minutes later, she saw someone that looked like Melvin, coming out of the building of the royal quarters.

He didn't look like Melvin, he was Melvin.

He wasn't looking too good, she could sense an aura of lust emanating from his being, but immediately their eyes met, the aura died down, leaving her to doubt the potency of her sense organs.

"Hey Melvin," she called out as he approached her, trying to brush off her mistrust in her sense organs. He adjusted his sword as he walked towards her, looking everywhere except at her.

"What's the matter with you? Sure you are okay?" She asked him as she noticed a disoriented aura from him again, but he kept quiet and walked ahead of her. She followed.

"She is using black magic on me," he finally said.

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