Read with BonusRead with Bonus



Kiara and I walked in absolute quietness after I suggested that we went to the training field to have a session so I could clear my head. I knew that I was failing to hide the blush in my cheek and the excitement on my face. Kiara, too, had been very matured and understanding. She didn't ask me about the scenario she witnessed at my room, but I would not bet that she won't bring it up sometime later.

We finally got to the field, no one was present, just the both of us and yeah– two soldiers who manned the gate of the field.

"Pick a sword," Kiara finally spoke and I nodded with an obviously stupid smile on my face. I wondered what was going through her head because if I was in her shoes, this would really be awkward for me.

I picked a sword and she unsheathed hers. Before I could wipe the smile off my face, she charged at me and I had to go back a few steps to take her blow. But instead of her striking, she kicked me in the chest and I fell to the ground.

She moved back and gave me chance to get up. I stood up and dusted my body, taking my fight stance.

"So, tell me what life was for you before here". She said to me as she charged and I watched her as she swung her sword. I steadied my feet on the ground and took the hit.

"Uh, I am the daughter of a blatantly greedy father. Though we started modestly, but his hunger for power and affluence got him into the business of marrying his daughters to the richest and strongest packs. We were more like treaty packages," I laughed as I took another blow from Kiara.

"How come you are an Omega? Aren't you born to Alpha parents?" She asked as she took a swing which I dodged but she smacked my butt with the back of her sword.

"I am the least strongest, or to be more precise, I am the weakest in my family and pack," I said as memories flooded my mind, with the floodgates of my eyes threatening to show their prowess.

"I have always suffered bullying from within and without. There is nothing I seem good in, in sword fighting, I was wack. In transformation, I was the worst of all," I said and gave the most fake laughter I have ever heard myself laugh.

"How come about the arrow shooting?"

"My elder sister, Kelly, took it upon herself to train me in that when she saw I was finding it difficult in other parts. Plus, I didn't want to learn how to kill people."

"But then, it is something you cannot run away from."

"I haven't gotten a chance to do that, and I hope it remains that way." I managed to joke but I felt tears welling up.

She drove her sword towards me and I parried it, but she had swung an elbow that connected lightly with my jaw.

"Haven't you noticed that you've become good in this swordfighting?" She asked me and I nodded absent mindedly.

My mind wandered back to the past.

I remembered playing with my other sisters, making sand castles by the river bank, sneaking out of the palace so that the guards would come after us, stealing mutton and fishes from the kitchen, and many other memories.

Yeah, I remember father picking my sisters one after the other to both old and young, wicked and good, loud and calm leaders. And above all, Alphas of strong and wealthy packs. The smile on his face was genuinely evil and greedy. And mother couldn't do anything about his actions.

"You're letting your guard down," Kiara warned as she struck harder. I took the hit and before I could swing my sword, she had closed the gap, sweeping me off my feet.

"What's on your mind?" She asked me as she dragged me up again. I shook my head as I dusted my butt. I knew she knew I was lying, but for whatever reason, she complied and let me be as she walked away towards the wooden gate of the field.

"I'll see you later when you are better. And you can tell me anything," she said with a warm smile that I failed trying to return.

I picked up the sword and walked back to the sword rack, carefully placed it back in its hold.

"Princess Audrey, you've really improved," one of the guards at the gate said as I walked past and I could only reply with a fake smile. My eyes churned with hot tears were threatening to drop, so I bowed my head as I walked past them.

No place like home was not something I could relate to. Because where was I going to call home? Here in the Peking pack? Where the man I was betrothed to rejected me on our wedding night and has been treating me like I was leprous? Where his twin brother seems to be the one I should have been wedded to?

Or was it amongst my own people, the Mehreck pack? Where the man I called father deals in first hand human trafficking? Selling his own children for gain and affluence? Or my mother who had little to no say despite being a Beta wolf? Or Kelly who had been made a warrior princess and may never know what marriage was like?

My heart burnt with rage and hatred for my father, but there was little to nothing I could do. Everyone in the Mehreck pack was under his authority and even my family had submitted totally to his evil ways out of fear or respect, I dunno which.

I staggered as I approached my room– the new one I had occupied. I wasn't ready to go back to the same room with Melvin, not yet.

I opened the door and went in before anyone would see me.

"Hi?" I turned to see Kiara sitting on the wooden stool in the corner. I managed to smile this time.

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