Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Melvin walked into his room, and he was surprised not to find Audrey as he had instructed but he wasn't ready for a fight now, so he went into the bathroom to take a quick bath.

After he was done, he came out looking clean and already dressed in a new tunic.

"I really do not care where she sleeps or stays," he said to himself and picked his sheathed sword before walking out of the room.

"It's time," he said as he walked passed "the room" in the hallway without stopping a beat.

After he had gone past, Audrey peered through with her eyes red with tears but Kiara dragged her in almost immediately.

The next morning, Elvin was sitting in his room, his fingers rubbed his jaw in thought.


How can I get to Audrey? Kiara spends all her time with her? How can I get to separate them?

I had to meet Audrey in private. Clearly, I cannot discuss the issues with her in the presence of anyone, especially not with Kiara present.

That lady would ruin anything. Such a kindhearted lass.

My hand drew at my chin, since I was clean shaven and there was no strand of beards to tweak or pull.

"Kiara is with her at the makeshift room, at breakfast, dinner, strolls, the training field—." I said to myself and stopped midway.

"Swordfighting?" I asked myself in realization. "I had promised her a few sessions in exchange for her archery skills. This is the time to make the best of it," I said and punched the air in victory.

Why didn't I think of this since?


Kiara had been with me all day, she had been acting all protective and caring, reminding a lot of my elder sister, Kelly. It was already late in the afternoon, and I felt better and hungry too.

"Why don't we go get lunch?" I asked her, she smiled so brightly. This was the first positive step I was taking since we came back from the training session.

We left the room, and quickly got some food to eat in the kitchen. Reminded me of home, how myself and my sisters would steal into the kitchen to eat instead of joining the family at the table.

On our way back to the room, we met Elvin by the door. He was whistling a familiar tune but I couldn't place it.

"Hi Audrey," he said and I nodded weakly to him. "So I was thinking about the offer the day, swordfighting for archery," he said and I remembered immediately.

"What about tomorrow?" I suggested and he made a mock disappointed face, pouting. "Okay, let's go," I agreed and Kiara smiled at the both us.

"Please, be careful," she called out after us.

I had accepted because I wanted to clear my mind. I needed something to vent on.


I grabbed a sword and she grabbed one, probably the one I saw her use earlier in the day. Yes, I had been spying on her all day. I planned going easy on her so we can take all of the time in the world and I can know as much as she would divulge.

She came forward and charged towards me.

So unlike the Audrey I saw this morning.

I knew what to do, exactly what to do.

I parried her swing easily, threw a soft one at her and she returned the favour. She smiled at me.

"You seem in a very great mood today, guess you and my brother are smoothening the rough edges," I said as she charged again, and I noticed that she stopped but continued almost before I could recognize. I was faster, so I dodged the stab allowing her go the opposite direction.

"You don't seem uptight anymore, this is very beautiful. I am so happy that you can keep a smile on your face for this long," I continued.

"I know Melvin can be an asshole, and for you to be putting up with him must be terribly telling on you," I added softly as I noticed that she wasn't charging with the initial energy.

Obviously, this was working.

She attacked again and I engaged her in slow rhythmic swordfight, but she was becoming slower. I knew she was processing a lot inside of her, and she wanted to open up but was used to keeping to herself.

That wall of self sufficiency is what I need to break now.

"You can open up to me, carrying this load may be too much for a burden for you. But opening up is the best way to relieve yourself half of the burden," I added as calmly and reassuring as I could.

"Home may have trained you to stand for yourself, be the woman. But I am a man and I can shoulder it for you. Plus, it will be inhumane of me to see that the next Queen Luna is going through a storm and I can't step in for my twin brother to help her navigate the ship," I said again as she came forward with a demeanour that spelt defeat.

"I grew up in a family where we as children didn't have a say. We were grown into beautiful ladies because we were treaty packages as I will call us. My father married us to the strongest and wealthiest packs to gain affluence and strength.” she finally broke down as she took a weak swing.

"Even my mother didn't have a say. We were just slaves in royal regalia. He married all of us to the packs of his choice. And that's how I found myself here, and Melvin-?" she stopped. I knew she was holding back her tears, but I needed that wall to come down too.

"I totally understand what you've been through, I can relate to pain too," I said as she dropped her sword and ran towards me. I opened my arms to allow her fall into them, crying on my shoulders.

"You're going to be fine. I know you need to be protected. I know you need someone you can confide in. I know you need someone to spill your guts to. Anything like that..." I trailed off as she sobbed more.

"...I am here for you," I finished with an evil smile on my lips as I patted her head softly.

Mission accomplished.

Compromising position, but I didn't care who saw us at this point.

Mission accomplished

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