Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Kiara sat on the wooden stool, as usual and rested her head on the wall with her sword between her legs. She turned to the bed every now and then to watch Audrey whenever she stirred or muttered words in her sleep.

She had been worried for some days now, because she was watching life slip away from the eyes of her new and only friend. Every night she was muttering inaudible words in her dreams and would be running a very high temperature. So she decided to take tonight to watch her especially now that she had seen that her defences had been broken down. She knew that at this pace, Audrey could fall prey to any predator, and she knew that many of them were in the palace– but she couldn't pinpoint any.

Audrey stirred on the bed. She began to sob and muttered a lot of inaudible words. Kiara picked up the wooden basin with water and a napkin in it. She began to mop Audrey's forehead softly and slowly the mutterings stopped, and she folded herself for warmth. Kiara covered her with a thick fur covering.

Elvin had parted ways with Audrey when Kiara arrived informing them that dinner was going to be up in a few minutes. And now, they had had the dinner, he was going to his room with joy written all over his face.

Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished

He chanted and laughed maniacally as he walked to his room, which was not in that hallway of the royal quarters like his parents and siblings'. After his issues with Melvin, he moved out of the royal quarters to the building beside it. His parents had tried getting him to come back to the royal quarters but all their efforts turned out to be futile.

The room after Melvin, which was the new room Audrey occupied, was his former room.

With an evil grin plastered over his face, he walked towards his quarters whistling a tune.


Pushing my door open, I entered inside and rested my back against the door then began to choke back a laughter that threatened to give me off as a psycho.

"Today is obviously one of my best days. I can't believe it, she is so innocent and I feel bad using her head," I said in mock pity and bursted out laughing.

"Oh Audrey, dear Audrey. Oh my dear Audrey. I wish there was another way around this without hurting your feelings, but if Melvin took what hurt me by taking what I love, then I will repay the favour." I mocked, but there was sincerely a hint of pain and regret at the back of my mind. I really didn't want to hurt anyone, all I wanted was to get even with my brother. But I have watched him grow a very thick skin over time, and the fact that Audrey seemed to have been bringing out a vulnerable side of him that we've not seen in the longest time. And, I have to exploit it, unfortunately.

"Its the innocence in her eyes, the weakness of her heart, the gullibility of her mind, I can't believe that all she has is beauty, but no brains or brawn. Thanks to her dysfunctional home, she has already been broken, and now Melvin is making matters easier for me," I said it in a voice I hadn't heard myself use ever before.

The morning sun shone brightly, piercing through the thick curtains of the cloud and displaying its exquisite patterns on the breakfast table of the Alpha King and his family.

They were having a fine breakfast of bread, moringa tea, lamb chops, and some vegetables and fruits by the side.

The family was observing their table manners this time because Melvin wasn't here to be taunted by his twin brother, and Elvin didn't have anyone to prey on– not yet.

"Good morning Father, Good morning Mother," a female voice echoed and the boot clapped on the polished floor.

"Good morning, Diana," Queen Luna replied while the Alpha King kept eating without looking up.

"How are you doing, my dear?"

"I am very well, thank you. And you?"

"Very well."

Diana joined them, sitting beside Elvin opposite Kiara whose right hand hand side was occupied by Audrey.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you for breakfast," she said after sitting and the Queen waved her off.

"C'mon, you are family." She said as she sipped from her cup of tea. Diana blushed and grabbed a plate to serve herself.

After a few minutes, Diana coughed lightly.

"Witchcraft," Diana finally broke the silence for the second time. "Love spells, and love portions, anyone knows anything about that?" She asked.

"I feel like it is something we really need to discuss because I feel there are traces of black magic in this–" she mumbles the end of her statement inaudibly.

"And I noticed this few days after I came back. I'm really shocked no one has ever talked about it," she continued. Everyone remained silent.

"This wasn't around until recently, I believe. That was before our new bride arrived," Diana finally spilled out her mind and before Audrey could think of a reply, Kiara did.

"I believe this is where our table manners come in. As a properly trained child, it should not be oblivious to you that talking while eating is a wrong etiquette".

"And that is it for the rest of the breakfast," the Alpha King said and Elvin held his peace.

Silence returned to the table.

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