Read with BonusRead with Bonus


The Peking pack members and household were already getting accustomed to the high temperature of the season as they now went about their businesses.

Gathered in the throne room was the Alpha King alongside his royal council and Queen Luna by his left hand side. At the foot of his elevated throne stood Elvin, dressed in a royal blue tunic with a thick fur coat. He wore trousers over his leggings and a brown knee-length boot.


My father was dressed in same outfit and one would think we preplanned it, but he was surprised.

"Elvin," he called me and I bowed slightly.

"Yes father."

"There is absolutely not much to tell you about, it is beautiful that you came for my blessings as it is costumary And I trust you a hundred percent to do just as planned."

Father was beaming with a bright smile that made me almost smile, but I had to maintain a straight face. Then father adjusted in his seat and I knew he was about to bless me. I took a knee and bowed my head facing the ground. But after about a minute, father hadn't said anything and I could hear the royal council members chattering away in whispers.

I looked up.

A raven stood on father's arm while he opened up a letter he must have gotten from the legs of the raven.

"Dear Father, Our Alpha King, I have just successfully crossed the border of the Peking pack and I am on my way to the enemy lines. In a few days, our enemies should have been vanquished and we would return home with the fear of your name in the mouth of other packs and your power being preached about."

Father read and I tried with all the strength I had in me not to show my hot displeasure. I was very much pissed off and I did not want to show it off

He stole the family from me, I didn't object.

When I found something else to cling to, he stole it away from me– the one thing that mattered to me.

He stole everything from me, even the little time I had to shine and show my competence.

I swallowed hard still on my knee hoping that father will turn to me and bless me so I could leave.

After a few minutes of talking and chattering away, I could see mother tapping father and whispering into his ears. He turned to me and his eyes stung with guilt at the realization of what he had done.

I smiled to tell him I understood, but my heart had been further darkened.

"O moon goddess, we call upon you today and ask that you protect our soon, Elvin. Be with him all through this journey, help him go safely, bring him back home safely. Bring all the mountains he will face into plain grounds, the wildernesses he will pass will beat fruits. O moon goddess, please– please, ermm," he stuttered. Then he cleared his throat.

Not like I even care about the blessings anymore. I can't wait to stand up from this place and leave the presence of this annoying and unintelligent men.

I stood up after he managed to finish giving me.his blessings. Mother's eyes were tearing up already and I feared for her more than I feared for anything else. Obviously she knew what I felt and was sure I was going to do something nasty, her fear was losing any of her children, as she always told us especially after the issue that caused this rift between Melvin and I.

I walked out of the room as the men began to talk again, but I could feel mother staring at me as I left.

Walking towards the royal quarters, I didn't want to think about Melvin or father or the pack. I just wanted to make the most of my few hours here before leaving the pack for Blue Crest district.

"Elvin," I heard my name as a whisper in my head. Obviously this person trying to reach me wanted me alone to know.

Turning towards the direction I believed the call was coming from, I saw Diana standing at the bridge in a lilac gown, she was wearing white stockings and held a novel in her hands. Immediately our eyes met, she waved and I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hi," I saluted as I got to her.

"How are you preparing for your journey?"

"Uhmm, not bad at all. In a few hours time, I should out of the pack."

"Hope you don't want to go Omega on us," she joked and I smiled. "That's only peculiar to our princess, Audrey." She added and I growled in response.

"Obviously you can't take a joke," she said brushing me softly.

"So what's the problem?" I immediately got serious and she noticed.

"It is obvious that you are very knowledgeable in a lot of matters. And something has been bothering me recently," she said. I smiled inwardly because I had been waiting for this since the drama at the breakfast table.

"It is about your brother, Melvin." She paused. "I know the both of you are not in good terms, but I deeply believe that you still have a space in your heart that he occupies."

That wasn't a lie. Was it?

"I feel something has gone off about him since he got married. Or was forced into this marriage, rather. He hasn't been himself in the longest of times, been acting weird, acting like he is being manipulated by dark powers and I dunno how to put it, but you should understand." She seemed worried as she explained which caused me to smile more– though inwardly.

"You feel he is spellbound?" I helped her and she nodded strongly.

Time to take advantage of another gullible lady's emotion.

I explained a lot about love spells, love portion, witchcraft, and all I could remember on related topics to magic. She seemed amazed and from her eyes I could tell that she had been caught up in my web. Then I said:

"I will help you"

"Will you?"

"Not because of you or anything, but because of my love for my twin brother. I still love him. One blood is what flows through us." I said convincingly and she smiled.


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