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Diana walked into her room, few buildings away from the royal quarters. Her conversation with Elvin had lightened up her mood and she felt like an ox whose yoke had been taken off of it.

"First off, Elvin still loves Melvin," she said as she entered the room. She kicked off her boots and sat on the bed.

"This fight is actually needless for goodness sake. It is even pointless. Because no matter what had happened between them Elvin still claims to love him and I believe that Melvin isn't such an unreasonable and unloving person not to feel the same way about his brother," she continued.

"But that's not the point right now," she took off her gown, dumping it by her side, showing off her large breasts that has been tapered into a proportion by the strophium.

Elvin had already provided an answer to the problem she had spent the previous night trying to figure out a solution to, and she felt indebted to him already.

Before now, she never really cared about Elvin. All she wanted was Melvin to herself. But in the bid to achieve that, she was ready to partner with evil deities if that was what it was going to take.

Unlike the deities and their evil ways, all she needed to do this time was as Elvin had instructed, just add the antidote to his meal or a drink and he would be free.

She smiled and fell back to the bed in resignation.


I had obviously had enough of the black magic and voodoo accusations. But I did not know what to do. Pacing the room that I now occupied all by myself, since Kiara was busy and we hadn't spent time together since after breakfast.

I had tried some training in the field, both with my sword and archery skills. I even had to visit the library just to do something to get my mind off all the drama.

"Who exactly is Diana?" I asked myself.

Hee conversation today at the breakfast table wer obviously a shot to me. I knew it! I knew that that was what would be spreading in the palace now. And from my last discussion with Elvin, I found out that Melvin had a big fear for magic, talk more about black magic.

Clearly, Melvin was feeling somewhat different from how he was used to and that made him feel that there was an enchantment that was controlling him.

"But what do I do?"

"What is acting going on?"

"How does he react before I came?"

"What's the change that occurred?"

"Is there a remedy?"

My head rang out loud thoughts in decibels and I pressed my hands to my ears as I collapsed to the bed.

Knock, knock.

I heard at the door, so softly. Hesitating for a few seconds, I heard it again.

Knock knock.

"Princess Audrey" a voice called in a whisper and I struggled to get up. Opening the door, a figure thrusted a package into my hands and ran into the dark hallway. Unfortunately, I could not make out who it was because the night shielded the identity of whoever it was from me.

I locked my door and went back to my bed. Dropping the package on the bed, I saw that it was tied up at the top to keep hidden whatever was in it.

I untied it and as the wrappings fell off–


This week was apparently my best week.

My plan was going according to plans. I had gotten Audrey to open up a whole lot to me and I had bought her trust by telling her the surface of everything, aside the secret and my intention. How was I blame her? Someone from a dysfunctional home. A greedy father plus a scared mother was not going to birth a brave daughter, no! They were going to birth Audrey

"Poor Audrey" I chuckled. "But Diana?" I added softly.

"Diana is supposed to be smarter, to be honest. She is the daughter of a late werewolf general. How come she didn't take after his brute force and unwavering level of discipline?" I asked rhetorically.

"I guess love is a weakness," I replied myself after a few seconds.

"But if love was a weakness, then I was not supposed to be feeling this strong. Or probably, the pain I felt from losing what I loved fueled me to become what I am now." I said to myself.

Diana was even worse than Audrey in my book, because she was glaringly advantaged. Having a general as a father, having being taught to be disciplined and we'll trained, having the best of everything of life? What else could she ask for?

But life already had Audrey handicapped.

"Regardless of these things, I was going to take advantage of their weakness. I was going to crush Melvin to the last and make him feel every single atom of pain I felt. I will bring him to his knees and make him beg for death but he won't get anything close to that as soon as he wishes."

"It's either Audrey's break him or Diana's. I don't know who his heart beats for, but I will use every option available to tear his defences down and bring him to a point where he would prefer death over his state"

I swore in anger.

But when did I become this beast?

I smirked.

"I should get to bed already, by midnight I should be leaving for the Blue Crest district." I said and laid down on my bed, enjoying the cool evening breeze.

I couldn't wait to execute my plans to the fullest, couldn't wait to see the pain in the eyes of Melvin, my twin brother. I couldn't wait to hear him beg, see him cry and wail just like I did– for months.

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