Read with BonusRead with Bonus


A quatrain

The hands of a baby holds great secret

Unfolding a finger, the other four go clenched.

Tear drops uncalled for, but the onions did it

That hurt has blinded the heart, we don't see where we go next.

Sabre-toothed tiger.

This was the seventeenth time Audrey was reading the most unreasonable quatrain she had ever seen.


Deep down, I had a feeling that there was a message that was being passed, but I couldn't place her hand on it. The feelings lurked at the back of my mind and I couldn't wave it off.

What does this mean?

Who could be sending this letter?

What is the person trying to tell me?

I tried fighting off the feeling, but it still stood strongly.

The next morning, a knock woke me.

"Princess Audrey, it's almost time for breakfast." A female voice called from outside, and I yawned a reply.

Getting up from my bed, I pulled my gown off, exposing my strophium and stockings. Then I saw a flat piece slide under the door into my room.

Not another one

I groaned in annoyance as I remembered the letter from yesternight, and I hoped this one was not another of the annoying, brain racking quatrain.

I bent and picked the letter. Unwrapping the neatly packed letter, this one was tied with a brown ribbon.

My heart started thumping fast, threatening to break free from my rib cage. I did not know why it was so, but I couldn't control my heartbeat.

Unfolding the letter, it read–

Comes with drama, war of all kinds and heartbreaks

With strife, emotional games, mind games, mistrust.

Every of these things will be a course of sad ways

Exposition that will break you all in all.

Sabre-toothed tiger

My head started pounding harder than my heart. I felt weak in my knees but I could not explain why this letter was having such effects on me. I tried racking my brain to know what the problem could be.

Was it really the problem I was racking my head for? Or the translation to this poems?

Whatever of the two, I was still confused. Although, this quatrain seemed to pass an obvious message of pain and negativity. The first one was passing a message of–

I can't even remember.

I went back to my bed where the other letter laid. Then the maid knocked again.

"Breakfast is ready, my princess." She called out and I jetted to the bathroom. In less than an hour I was walking towards the breakfast table. The Alpha King, Queen Luna and Princess Kiara were the only ones present. They were sitting at his either side and I joined Kiara.

"What's the matter?" She asked me immediately I got settled. A table was already set before me by one of the maids.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Your facial expression says it all," she replied in a whisper.

"Eat before the food gets cold," Queen Luna advised as she picked another plate and dished some chicken wings on my plate.

"Thank you, mother," I appreciated and she flashed a smile at me.

Who was it that would be sending me such cryptic notes? These quatrains obviously carry a message.

But I haven't been able to wrap my head around anything reasonable. The second message was very much plain, at least, compared to the first one.

"...may be she is missing her husband," I heard Queen Luna joke and managed to flash a smile at her.

"Yeah, like you used to miss me when we newly got married," the Alpha King joked for the first time and I was so happy to see him send a toothy grin across to me.

"And I guess it got bad that the Elvin she was binding with, as a brother-in-law, has traveled to the Blue Crest district, that's so unfortunate," he continued and I was forced to smile genuinely, but I believe that it vanished almost immediately as I bent over my plate, fighting with the pork.

The first message talked about a baby's grip, secrets, tear drops, onions. What could that really mean?

I thought to myself.

Maybe if I pondered over the letter for a longer time and stared at it, or read it aloud to myself over a long period of time, then I would be able to find its meaning.

Who is this sabre-toothed tiger?

My head ran wild and I was feeling a migraine setting in already.

"Father, mother, please excuse me. I would love to return to my room," I said before I could stop myself. The king and queen looked up to me with concern. I avoided Kiara's gaze.

"Are you okay?"

"Is anything the problem?"

"Yes, I am. I just need to–" I could finish my reply before I found my legs carrying me across the hall.

"I'll go find out what the problem is," Kiara said and followed.

I half ran to my room, carrying the length of my gown in my arms.

This sabre-toothed tiger person was really driving me crazy and I was not in for this anymore. I needed to think and find out who was trying to mess with me.

Was I the only one getting these messages? If I am, then what makes me unique? What could be the message I am supposed to decode from this?

I rambled in my head because there was none I felt I could tell right now. Maybe Kiara, or Elvin.

I should open up to them.

Entering my room, I found another package on my bed, it was just like the first one. Untying the top, the cloth wrapping fell to expose another cloth wrapping, and it went on like that for five wrappings before I was left with a letter. It read

Will, attached to wisdom and great plans is more than brute force.

Break of from humanity and from the people you think that you trust

You are not insane, this message is for you to cool off

Eventually danger awaits you on the path of trust, Omega wolves know their true form.

Sabre-toothed tiger.

NOT AGAIN!!!! I screamed!

Then I heard a knock on my door, I stashed the cloth wrappings in my dresser, and the letter in my breast.

Kiara walked in.

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