Read with BonusRead with Bonus


The raven glided to land on the arm of the Alpha King, who was sitting in his courtyard with his wife, enjoying the cool evening breeze.

Removing the slim container from the claws of the raven, he twisted it open to reveal a parchment. Unrolling it, he read aloud– loud enough for only his wife to hear.

"Father, I and the soldiers have successfully gotten to our destination, the Blue Crest district. And work has commenced immediately."

"That amazing," Queen Luna said smiling proudly.

As they were still celebrating the safe journey and commencement of the drainage project of their son, another raven flew in and perched on the other arm of the alpha king, prompting the queen to laugh. He smiled at her.

Opening this container, there was a parchment paper too, reading it, she smiled and queen Luna took a peek at the paper and a similar proud smile crept up her face.

"The twins are making us proud," their father said and his wife nodded in agreement.

"I just wish that they would come to a point of compromise. Let them settle whatever problems they have. I am really tired." The Queen moaned in sadness and the alpha king felt the pain she felt as he could feel it too.

He had tried talking them into confessing what the problem was, on countless occasions. But then had decided to keep it to themselves no matter what.

"If only they would open up," she added and the king had to reach out to rub her back in sympathy.

"C'mon, stop that already. I believe we are supposed to be happy that they are doing us proud and they haven't hurt each other yet or even made any move that suggests that," their father tried steering the conversation to the positive side.

"The two of them are doing as commanded, both manning their different posts without complaints." He paused allowing his words to register in her head before he continued.

"Elvin is contented with his political assignments, and Melvin? We can see from the letter we just received that he is the best man for the military force of the pack. He has just vanquished the Grey Moon pack, save their alpha who had escaped and he thought it unwise to charge after him into unknown lands," the alpha king narrated.

"And as usual, you know that news like this calls for celebration, not shedding of tears," he reminded her and she nodded in understanding. "So be merry, my queen," he said and she had to force a smile.

A long pause.

"Then, we are talking about two or three days from now, right?" The Queen asked in a cheerful voice and her husband nodded.


Whoever the "sabre-toothed tiger" person was had won if his intention was to throw me into a state of utter confusion and mental instability. I have been overthinking myself over this issue for the few days of insanity that this writer has thrown me into.

But who could this person be, and what is this person trying to say?

I had asked myself this question for a million time. But till now, no answers. I stared outside the window and the moon stared back me, looking so bright, which was a total opposite of my countenance.

I heard a sound.

Proceeding closer to my window with caution, I found another letter by the window sill. Another letter!

When was this going to stop? Was it going to ever stop?

I reasoned within myself, bitterness and pain shot through my veins as I thought of another brain racking exercise. Tearing open the envelope.

"O, an envelope." I mused.

The cabbage's shields and onion's walls

The coverings reek of hidden things

Trust breeds in secrecy, so even silence is a clarion call

Underneath the plant lies the insect killing it

Sabre-toothed tiger

"I have had enough of this," I shouted in a mix of anger and frustration. "I believe that there should be a library in this place, and it's high time I visited it." I said before walking out of the room.

The moon still stared at me, and its gaze mocked me, seemingly. I tried to look the part, but the aura I exuded was apparently a worried and disoriented one.

Not like I cared.

I intended to walk briskly, but I knew that I shuffled, just like my mental state was– muddled. I walked as fast as I could and when I got to the library, the librarian was about locking the doors. He bowed when he saw me, I waved him off and told him I'll be staying the night in the library. He didn't seem pleaded to stay any longer, but he had no other option, I guess.

He directed me to the section with books on poetry. I thanked him and gave him my permission to leave because I intended to stay a long time, until I could discover what the "sabre-toothed tiger" person was trying to tell me.

Opening the first book, I started studying, using the light from a torch that was behind me. The librarian had helped me with it before he left.

I was hunched over, studying as much as my brain could carry. The book had a a lot of terminologies and I was greeted with new vocabularies.

"If this anonymous writer does not drive me insane, then the books will," I whispered in anguish.

This felt like a two-wheeler of insanity, and in the course or me going crazy, either of the wheels was looking promising.

I rubbed my forehead as I dived in again.

I must find something, a compass to point me in any direction – the right direction, or even the wrong one.

At least, I must make a move in unravelling this annoying quatrains.

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