Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

This morning I notified the soldiers that we would be going out for a stroll through the kingdom; it will take a few days to get through the entire kingdom, so they are busy preparing for our departure.

“ Kaden! We are ready for your departure through the kingdom.”

“Thank you, Deon. I will be right there.” Deon has been my trusty right-hand soldier for years now and one of the very, very few of my subjects who gets to call me by my name. He has earned that privilege.

Earlier, I gave Deon the instructions on preparing the men for our travel. It takes about a few days to travel through my kingdom, Valtor. I gave him the instructions this morning on preparing the men for our travel.

This morning, I decided to take a different path through the castle. I don’t know why, but it felt like something was pulling toward the front entrance of the castle. It is quite odd, but I followed my instincts and headed in that direction.

Once outside into the garden, I noticed someone lying on the bench by the fountain. I don’t know who it was; I could only make out that the person had long hair as white as snow because it was cascading down from the bench like a sheer white curtain in the morning breeze. It looked so soft and silky that I almost wanted to reach out and touch it.

Tempted, I stalk closer to the lifeless body on the bench. With each step, my heart pounded louder in my chest. I catch a glimpse of her face, and out of nowhere, my heart skips a beat and starts pounding uncontrollably in my chest. It is like I am bewitched. It is her, my mate! She is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. She has hair as white as snow and skin as clear as porcelain, and her lips are as plump as ripe fruit. All I want to do is kiss her on those luscious lips.

Without realizing it, I am kneeling right at her side, lowering down, and gazing at her lips. Without helping myself, I placed my lips on hers, and her eyes flicked open, and I found myself staring into the bluest of icy blue eyes I have ever seen.

Out of nowhere, her hand collided with my face, causing me to stumble backwards a bit. She is a feisty thing for her size.

She jumped up from the bench with a fiery gaze in her eyes, looking like she could burn a hole right through my skull if she wanted to. She is rambling on about something, which I guess is from me kissing her, but I don’t hear a thing of what she is saying. I am too busy taking in everything about her, from the dimples to her cute little nose and slender body.

I have searched for her for so long, and now she is standing in front of me, and from the looks of it, she doesn’t even know that I am her Mate.

“ Don’t just stand there with your mouth full of teeth. How dare you kiss me? ” She shouts in full rage.

“ Because I have every right to. Those lips belong to me.” She frowned and I could see her face turning red with anger.

She can be as mad as she want's, I still won’t apologize for my actions. Her lips were the sweetest things that have ever touched mine, and I would steal a thousand fucking kisses from her soft lips if I could. Not even the sweetest of nectar has ever tasted as good as her lips.

( Meara )

Who does this guy think he is? He had no right to kiss me while I was asleep. Who does that? And to have the audacity to say that he had every right to kiss me. He is crazy! And to walk off like nothing had happened, and his looks, he is too handsome for his own good. He is made for seduction—for whispering secrets and making false promises in the dead of night. I don’t like it, not one bit.

Why is Merilla taking so long? I have been waiting here for, like, forever. I headed into the castle, and I was absolutely awestruck by the interior of the castle, completely speechless. Everything inside was white marble, with touches of gold everywhere. I can’t help but wonder if it is real gold or just for show. Tempted, I reached out to touch a piece of gold attached to one of the pillars.

“ Thief!” Someone calls out while grabbing ahold of my wrist and yanking it away from the pillar.

“I am not a thief; I was just looking at the pillar.” I argue back.

"That is usually what a thief would say if you caught them trying to steal."

“ Seriously, do you really think I could steel a pillar that huge. How on earth would I carry it in the first place?”

“ Don’t know, but I am not taking any chances. I will throw you in the dungeon until the king has returned and he can decide what he would want to do with you.” Without any further discussion, the guard pulled me outside of the castle, into some old looking stone building with metal bars on the windows . I scream for help, but everyone we pass just ignored my screams and turn their heads into another direction.

The dungeon sells were completely empty. There isn’t another living soul in here, besides for me.

The guard opens one of the sell doors, which is made of thick wood with a small window and metal rods pierced into the wood. He shoves me in with such force, causing me to fell to the ground and scuff my knee. I yelp in pain, but he doesn’t seem to be too bothered as he closed the door behind me, locking me in.

“ No, wait! Please come back. There has been a huge mistake!” I shout after the guard, but he gives me the cold shoulder as he disappeared down the hall and out of site.

Without helping it, I fell to the ground and burst out in tears. Where was Merilla? Why wasn’t she there to help me? All these thoughts go through my head as I sit there and cry.

When there wasn’t any tears left to cry, I stood up from the ground and surveyed the sell. In the right corner, there’s a pile of hay with a blanket on. I would assume that is the bed, and in the left corner was a metal bucket with a reeking stench coming from it. I approach the bucket with much caution, covering my nose in the prosses. As I peek over the edge of the bucket, I could feel the vomit surfacing in the back of my throat. I gag a bit, but luckily I didn't throw up.

The bucket was filled with manure, so I guess the bucket is used for a toilet. It is absolutely revolting. How could they just leave it here to rot. They were supposed to dispose of it.

Late that night I was still locked up in the little sell, and no king has showed up to decide my fate, or he did and that is why I am still stuck in this cold dungeon. I wanted to cry but all my tears were all dried up from the crying earlier.

This is all so unbelievable. If I ever get out of here, the first thing I am going to do is go back home and never return. On that note, I heard footsteps approuching, and It sounded like more then one person.

Shivers go down my spine as I hear them getting closer. It must be the king finally coming to declare whether I am a thief or not, and to my surprise, it is the Jerk from earlier who kissed me while I was asleep. What was he doing here? I thought the king was going to decide my fate.

“ Well, well. If it isn’t my sleeping beauty.” Hearing him say that, made me want to go into a full rage, but I just ignored him, not reacting to his comment. What is he doing here anyway? I thought the king was going to decide if I am innocent or not, unless he is the kings righthand man or something and he is the one delivering the kings message.

Why would a king be in a dungeon in the first place if he could send someone to do it for him?

“ I heard you tried to steal gold from the castle.” He said in a deep low voice.

“ I didn’t try to steel anything!” I throw back at him.

“ Are you saying that the guard was lying?”

“ I am saying that the guard should get himself some glasses and stop assuming things that isn’t true.”

“ So, you didn’t try to steel the gold from the pillars in the castle?”

“ Are you just as dense as the guard?” My blood boils in my veins. I jump from the ground, facing the door so that I can look in the jerks face.

“ No, I did not try to steel the gold, which would be physically impossible. I got tired of waiting, so I went inside to look for the fox, Merilla, but got captivated by the interior of the castle. So, no. I did not try to steel it, I was just going to touch it, and if I did try to steel it, how would I carry a huge pillar by myself through a castle surrounded by guards.” The jerk listens intently as the corner of his mouth curved into a smirk.

I don’t know why, but something about his smile is quiet appealing. I force my gaze away from his captivating smirk and turn my back to him to face the wall.

“ Why were you waiting for Merilla?” I hesitate for a moment.

“ Because she brought me here saying that she knew who my parents were and who I am, and that she is my spirit animal, whatever that means.” The jerk was quiet, when suddenly there is a clinging sound from the door and the door flung open.

“ You are free to go.” He gestures for me to get out of the sell and without any hesitation, I turn towards the door ready to leave this awful place.

I head for the door, eager to leave, when a strong hand grabs ahold of my wrist, yanking me back so hard that I slam in to this broad muscular chest. Looking up, I realize that I am looking into the eyes of the Jerk, and as I look deeper into his eyes, I noticed specs of red in his dark brown eyes, making me loose focus for a split second.

The warmness of his body is so enticing and overpowering. I could get lost in his strong arms wrapped around me.

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