Read with BonusRead with Bonus


With a grin on my face as I finished assembling my gun- I looked at where Isaac was and saw him surrounded by our pursuant. My grin grew wider with the idea that just popped up my mind.

I made sure to duck and position myself comfortably as I station my gun straight to my targets. Isaac doesn’t look like he was having a hard time but helping him wouldn’t be a bad idea right? No one should dare glace my man other than me.

I squinted my left eye and looked through my scope, aimed at my targets and shot them straight through their heads. Isaac threw his head backwards as he glances straight to where I am.

I saw how his lips rose and formed a grin as he continued beating his enemies asses. I suppressed the smile that was slowly forming on my lips and continued doing my part of the job.

So we finished earlier than expected their reinforcement that was supposed to arrive at exactly two hours from now, I guess we could just ditch them and leave this place.

I jumped down the tree and met Isaac who looked like he had just finished his last target. I tapped my earpiece and asked Hudson if he was done with the task I told him. But he just replied with a nervous yes and asked me again if I was sure with what I was going to do.

And all I could say was that “You’re complaining that I am not that famous right? Then with this everyone would know who I am. Aizen is back baby! Make sure to highlight that.”

“Why are you grinning like that? You look like you’re about to kill someone. It’s not me right? We just got back together,” I heard Isaac said behind.

Pfft. What is he even saying?

I looked at him and said, “We should get going before they reach us here. We don’t wanna fight twice the number of those men earlier right? And we still have things we need to do,” I said and gave him a wink before leaving him there stunned.

I senses him catching up on me a few more minutes, he grabbed my waist before whispering, “I’m not reading to much of what you just said right? Or I am thinking what you think I should think about?” he asked with his brows almost meeting each other and with a face of a predator awaiting to pounce on his prey.

Dang why does he looks so hot right now? Am I lucky or what? Pfft. Anyway why is he even asking that? I clearly said that to tell him that. Let’s torture him for a bit HAHA!

“My god Isaac didn’t knew you wanted me that bad. Did you miss me that much?” I said trying to annoy him.

Isaac’s face immediately turned red and his face was starting to go on defensive mode. And then he started explaining and reasoning out himself so desperately that I couldn’t help myself but laugh.

“Why are you laughing? I’m dying here,” he said like a fully grown wolf pouting to his owner. Dang I can clearly saw his droopy ears and that expression! HAHAHA! His furrowed brows combined with his confused expression! HAHA! So cute!

“HAHAHA! I’m sorry! I was just joking,” I said as I wipe the tears in my eyes.

Isaac glared at me like he just lost to a bet or something, and then the unexpected thing happened and I just saw myself being carried off like a sack of rice.

“Hey! Let me down!”

But instead of answering me, Isaac spanked my ass and replied, “That’s your punishment for making fun of me. I was being serious here. I thought I was being rude to you again,”

“That’s so sweet! I could kiss you right now if you weren’t just carrying me like this,” I said trying to annoy him. But what really shocked me was when Isaac suddenly stopped walking and asked, “Are you telling the truth?” he said as if he was having second thoughts about whether to believe what I said. Despite that, his voice sounded like a moping kid to me HAHAHA how is he so cute?

I chuckled and said, “Yes, Yes I’m telling the truth. Why would I lie to you?”

And without battling an eyelid Isaac quickly brought me down and pulled my waist closer to him causing our faces to be inches away from each other. His eyes was directly looking at mine as he asked me this question, “Now, where’s my kiss?”

I couldn’t help myself and my lips just formed into a smile. I looked at his lips and planted a soft and passionate kiss. After a few seconds, I asked,, “Happy?”

He looked at me with just so tender eyes and kissed my forehead before carrying me like a sack AGAIN!

“Hey! Why am I still in this state?” I said with complain.

“How does it feel like to be deceived, wife?” he said mischievously as he let out a soft chuckle..

Psh. If your not that handsome then I would have refuted, but because I love you and your back looks so delectable then I will forgive you. But of course I would tell you that! Hmp!

A few minutes of walk a car stopped in front of us. Turns out it was one of Isaac’s men, behind that car was three more cars with their men. Isaac put me down and told me to get in. I looked up the sky and saw a few copters going to the same way we went.

I looked at my watch and back to the road we went through. Has it been that long already? Those men that was twice as much the number that we killed earlier, they’re almost here. I threw a glance at Isaac and saw him talking to his men, giving them instructions.

A few moments after that I saw them nodding their heads and saluting to my husband before leaving. Isaac went straight to where I am and looked at me as if he was asking I why?

“Aren’t you going with them?”

“Why would I?”

“They’re going to fight those men right?”

“Yeah. So?”

I cant really understand this man sometimes..

Isaac chucked and cupped my face, “Don’t worry, my men are strong enough to withstand those numbers, and besides we still have an unfinished business to attend to. I believe that’s more important that coming along to kill trash like them,” he said and grinned.

My mouth was left in awe. Should I worry about myself?

I looked at his crotch and gulped. It’s not even erected yet and it’s already that big?!

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