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Chapter 1 Triplets

Sadie Roth felt like a lost soul in the desert, yearning for the man's tender kiss.

Those thin lips of his brought her freshness and sweetness, relieving her lust.

The light was dim, so Sadie couldn't make out his face.

In the silent night, only their heavy breathing sounded...

The next day, the sunlight flooded in, waking Sadie from her slumber. Sensing the man getting up, she opened her eyes. Through her blurred vision, she only caught a glimpse of his tall, straight figure, along with the vivid tattoo on his lower back. It was a ferocious wolf opening its bloody mouth as if it was about to devour her.

As she stared at it, fear spread over her body. She wanted to look closer, but sleep held her back.

When Sadie woke up again, she couldn't remember a thing about last night. It all felt like a dream, only the pain telling her she was wrong.

Clutching her throbbing head, Sadie sat up and surveyed the messy bed and a torn shirt on the carpet. She froze as memories from the previous night flashed through her mind: her fiancé, Ronan Potter, abruptly calling off their engagement at the last minute; her cousin, Leah White, ushering her to a nightclub for solace and drinks; having gotten drunk, she claiming to take revenge on Ronan; Leah arranging a male escort for her...

Overwhelmed and panicked, Sadie gasped and clutched her chest.

'Oh my God!' she gasped inwardly at the realization that she had lost her virginity to a bouncer. And she didn't even get a clear view of his face!

Filled with regret, Sadie grabbed her hair before she quickly got dressed and left, only to be stopped by a group of journalists at the hotel entrance.

The cameras flashed incessantly as unpleasant questions bombarded her.

"Miss Roth, we heard that you spent a night with a male escort right after Ronan Potter dumped you. Is that true?"

"Miss Roth, we heard that the escort you slept with is transsexual. Did you know that?"

"Miss Roth, do you know about your father's bankruptcy?"

"Miss Roth, we just received news that your father jumped off the building in the corporate headquarters."

These shocking revelations caught Sadie off guard.

The next morning, the headlines splashed across major media outlets, exposing her personal life and her father's tragic demise.

#Edmond Roth, the Richest Man in the City, Goes Bust and Commits Suicide by Jumping off a Building#

#Sadie Roth, Daughter of Edmond Roth, Drowns Her Sorrows at a Bar and Spends a Wild Night with a Transgender Bouncer After Getting Dumped#

Overnight, Sadie went from being the admired heiress of a prestigious family to a slut, condemned and despised by society. She had lost everything. Her wealth, her father, her fiancé...

Ten months later, in a humble clinic, the loud cries of a baby filled the air.

Brenda, the family's trusted maid, walked up to the weak and exhausted Sadie, thrilled. "Congrats, miss! You're blessed with triplets! Two boys and a girl!"

Four years later, at Newark Train Station.

Sadie returned to the city she once called home, accompanied by her three babies and Brenda.

Brenda was dragging two large suitcases with her plump body, panting heavily as she walked.

Carrying a faded denim backpack, Sadie held onto the three babies as she struggled to make her way out of the crowded train station.

To those passengers, they were like a family of five seeking refuge.

"Fuck off, paupers!" As Sadie and her children navigated through the station, a woman in a fur coat forcefully shoved Brenda aside and hurled insults.

Before Sadie could intervene, a convoy of luxury cars pulled up and a group of bodyguards emerged in rows, bowing respectfully at her. "Welcome back, Mrs. Potter!" They exclaimed in unison.

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