These seats are amazing.” I looked around, hardly able to believe we were sitting in the second row.
When Joel had said he had tickets to a Lakers game, I imagined we’d be somewhere in the far back, not right up front by the action.
“They’re nice,” Joel said. “My friend Donnie was able to hook me up with season tickets.”
I tried to compose myself and not look absolutely shocked. “Cool.”
I took a sip of my beer and glanced around us. In front of us and several seats down sat a TV actress whose name I couldn’t remember and a guy from a popular reality show. I was pretty sure I’d already spotted several other famous people on our way to our seats, but since I wasn’t that interested in celebrities, I didn’t know their names.
The auditorium roared with noise as the game started, and talking became difficult. Next to me, Joel sipped his sparkling water.
I’d been a little surprised that he hadn’t ordered a drink like I had, since it was the evening and he didn’t have surgery the next day. I didn’t have any problem enjoying a drink by myself, but it did have me wondering.
Was he sober? That would explain his aversion to drinking. If so, I wouldn’t press for him to tell me about it. Even though I desperately wanted to know.
Just like I desperately wanted to know everything about him.
Ever since getting his text over the weekend, my thoughts had revolved almost exclusively around him. I’d tried to keep Marilyn’s words in mind, but my heart had its intentions.
Joel adjusted in his seat, and his knee brushed against mine. A thrill went up my leg, and my breath hitched in my throat.
He seemed to not even notice the physical contact. Catching my eye, he smiled.
I smiled back. Friends. We were just friends.
I sipped my beer. I could do that… but only because I needed to. “So you’re a big basketball fan?” I asked loudly.
He laughed. “Not really.”
I gave him a perplexed look.
He leaned closer, and when he spoke his breath tickled my ear. “I’ve had these tickets for a while, and this is the first time I’ve come to a game. I thought you might like it.”
He leaned back and studied my face, looking for my approval. I smiled big.
So he wasn’t bringing other women to these games. Even if he was doing other things with them, at least I had this one thing.
“Thank you for bringing me.” There was a loud buzzing, and I winced. “Are you sure you like it?” Joel asked. “We can leave if not.”
“I love it,” I said, completely genuine.
As the game went on, I enjoyed being there even more. I’d never been into basketball, but there was something about being up close to the action that got your adrenaline flowing. By the end of the game, I didn’t want to leave.
“That was so much fun.” I dropped my empty plastic cup into a trash can as we exited with the masses.
“Yeah, it was.”
“You look surprised.”
He chuckled. “I’m not that good at letting go and relaxing. I guess my mind is a little busy for that.”
“It’s probably what makes you such a brilliant surgeon.”
He pursed his lips, trying to stop a smile. “You don’t have to call me brilliant.”
“You made a difference in my family’s lives… and others’ lives as well. That’s pretty brilliant.”
We emerged into the fresh night air, where car honks beeped and people milled around the sidewalks.
“What would you like to do now?” Joel asked. “Or I can take you home, if you like.”
That second option felt like the worst one in the world. Of course, I couldn’t show him that.
“I can stay out for a while,” I casually said. “Do you like pad Thai?”
“Are you serious? I freaking love it.”
He threw back his head in laughter. “There’s an amazing spot I’d like to take you to. It’s kind of a hole in the wall, though. Floppy paper plates. They only have off-brand sodas. If you’d like another drink, though, we can go somewhere else.”
“I don’t need another drink.” Because he’d brought up the topic, I decided to go for it. “You don’t really drink anyway, right?”
There was a long moment of silence. I wondered if I had overstepped. “No,” he finally said. “Here and there I have a drink, but not usually.”
There was another pause. We were almost at his car, and I got the sense that this was an uncomfortable topic for him. I searched desperately for a change of subject.
“My mother drank too much,” he said, all of a sudden. “That turned me off to it.”
“Oh.” My heart sank. “I’m sorry.”
He opened my car door for me. “It’s all right.”
Of course it wasn’t, but I doubted anything I could say would make it better. “The game was fun,” I said as we drove off. “Thanks for bringing me.”
He shot me a smile. “Thanks for joining me.”
I wondered what he’d done all weekend. Other than a few texts, we hadn’t been in touch. Had he gone out? With a woman?
What sort of things did he do with other women?
I turned my face to the window, fighting the thoughts. I needed to focus on enjoying the moment. It didn’t matter whether Joel was dating or not, because we were friends.
And, as he’d already told me, he didn’t do relationships.
Knowing that even if he did date women, the dates wouldn’t go anywhere, gave me some satisfaction. Bad as that was.
We arrived at the “hole in a wall” he’d described, and it turned out to be exactly that. A little restaurant barely bigger than an alley, with a counter to order at and three small tables pushed against the wall.
They served our pad Thai on paper plates with plastic sporks on the side, and we filled up big Styrofoam cups of soda.
“Oh my God,” I said around the first bite. “This is amazing.” Joel cocked an eyebrow. “I know.”
“How have I never heard of this place?” I had to stop myself from shoveling the whole plate into my mouth.
“Their online reviews are all five stars, but there aren’t that many of them. It really is still a secret.”
“Does that mean I can’t bring everyone I know here?”
He looked at me over his Styrofoam cup. “I’m hoping you’ll only come here with me.”
My heart stopped. Was he flirting with me? No. He wouldn’t do that.
I sporked another load of noodles into my mouth, but half of them missed and fell back on the plate. Embarrassed, I grabbed a napkin and wiped my face.
“Sorry, I’m so clumsy.”
But Joel was smiling. “There’s only one way to eat food this good, and that’s messily.”
His phone starting ringing, and he pulled it out. “I’m sorry…” I waved my hand. “It’s fine.”
Unless it was another woman calling him. God. What was wrong with me?
Friends, Katie. The two of you are just friends. Don’t worry about what he does with his life.
Joel’s face tightened. “It’s work. I need to take this. I’ll be right back.” “I’ll be left front.”
He gave me a puzzled look, but I waved him off. Could I be any more awkward?
Once Joel was outside, the phone pressed to his ear, I let out a big sigh. Tonight was even harder than I’d expected it to be.
Pulling out my own phone, I scrolled through social media. The first post that came up was from one of my college friends, announcing her engagement. Several posts down, someone I worked with at a restaurant years ago showed off her ultrasound pictures. “It’s a girl!” she proclaimed in the captions.
“Ugh.” I put my phone down. Come to think of it, a break from social media would probably serve me well.
Joel returned and took his seat across from me. “Sorry about that.” “It’s fine. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, it was my patient from last week. They had some questions, so the nurse called.”
I folded my arms on the table. Seeing the posts about babies and marriage had stolen my appetite. “How is their recovery going?”
“Well.” A slight smile stretched his lips. “Which is good.”
His face became dreamy. He was lost in thought, and I didn’t want to interrupt him. I could have sat there all night, sitting in silence and staring at him.
“I don’t always like the job,” he said. “You don’t? What’s wrong with it?”
He rubbed the back of his head. “It doesn’t feel… right. It’s hard to explain that, but—”
“It’s okay. I get it. Do you feel like there’s something else out there for you? Another profession?”
He stared into his soda. “Maybe.” He sat up a little straighter. “But everyone has a love-hate relationship with their job, right?”
“I don’t.”
The way the words came out, I felt like I’d been insensitive. I didn’t want to take them back, though, or apologize.
Maybe explaining would help. “I’m doing what I’m meant to do,” I said. “What I do best. And I know this might sound cheesy, but it brings me fulfillment every day.”
His eyes softened. “That’s amazing,” he said in a hushed voice.
Having his gaze on me made me heat up in a way I was ashamed of. I ducked my face, unable to maintain eye contact.
“My job isn’t all bad,” he said. “It’s wonderful that after a few hours of surgery, someone’s problem can be fixed.” He snorted. “If only all of life were like that.”
I lifted my face. What sort of problems was he talking about?
Joel stared off into the distance, his eyes glazed over. He was somewhere else, thinking thoughts I wasn’t privy to.
I blinked, unsure of what to say. Clearly, he was experiencing something internally painful.
Did it have anything to do with his hesitancy to be in a relationship?
For the first time, I realized I was looking at someone who had real darkness in his life. Real torture.
A slight shiver ran through me. I wanted to help him, but would he ever open up to me?
Likely not. Marilyn was right. I couldn’t change Joel.
If he didn’t get involved in serious relationships, it was probably because he didn’t want to get that close to people. He didn’t want anyone to know him.
It didn’t matter what I did or said. He was on an island all by himself. Knowing that broke my heart.
Suddenly, Joel looked back at me, a smile plastered on his face. It was fake, his eyes still pained. But it wasn’t like I would comment on it.
“Ready to go?” he asked. “Sure. If you are.”
I didn’t want him to drop me off at my apartment, but this night couldn’t last forever. Plus, I had work in the morning.
“Sure,” I said, collecting my purse.
He started to get out of his seat then hesitated. “Hey… Katie.”
Butterflies flit through my stomach. I loved it when his voice became deep and slow.
“Yes?” I asked breathlessly. “Thank you.” His gaze was tender. “What for?”
“For this.” He gestured around us. “For spending time with me. You help me forget about the rest of the world when we’re together.”
My chest swelled. “Hey, it’s what friends are for. Right?” “Right.”
Nausea rose in my belly.