Chapter 3: I Want Her
Chapter 3: I Want Her
My parent's house is always buzzing with guests even during the day, there is always someone around, there is always an audience. How exhausting? This is the reason why me and my twin brother prefer to be away from them.
Tonight, there was a party they were hosting and we ought to attend and as expected, the house was buzzing. I stood at a corner, trying to make conversation with the same faces that I saw at every event they hosted. It was agonizingly boring, but my parents requested that we make an appearance so here we were.
'But where the hell is Braton?'
I shifted my gaze back and forth over my shoulder, pretending to listen to one of my cousins bragging about his newest business ventures, but looking for my brother instead.
Braton is my twin brother, were we the perfect pair anyone could think of. I am the brain and he is the muscle and he often gets himself into trouble, resorting to violence over logic, needing me to think up a way to get him out of it which is why as adults, it only makes sense that I run a business and he runs security. But the two of us run the club together.
Need your money laundered through a club, call me. And Braton when you need someone to pay up on a loan and someone intimidating to protect you.
Those were the accepted norms in our circles and something everyone understood about us. The other aspects of our lives that had become widely known and understood was that my brother and I had very specific tastes when it comes to women. You see, Braton and I prefer to share. We like taking turns watching and playing with the same woman but never for more than one night. After that, the excitement was just over.
We have a large estate which is where we chose to stay most of the time. Although we have our own apartment in the city, we often stayed under the same roof, especially when we found a woman to bring back home with us.
Our mother's biggest gripe with our ever fluctuating living situation revolved around marriage and children but the problem is that we had no interest in dating. We weren't the type of guys who were going to fall in love and have a family. We brought women home, we fucked them and then sent them away and search for the next prey. It was as simple and as easy as that, I never felt guilty about it and probably in our circles and women practically threw themselves at our feet which was nice at first but soon it became boring.
My cousin's eyes were locked on me as my mind drifted but I quickly realized he had asked me a question that I hadn't responded to yet.
"So what do you think?" He asked again.
Gosh, I don't even have a fucking clue what be was talking about. I had always been a smooth transition talker but before I could open my mouth to try and salvage the conversation, I saw a woman from my peripheral vision who was about to run right into me.
'Is she walking backwards?'
I shifted my glass to the side so it didn't spill down on the back of her dress as she bumped into me, sloshing my drink on the floor and onto my shoes.
"What the hell!" I muttered between gritted teeth.
Feeling my blood start to boil, I glare down at the clumsy woman who had probably ruined my shoes but my anger dissolved instantly as my eyes settled onto her beautiful face. She had big doe eyes that were wide and surprised, her face was perfectly soft and innocent as if she had been picked out just for me, just for us.
Her long raven black hair was in curls that were draped over one shoulder in a dress that hugged every one of her delicious curves perfectly. Gosh she is absolutely gorgeous.
"I am so sorry." She blurted out before dropping to her knees and started to wipe the liquor off my shoes.
Is she really serious? I lowered myself down and took hold of her arm, feeling her soft skin beneath my hands as I spoke to her.
"Stand up," I said firmly, letting her know I wasn't going to allow her to clean my shoe any longer but kept my voice soft enough to show her that I appreciate the gesture.
Don't get me wrong, I would want to have this woman on her knees in front of me but not here, not like this and not cleaning my shoes. It was humiliating and this woman is a goddess that deserves to be worshiped. I mean, her perfect body deserves to be worshiped in a way desirable.
"You are way too beautiful to be cleaning my shoes." I gave her a charming smile that seemed to either stun or scare her because she froze in place with those big bright eyes wide and anxious.
"I don't think we have met, I am Lucien Romano."
I extended my hand towards her but the mention of my name seemed to intimidate her more, causing those big eyes of hers to grow even wider and her sweet mouth to fall open briefly before she snapped it shut. I guess she knows who I am, but who is she?
"Hello," that was all she managed to blurt out which put an uncontrollable smile on my face.
Fuck! She is already nervous because of me. I like that.
"And you are?" I asked with a knowing grin.
"Sophie……mhm, Sophie Powell." Her voice was shaky and anxious and I watched her eyes start to roam around obviously looking for someone.
Yes, go ahead and show me who brought you, gorgeous. I followed her gaze as it bounced around the room until her eyes finally landed and stayed on Hannah.
"I am sorry once again, I wasn't looking where I was going." She said in an apologetic tone that did something to me.
"Yes, that is pretty hard to do when you are walking backwards." I joked, giving her a sly grin that put blush on her cheeks.
"If you will excuse me." She breathed the words out and practically ran away from me which was new.
Using I got the opposite reaction from women but she is different, she didn't belong with these stuck up assholes and I am drawn to her like a fucking magnet. I watched her disappear from my sight and saw Braton's large body entering the room to my left, heading straight to the bar as he pulled a bottle of wine from beneath it and helped himself to a glass.
Several people stopped me and tried to engage me in conversation as I headed towards the bar but I wasn't interested. I was on a mission and had to tell Braton about the beautiful woman I had just met.
Once I was finally able to make it over to him, I approached him from the side, cutting straight to the point as I joined him behind the bar.
"You are never going to believe what I…."
"Not now," he cut me off, refusing to face me.
Taking a step to the side, I looked at his face and followed his intense stare straight to the only woman I wanted to see, Sophie.
"That is exactly who I was coming to talk to you about." I said as I braced my weight on the bar counter, loving the view of her and unable to tear my eyes away but wasn't the only one, my brother felt the same.
"Do you know her?" He asked as his breathing picked up.
"Just met her a few minutes ago. Her name is Sophie."
"Who the fuck is she?" He was practically drooling as we watched her.
"I don't know, but I guess Hannah brought here. We only talked for a few seconds, she is truly perfect."
He nodded at my words, staring at her as if he wanted to swallow her whole. I knew he would like her.
"How did you meet her?" He asked without looking at me.
"She bumped into me and spilled my drink." I chuckled.
"But she dropped to her knees and tried to clean my shoes." I added, knowing it would elicit a reaction from him.
He hugged out hard breath and a low groan before placing his hand on the bar, squeezing it as if he were trying to restrain himself.
"I want her." He said, his voice thick with desire.
"That is up to her." I muttered.
"Then go convince her." He snapped, impatiently.
We have been watching her intently but I quickly noticed that she was also watching us in return but not directly. She was watching us through a mirror on the wall.
"Looks like someone is a little curious." I said to him and he took notice of the mirror as well.
"Go work your magic." He ordered with as much of a smile as he could muster gathering in the corner of his lips.
"Sure, I plan on it already." I said, shooting her a wink through the mirror and a small smile.
I stood up to find out more about this mystery woman who had just turned our whole night upside down.