Chapter 4: She Is Different
Chapter 4: She Is Different
My entire body sprang to life, like it suddenly had purpose again so I started to make my way across the room. I passed by Hailey and stalled my movements instantly, realizing that if anyone had gossip about every person in the room, it should be her.
"Hey, Hailey?"
"Hi, Lucien." She said, giving me a seductive smile that I was completely uninterested in.
"Do you know who Hannah brought with her tonight?"
My question caused a sigh to escape her mouth and an over exaggerated eye roll from her.
"You mean, Sophie? Hannah's new friend?"
"Yes, I don't think I have seen her before. New money?" I asked.
"Ugh, try no money." She corrected me with condescension in her voice that made my stomach turn.
"She is Hannah's new charity case, I guess. Some artist that she is taking pity on by parading her around here like she is something special." She hissed like the snake she was.
I knew that her general dislike and malice for Sophie was nothing more than jealousy and that couldn't have been more of a turn off for me.
"Thank you and you have got something in your teeth." I lied, wanting to make her feel even more self conscious than she already did for speaking bad of Sophie like that.
Hailey instinctively ran her tongue over her teeth, covering her mouth with her hand as I made my way around her, searching through the crowd for Hannah and Sophie. My heart hammered beneath my ribs as every cell in my body thirsted for her desperately until my eyes finally landed on her.
Taking control of my sudden adrenaline, I casually approached Sophie from behind but Hannah clocked my movements immediately, pinning me underneath a threatening gaze as I got closer. She can glare at me all she wants but I am not leaving unless Sophie asks me to. She makes rules here, not her.
"Having fun?" I said over Sophie's shoulder, causing her to jump at my words and letting me know that she recognized the sound of my voice.
She whipped her head up and turned to face me with those big bright eyes full of anticipation.
"Hi," she blurted again before squeezing her eyes closed and shaking her head at her outburst.
Could she be any more adorable than how she is now?
"Yes, I think we have already greeted each other properly." I chuckled, lifting one of my feet to display my shoe to her.
"Hi, Lucien." Hannah's catty voice slammed into my ears.
"Hannah," I said, giving her a polite nod of my head.
"I was just about to invite Sophie here to the club one night and you are welcome to tag along." I said, pulling one of my business cards for VIP guests from my pocket.
Sophie seemed to light up slightly at my words which pumped my entire body full of endorphins, hoping that she would actually accept my invitation.
"That sounds fun," she said with the voice of a fucking angel.
Hannah gave me a forced smile with her lips pressed into a thin line as she tilted her head to the side, trying to feign politeness.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She said, motioning with her head for us to walk away from Sophie, which was the last thing I wanted to do.
"Sure, excuse us Sophie." I said, preparing to walk away but placing my business card against her palm that was lax at her side.
I felt her small fingers gently wrapped around the card, giving no indication to Hannah that I had handed her anything as she gave me a knowing glance. Good girl, giving her a flirty smile as silent praise, I reluctantly turned over my shoulder, understanding that unfortunately tonight, Hannah was the gatekeeper and I needed to play nice.
"What are you doing?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.
"Being polite to a guest in my house." I replied instantly, giving her a charming smile as I spoke the words that couldn't be more true.
Unamused by my response, she arched a brow at me and looked me up and down with every ounce of joy drained from her face.
"She is no good for you or Braton for that matter." She said harshly.
"And how would you know who is good for us or whatever Sophie wants? You heard her when she said it sounds fun." I responded arrogantly.
"Listen, Sophie is different…" she began.
"Which is exactly why I am here." I cut her off with a smile.
"Will you let me finish? Sophie is different because she is genuine, she is one of the first genuine friends I have had in a really long time and she deserves better than…"
"Then what?" I snapped, knowing she was referring to my brother and I.
"Then what kinky shit you and your brother do at your place." She bit out.
A cocky grin spread across my face at her sudden volume and irritated tone.
"Oh, sounds like someone is a little jealous that they have never gotten an invitation to our playroom." I snickered, knowing full well that she would never accept and we would never offer. She is a friend and we just didn't see her like that.
"Gross, don't flatter yourself." She sassed.
"Me? Never." I winked.
"I am serious, Lucien. Please don't mess with her, she is really a good person." Her pleas finally resonated with me and I dropped the charm act and leveled with her.
"You know I am not a bad guy and neither is Braton." I began.
"I know that,"
"And you know we would do anything for you." I added.
"I know that too." I mumbled.
"Despite what you may think, Barton and I don't go around tricking women into coming home with us. Everyone we brought home knows exactly what they were getting into and is willing and informed. I would never try to trick Sophie or take advantage of her."
Hannah is our friend and knew that every word I was saying was the truth. Still I admire her for her protective instinct and how compassionate and caring she was towards Sophie, which only solidified how precious Sophie is.
"She will want more than just one night." She said flaty with a hint of pain in her voice.
"Well, she is a grown woman, why not let her make that call. You have my word if she is not into it, I will never bother her again." I said, practically begging for her approval that I really didn't need but wanted anyways.
"Fine but if she complains to me once about you two, you are done."
Deal," I said quickly, shooting my gaze back over to Sophie immediately.
Hannah waved her over and she joined us, taking slow calculated steps in heels that were a bit too high for her small stature but my favorite part of her slow walking was the fact she hadn't taken her eyes off me once.
I love having those beautiful eyes on me, it is a turn on for me and I will do anything possible to keep them on. Always and forever.