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Chapter Twenty two: Alpha Greg wedding?

(Lycan King's POV)

Immediately we gave the answer to her question, she hugged the both of us.

It was crystal clear that she was genuinely happy this time around and I loved that. After freeing us from her hug, she looked at me, held my hand and said, "Thank you for choosing me."

I looked at her with love. It seemed like the Moon Goddess was so merciful that she decided to give me someone as gorgeous, cool headed and submissive as Ellen. The only clause was Stella and we are on the verge of curbing her acts.

"My King." Beta Ernest called as he faced me.

"Yes, Ernest." I said.

"Today is a very wonderful day coupled with the fact that you are attending a wedding ceremony." he spilled, looking at the wristwatch that was on his wrist.

"Oh! That is true." I replied, as I hastily looked around and adjusted my cloth. Without wasting time,I walked to where the mirror in Ellen's room was and checked my outfit to see if it is perfect.

Beta Ernest assisted me by bending the collar of the suit to the right position.

"" he said as he finished making my cloth look good. If I was asked to choose a second-in-command as a King, over and over again, I will choose Ernest. He has been my backbone, always supporting whatever decision and action I take. Bad steps are very far from me because I have someone who will always retrace them to becoming good. Hence, making my rule as the Lycan King become very easy.

"I am sorry to interrupt, my King" Ellen said as she put on a confused face and asks the question using her hand to demonstrate.

"No problem. You can go on." I replied as I cleaned my shoe.

"What ceremony are you referring to?" she asked and kepta a serious face.

I knew it already that she wouldn't agree to what I was about to say.

"Alpha Greg Virginia of Pale Moon pack, is having his wedding today and I have to honor his invite." I replied as I waited for her to make a retort.

"Alpha Greg??!!!" she screamed.

"Wait." Beta Ernest said as he looked at me.

"What connection do you have with him? Do you want to take me back there? You know how dangerous he is and you want to attend. Have I done anything wrong to you?" Ellen bombarded us with several questions that I do not even seem remember any.

Her countenance changed immediately, her body began to shake, she became restless and sweats covered her entire face.

"Ellen!...." I shouted, holding her arms tightly. " have to take your mind away from that and focus on the reason you are here. I am going there to honor his invitation and nothing else, okay?" I concluded as I nodded my head, looking at her eyes.

She looked at me with tears almost dropping from her eyes.

"O..kay." she said, stammering as she put her head down.

"Good. Now, come here." I spoke while drawing her closer to put her head on my shoulder. Patting her, she sobbed and I could feel her heart beating in fear.

It was obvious she was still scared of having anything to do with Alpha Greg or his pack.

Our comforting moment was ended by a slight cough from Beta Ernest. We looked at him as he gave body language as if saying "I am still here."

On seeing that, Ellen smiled a little and I was happy she did.

"My King, we have approximately two hours to meet up with the event. The journey is kind of far and we need not to rush in order get in royally." Ernest said in a sarcastic way that made Ellen and I bust into laughter.

"Okay, fine. I understand." I replied as I proceeded to head to the door.

"We will be back in a jiffy. Try to relax and comfortable. You can talk to a maid if you are bored. I would recommend Liana." I pronounced, looking at Ellen who nodded in reply.

"Can we go now?" I asked Beta Ernest who muttered something I had no idea about to Ellen.

"Oh! Yes, Yes, my King." he answered, moving away from her side to open the exit door for me.

I waved at Ellen who looked at me as if I was going to be gone forever. I smiled and turned towards the stairs.

Immediately, Beta Ernest followed my lead as we left for the event.

I sighed vehemently as I closed the door.

Now, I know what I need to face in this pack but if you just ask me, I prefer this to that bloody pack I was taken from. In here, I had peace of mind and was mated with the most sweetest Lycan King one can ever think of. Even if there were circumstances, I have got someone to comfort me and that was more than enough.

Throwing myself on the bed, I spread both arms on it while looking at the ceiling. Everything seems perfect on the outside until one enters inside. Now, I begin to realize what it means to be wealthy and at the same time, dying inside.

"Argh, my head." I said, rubbing my temples in a gentle manner.

I was beginning to have aches in my head and I knew it was as a result of all I had faced these past days.

"I need to stroll a little bit." I spoke as I stood to move out of my room.

But then, I suddenly remembered something.

"Shit! Stella is around." I spilled, stamping my feet on the ground while I shook my body sideways.

Putting my hands on my waist, I looked at the ground and then, to the ceiling.

"You can do this." I pronounced while nodding my head slowly.

Immediately, I opened the door, looked at the pathway that appeared very quiet and proceeded to close the door behind me.

"Which car would you prefer to take?" Beta Ernest asked me as he pointed to the fleet of cars that are packed in the compound.

"Well, I would have loved to take the black Rolls Royce but I do not want to catch any attention." I replied, thinking of what vehicle to use as transportation.

"Then, take the Range Rover." he pronounced as he walked towards the white Range Rover that I just purchased two weeks ago.

"Okay then. That is perfect for me." I said, heading to where it was positioned.

Beta Ernest increased his pace and got to the car before me. He, then, opened its door and gesticulated to me for entry as he bowed slightly.

I smiled and did as he instructed.

Closing the door slowly, he rushed to the front part of the car and opened the door for driver's seat.

Pressing the button that starts the car, he manouvered the wheel as it enabled the car to reverse.

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