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“Mr. Riegel’s office, how may I help you?”

“Hello beautiful, how is your day going?”

“Oh, hello handsome! Manageable. When are you coming back to the office? There are a few things that need to be… Wait, you normally don’t call the internal line. You’re in the building. And you haven’t come up here to our floor, so it means that something happened, V. What is it?”

“I was hoping you’d join me in a… special meeting, Elena. The elders are arriving here, and I believe you’re ready to take your place by my side on pack matters.” His tone was serious, and when she answered, hers was too.

“When and where?”

I knew you would be ready. So proud of you, my beautiful mate.

“Meet me in the large meeting room, the floor right below our office.”

“I’m on my way.”

I knew you’d be great as a Luna, and it’s coming to you so naturally. The Goddess made you for that… for me… and I’m thankful and proud.

He was dreamily thinking about his mate when she walked into the room. High heels, black skirt to the knees, white button-down shirt, her hair pulled back in a bun that left her neck completely exposed, exactly on the spot where he fitted so perfectly, and where she loved to be bitten.

*The place where her mark will be at some point soon. I can’t believe how much I missed her. *

I can… her company, her body, her smell… We need to take her with us to the packhouse next time, V! Roth requested.

He got up to greet his mate, evidently happy to see her, as his body hardly controlled its reactions to her. After all, it was less than two months since they officially started.

“Is this about Alex and M?”

“Yes, and you’re about to see how challenges are dealt with in these situations.”

“Ok. Whatever I can do to help to get Alex back. Just let me make a call to Nella, in case the meeting takes longer than we expect.”

“Of course, love, you go ahead. I think we’re a little early, anyway.”

“Hello, Nella?”

“Hey, girl! It’s not usual for you to call these days. I hope everything is ok.”

“True, it’s just Vince asked me if I could stay for a very important meeting, and it’s not exactly work-related, but more related to other… aspects of his personal life. So you might need to stay with the twins a little longer today, just in case.”

“Oh, nice! That sounds like you both are getting more serious there. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of the kids. By the way, if you’re sending someone to watch us, may I suggest that you guys ask Antoine? I definitely trust him more than anyone else, and I feel more comfortable around him.”

“Oh… ok, sure! We’ll have it in mind for future occasions as well.”

That’s a new one, Nella. Antoine, huh?

V’s voice suddenly interrupted her call, “Elena, can you help me research some information for the Elders, please?”

“Sure, one second!” Siel smiled at him and went back to her call.

“You heard the boss. I need to get ready. See you later! And thank you, as always.”

“No problem, girl, bye!”

Wow, a meeting with the Elders. This is kind of early, even too soon. But then again, the time of the goddess is always perfect. Nella thought as she ended the call.

Meanwhile, Siel had now completed V’s request and was now chatting with him to ease her slight nervousness, “So, at what time did you say their arrival would be?”

“I think we still have about thirty minutes. I really appreciate that you’re staying during the meeting with me.”

“It’s really an honor. I’m surprised that you asked since I don’t know much about werewolves and your law.”

“Well, this is a very specific case, in which we requested their help to make sure that the law is followed during the challenge; since Abner asked for it.”

“And he didn’t have a problem with fighting Ma’Heron instead of you?”

“I honestly think he was expecting me to request the change. He has been wanting to kill M since years ago.”

“It is really funny, in a weird sense, that all of this is happening so close to Valentine’s Day.”

“Yeah, we have bigger celebrations, but this one, at least among us, has been for the last few years. This is the time when Ma’Heron Denar discovered that he had a heart, more than just a Valentine partner, especially since Aaron and I didn’t have our mates back then.”

“And you say that the worst part was when M marked Alexia? If they were mates and both wolves, why would that be a problem? Isn’t it about mates over marriage?”

“Yes, and the Elders and our law abide by that too, but back then, Abner was not happy about it. Neither was Alexia’s father, Alpha Van der Meer.”

Let’s go back three years again and return to the safe house…

“Hey V! I found Alexia and got her back to the safe house.”

“Good! I’m glad that you’re both safe. Now tell me the real reason why you’re calling.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that Gamma Ma’Heron Denar usually doesn’t call just to say he’s okay. What happened now?”

“I… Well, I… Remember I told you that she’s my mate?”

“That was pretty clear, and you didn’t want to have anything to do with mates. I remember you saying that, too.”

“Well, we… happened to have… accidentally… marked… each other.”

V stood in silence for a moment, trying to make sense of what he just heard. “So, you were walking normally, slipped and fell on top of her and marked her?”

“I know how it sounds…”

“Who are you, and where is the responsible, mature, focused Gamma of the Silvercrest Pack?”

At that point, Vince was not sure if he should joke around until his friend got angry, go all the way to the safe house to kick his ass personally, or maybe simply yell at him over the phone…

He kinda felt that he would do all three if it was only possible.

“V, I swear we didn’t intend for this to happen. We just lost control… We were talking about the asshole I had been, and I was apologizing… then we were making love, and I was so attracted to her neck, and when I bit her, she was biting me as well… the climax was otherworldly, by the way…”

“I can imagine. Now, how are we going to solve this situation? Our pack is bigger than both Dark Forest and Crescent Moon, but… Tell me now, how are we supposed to avoid them joining forces and attacking us if you already marked her?”

“That was kind of the reason for me calling. More than to report, I needed to ask… what are the implications of this… mate… marking… thing.”

“Thing, huh? For a lawyer, it’s quite scary at how your vocabulary has suddenly been limited by lovemaking.”

“Alpha, can you just answer my question, please? This is the one topic in our pack laws that I have almost no idea about because… well… I… you know…”

Just so V is sure he won’t have to wait forever for his Gamma to finish his statement, he just blurted out his answer, “If you both were free and did casually find each other, then there would be no problematic issues. None, whatsoever. But because she’s from a rival pack, and was betrothed to another enemy pack, the possibilities of a war…”

As if on cue, the alarms sounded off!

The pack’s perimeter had been breached, and the warriors had just a few seconds to get everyone who could not fight into the safe rooms in the basement of the packhouse before they launched a counter-attack to defend their territory.

“There’s your answer, dear friend of mine. Gotta go. Stay safe.”

“V? V! VINCENT!!!”

The call was dropped.

“What happened?” asked Alexia, still naked and in bed, watching her mate as he paced the room with his phone in hand.

“The pack… Silvercrest. It’s under attack right now!”

“What?! We have to go help!”

Alexia rushed off the bed and was about to shift when M spoke, “Wait. We’ll need all of our strength for this. Let’s use the motorcycle outside to get there.”

“Right, then,” she said with determination, as she grabbed her jeans and t-shirt. “Good thing you were able to get it back here after you rescued me. Let’s move!”

He smirked at her bossy tone, now finding it amazingly cute. “Yes, m’lady. After you.”

The warriors rushed towards the enemy, some of them already in werewolf form.

Vince and Aaron are still in human guise and are both looking for Alexia’s father within the havoc to try and negotiate while they fight. Around them, the smell of blood and the screaming started to rise as the song of the generations that had defended that land resounded in the air.

Silvercrest warriors, known for their ability on the battlefield, started barreling through the enemy’s lines. Those with their claws and fangs already out; were swiping at enemies left and right. The fierce howling could be heard from miles away.

Arnout Van der Meer let out his hate and rage in human form initially, but the moment he saw the younger Alpha approaching, he merged with his ruthless, sadistic, and vicious wolf, Chernit, and launched himself toward V. The latter, who at the time was merging with his unusually big and powerful wolf, Roth, went for a defensive stance. The exchange of words started and V tried his best to avoid viciously harming the man. Instead, he tried to negotiate with him, using an ability that he always kept a secret but found it to be useful and vital for desperate moments…

He opened a psychic connection with Alex’s father; since you can’t mindlink wolves in other packs. It was easier for him to do so since they were both Alphas and were also in their werewolf forms.

Alpha Arnout, you know you’re gonna get your warriors killed! Who convinced you to attack?

The older warrior was too angry to realize what V had done just to speak with him and growled his reply via the provided link, I wasn’t convinced by anyone! I need and demand my daughter back, Alpha Vincent! I gave my word for her to be part of our pack’s merger, and that disobedient, simple-minded, selfish female made all this mess to escape her responsibilities! I’m just fixing what she has done!

But the worst consequences will be taken by your warriors due to your actions! Look around you! Besides that, your daughter is not here. What you’re doing doesn’t make any sense!

Easily, the older Alpha could already see how many of his fighters had fallen, never to get up again. For a minute, he faltered and then his heart hardened.

If this is the destiny that the Goddess has for me and my pack, then so be it! Besides, if I don’t give Alexia to Abner, who will run Dark Forest? That woman knows nothing about leading. We’re doomed either way! Arnout’s ego and fury grew together, canceling out whatever reason he had left.It’s not your problem how we do things in our pack, Alpha Vincent! She was taken by your Gamma, and that gives me the right to come and reclaim her. And if you are truly wise, I would take care of my own back first. That is what I would do if I was in your place.

Arnout then howled! It was a high-pitched sound that made the warriors surrounding them turn toward the two Alphas…

And they attack V all at the same time!

Unfortunately, the Beta Aaron could not help his leader. He has been dealing with his own struggles since he was in the middle of his search for the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, while avoiding fighting any of the other werewolves since he is still in human form. Not that he couldn’t take them, but his focus is on his target…

And he suddenly came face to face with the maniac that he needed to talk to. Abner de Jaager. And he has not shifted, either…

Humph, overconfident bastard, this Abner. Well, look who’s talking. Just makes my job easier!

“Oh, hello! Abner, right? I’ve heard lots about you! You’re the crazy man who’s trying to take another wolf’s mate as a wife, right? And by force too… tsk, tsk…”

“You talk too much about things that are not your problem.”

“But the fact that you’ve started a war against my pack, it kinda makes it my problem as their Beta.”

“It won’t be anymore when I kill you right here and right now!”

Dream on, bitch! Onyx, Aaron’s wolf, snarled from within his human. Wait, bro… what’s that?

Suddenly, Aaron saw something shine in his enemy’s hand, as the sun’s rays reflected on it…

“Oh wow, a needle? Really? That’s a loaded syringe, right? Do you seriously think that you can win? Even with both your packs attacking us, you can’t beat us, man! Look at yourself, so weak and such a loser that you need to CHEAT to maybe, if you’re lucky, equal me. So bad, so sad,” Aaron said, as he laughed with deep disdain into his foe’s face.

Abner was now doubly furious. It was not usual for him for his enemies noticed his little tricks. Still, he held the small metallic vials, and needles out, and tried to punch Aaron with them. He got even angrier as he continued to miss, the fast Beta dodging every blow effortlessly. “I don’t have to do this to you! We only came for Alexia. If you give her to me now, we will immediately take her and leave. No more complications, no more fighting. Just give me what is MINE!”

“She’s not even interested in you. Why in the world are you making this such a big deal?”

“Well, since you refuse to give her to me, and I will have to kill you, I’ll tell you. She is part of my plan to take your stupid, happy, and loaded pack. All of it would have been mine, first her people, then yours. Had she not found her mate at the last minute, I would be well on my way to completing that plan! NOW, DIE!”

Abner shifted into his tall and thin light gray werewolf form, as he merged with his wolf Kieran, shredding his clothes in the process.

“Sorry, no. I don’t intend to die today. I still haven’t found my mate, you see…” Aaron’s clothes were ripped to bits as well, as Onyx and he merged into a dark brown and brawny werewolf.

Meanwhile, Silvercrest warriors had come to help V, as it seemed that Arnout’s command meant that they should attack him exclusively. As Vince’s fighters surrounded him, The Dark Forest Pack was now dying at the hands of the stronger and more numerous rivals.

Just then, M and Alexia arrived at the packhouse.

They immediately joined the fighting without even shifting. They quickly got to V, who was still trying to make his way to Alpha Van der Meer. As soon as Alexia and M took their place by V’s side, the Dark Forest warriors moved away, not wanting to fight her.

V saw this as an opportunity for the father and daughter to speak.

*Everyone, let’s lead our enemies away from Alpha Arnout and his daughter! GO! Let’s bring them all to Beta Aaron’s area so we can help him fight off the Crescent Moon pack as well! *

As V and his werewolves rushed off, the Silvercrest Alpha hoped for the best…

Unfortunately, Alexia’s father was not a forgiving man, even if his daughter had done nothing wrong.

Attack them! Alpha Van der Meer mindlinked to his warriors while pointing at Alex and M.

Although some moved away from their Alpha’s daughter and ran off chasing V and his troop, there were still a few left who tried to fight Alexia. They were easily taken care of by M, who still hasn’t shifted, which was truly impressive for a human…

But then, in his rage, the unimpressed father has now focused his attacks on Ma’Heron.

In an attempt to appease his would-be father-in-law, the Silvergate Gamma tried to talk to him while expertly dodging his attacks… “Alpha, please, listen to me, I understand that you want the best for your pack. That you care for them, but I can assure you, we can fix the problems that you have now. We can look for new partnerships, and make sure that your people are safe and have more than enough to live on!”

Only Alexia heard her father’s roaring response inside her head. We. Don’t. Need. Your. Pity!

Since the older man had now gone into berserk mode, M could only assume that what he said only angered the older Alpha.

Don’t be such an idiot, M, that man will never like you, and the problem is not even you… although that is reason enough…

Lyon, for the love of…

Bro, he doesn’t care about his own daughter, what makes you think that he will prefer to negotiate? Let me merge with you!

He’s her father, Lyon! What am I supposed to do, kill him!? I screwed up enough already. I can’t do that to her!

And for once, Lyon was silent.

Right there and then, M felt his head explode with pain as a solid kick to the side of his face sent him flying a few feet away from his adversary. He would not get up for quite a while.


The screaming woman blocked her father’s way as he tried to rush towards the fallen Gamma.

“Father, PLEASE, stop fighting him. STOP FIGHTING US! PLEASE!”

How dare you even talk to me!? Arnout bellowed through his pack’s mindlink. He now focused his attacks on his daughter, who was only using defensive moves. And even through his flurry of attacks with both vicious claws and superhuman strength, he was so surprised that she could still hold him off. For a moment he was perplexed that his own blood could do this despite being…

No, she is just a she-wolf! Female! Her mother wasn’t even strong enough to endure childbirth… And she is her mother’s daughter!

Even in the middle of her showcasing her fighting skill, it seemed nothing she did would ever be enough for her misogynist father. Her body was slashed, repeatedly, mercilessly, and she resisted bravely… But the one who helped in her birth and the very one who raised her; saw nothing of this now.

Alexia! Leave the battlefield NOW! I order it, as your pack’s leader and as your father!

“No! I caused all of this! The only place where I should be is here, fighting for what I believe in.”

If you were a boy, I might even be proud. But no, you had to be this… failure, this selfish, soft… daughter! he spat the last word as if it was a curse that was meant to be removed. I was only marrying you off so you could be useful for the pack.

“So, I’m useless just because I don’t have a dick?! Father, I have tried my whole life to satisfy your will, to even stay out of your way! I even agreed to get married to that monster for the sake of the pack and to please you. But I couldn’t find it in my heart to do it, Father. Especially since I found something… someone… I want to fight for…”

I’m ashamed of you for putting yourself first and not caring for the circumstances that you have caused by your disobedience! Well, then you must suffer the consequence of your crime!

Alexia’s human body was already bleeding profusely from the many gashes caused by her sole parent as punishment. But she didn’t want to hurt him, the same way she didn’t want him to hurt her mate, so she stood her ground.

Alex, let me fight with you! I promise I won’t kill him, but let me at least scare him. He doesn’t even deserve to call you daughter!

No, Margay, please, stay calm. I know how to handle him.

You’re hurt. Badly. How is that supposed to be called “handling” Alex?

And while Alexia was distracted talking with her wolf, her father - still far from satisfied - raised his claw and let it fall on the already mangled body of who was still the blood of his blood.

Just at that moment, Ma’Heron - who had already managed to gain his second wind - pushed Alex aside…

And took the full blow of the hit for her!

He yelled loudly in extreme pain but did not fall. It took all his strength to face the man who had wounded him.

“I’m not… letting you… mistreat my mate… anymore,” he growled at Arnout, still standing with an aggressive pose. “Just because she’s not the son you wanted doesn’t give you the right to treat her the way you are now doing. As it is, you should be extremely proud of her for pursuing being the best she can be without your support. If anything, she should be rejecting you!”

Pain spread throughout his entire body but he ignored this as he poured out his heartfelt thoughts to a vicious and angry foe, who was supposed to be a loving and supporting father to his mate. He was losing blood, and fast. Lyon’s voice in his head was fading, and the world around him started to blur.

Yet, he stood there, between the woman who was now his reason to sacrifice his life, and the father who he sadly could see a part of himself.

“Ma’Heron! What are you trying to do?! Are you crazy?!” Alexia choked on her words as she rushed to him and held him close, avoiding his gaping chest wounds.

He smirked at her, gasping for breath as he tried to speak, “Heh… you could say that. People always do crazy things when they’re in love. This ‘mate’ thing is like losing your mind. Nothing is logical… or rational… anymore. But, no… regrets…”

As the two spoke, the infuriated Alpha in front of them took this moment to once again raise his arm, claws fully extended, and let it fall with full force.

“NOOOO!!!” Alexia’s scream resonated over the howling and the yelling. “Margay, MERGE!”

As she shifted, Alexia pulled her mate away from her father’s reach, while swiftly dodging his attempts to do more harm to her.

Ma’Heron landed safely a few feet from the fighting duo while she jumped back. The she-wolf landed a short distance away, still facing her Alpha; left leg slightly bent and right stretched out behind her, elbows tight against her torso.

As her father rushed towards her, with the swiftest of movements, all in the flash of a single second, she launched herself towards him…

Then raised her sharp claws a moment before she connected, piercing her father’s neck like a sword.

He was killed instantly.

Immediately, all of her pack’s warriors felt a strong shift within them, It only took them a few seconds to completely freeze and stop fighting.

They all looked at her… Their new Alpha.

But her attention was on her fallen parent and pack leader.

“All you feared, my dear father, by your own hand, has now become reality,” she murmured to herself, as she knelt before the lifeless corpse of the Alpha she has now replaced. Blood ran from her arms, her body, and down her fingers. Her flowing tears drew white lines over the crimson and dirt on her face while she hugged the man who bore her.

Her mate got up and pulled her from the dead body that she was still holding and hugged her tightly. She found herself sobbing into his wounds as her ruby-red blood mixed with his. It seemed like a sign that they were meant to share each other’s lives together…

And it was a very different, unique and memorable way to celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together as mates.

“NOOO!” Now, it was Abner’s scream that was heard over the fading sounds of the battlefield. “RETREAT! CRESCENT MOON, RETREAT!”

Silvercrest warriors still followed their escaping enemies, even taking a few more down, just to make sure that their rivals would remember this battle. And it seemed, with the revived challenge in place, that they truly have.

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