Goddess, he’s gone insane! He’s going to get himself killed!
Alexia, along with the whole ballroom full of guests, gasped and reacted accordingly to the livid lawyer’s announcement. It was indeed a worthy proclamation since it was loud enough to reach even those outside who were cooling themselves off in the balconies and gardens.
Alex’s father was first to break the silence among those sitting at their table, “Mate? That’s ridiculous. My daughter has never mentioned one to me, Abner. I swear it.”
The younger Alpha sneered as a reply. He then took a step nearer his challenger, realizing to his distaste that he was shorter and less athletically built than the man in front of him, “Interesting… Your mate, you say? And a Gamma from a rival pack, no less. That is rich… no, it’s hilarious…”
M recognized the look of insecurity that Abner used to measure him from head to toe. The bastard even tried to lower his voice to match his natural rumbling tone, to no avail of course. To counter, he proudly showcased his sonorous vocals by raising his volume a couple of decibels for his reply. “Yes, it’s hilarious… It’s absolutely laughable that you dare ignore the Moon Goddess’ call for our mates and, instead, choose one for your own without any consideration for this woman’s own choice. That just proves how FULL YOU ARE OF YOURSELF!”
MA’HERON, do you even realize what you JUST SAID?
*I know EXACTLY what I said, LYON! *
You’re only saying that BECAUSE YOU’RE DRUNK!
“Why don’t we just settle this in a more diplomatic way, Gamma Ma’Heron? I got your name right, correct? Can I call you Ma’He?” Abner crooned with a slight smile.
“NO! You may NOT!” M snarled.
“Well, Ma’He, the fastest solution to this is for you to reject her now. So, what can I offer you to do that, I wonder…”
IDIOT, you just gave away your weakness…
It is NOT a weakness, Lyon! Now stay silent if you have nothing good to say!
“What about money, Ma’He? Hmmm?”
Ma’Heron clamped his jaw tightly, fighting the urge to tell this hateful man that he loathed to be called by that name. However, he decided not to give his newfound enemy the satisfaction of such a reaction from him.
“How much do you want, huh, Ma’He? Of course, you have to realize she isn’t really worth much except in the looks department…”
M bristled at what he was now hearing, even more than when his childhood nickname is being mentioned repeatedly. He lowered his pitch until he sounded like rumbling thunder… “How DARE you even suggest that SHE HAS A PRICE TAG!”
“Then what about shares with one of the biggest human computer companies in the country? Or a position in the said corporation? I can easily offer you a Beta position too since mine just died protecting me from a flubbed assassination last month.”
The Gamma growled out his words, “You have absolutely NOTHING that will even TEMPT ME to reject her. NOT EVEN THE THREAT OF DEATH WILL CONVINCE ME TO LEAVE HER WITH YOU!”
Correction Wolf… What have I done! And I’m seeing this to the bitter end…
M then brushed off the horrified yells of his wolf and the astonished look of the very delectable woman beside him. He also ignored the throbbing bulge between his legs due to Alexia being in such close proximity for the last ten minutes, along with the chance of holding her… touching her… breathing her amazingly arousing scent continuously…
For a moment, he lost control of his oh so precious focus and self-control as his mind started to envision a life with this surprisingly desirable she-wolf whose smooth soft hand he’s still holding. Waking up to her beside him… her warm, supple body in his arms… her sultry voice whispering seductive suggestions into his ear… his mouth on her bouncy bosom… his full length entering her silky moistness…
Then the visions disappeared as his rival walked straight up to him. As the hated man’s chest hit his, he felt a small but sharp stinging pain on his right bicep…
**BAM! **
A hard metal object hit the back of his head and everything in front of him reeled like a runaway carousel ride.
He could hear Alexia screaming in panic and anger as he felt more solid hits colliding with his body. M also heard other yells, with a mixture of consternation, fear, and surprise all around as he tried his best to stay on his feet.
“What is the meaning of this Alpha! He is the Gamma of another pack and…”
“And he is a trespasser and needs to be dealt with as such, Elder Melo!”
“I don’t like your tone, Abner! Desist this instant or this might end up as a full-scale war between your packs! If you want to answer this Gamma’s challenge, then do it the proper way!”
Through his suddenly blurring vision and muffled hearing, M recognized the voices of the elders, all demanding to be heard and for Abner to listen to reason. He can also hear Alpha Arnout van der Meer loudly ordering his daughter to calm down while berating her about being such an emotional and hysterical female.
What he could not hear, to his bewilderment and concern, is the voice of his wolf.
Lyon… LYON! What is happening? WHERE ARE YOU?! WE NEED TO MERGE NOW!!!
Nothing. Complete silence in his head.
Meanwhile, his body continued to get punished with forceful, explosive hits. He had tried to defend himself but his movements seemed slower, his senses suddenly dulled and his arms and legs hardly responded properly. He really did feel like a puppet without its strings…
**WHAM! **
An extremely powerful and painful hit behind his knees finally felled him, and he dropped like a newly cut tree onto the ballroom’s creamy, gray-streaked marble tiles. He heard Alexia’s frightened scream join his cry of pain… Then darkness engulfed him completely.
“Are you sure you weren’t followed by anyone there?”
“Yes Alpha, we used the secret passageway on the left wing. Even if they managed to follow us out to the tower, we would have sensed their presence once they passed through the gardens.”
“Alright. The Elders are all here in the ballroom but you never know if they’ve sent someone out to tail you.”
Ma’Heron was slowly waking up, but as he listened intently to the conversation he was overhearing, he decided to play dead. This was quite easy to do since it seemed he and his “companions” were in total darkness.
“How long will they be staying there, Boss?”
“It may take a while. We’re all waiting for Alexia to come out of her bedroom. She seemed to have fainted when that Silvercrest bastard collapsed and she was brought out of the ballroom so she can recover. This synced reaction had all the elders convinced that she is indeed that Gamma’s mate. I’ve left Alpha Van der Meer to convince them otherwise, but I can’t take the risk of them finding him with you, considering what I’ve just ordered you to do.”
Shit, Alexia. I hope she’s ok… Wait, what am I saying? I don’t need to worry about her, I should be worrying about myself… Lyon! What the hell is wrong with you? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!
“Then we should just do it. No more torturing to force him to reject her?”
“No, let’s make this easier on all of us… including him. Make it short and sweet.”
Torturing to reject her? Short and sweet? DAMNATION LYON! I can’t do this alone. There are almost a dozen werewolves here, and some of them have already shifted, and I can all smell and hear them!
“You got it, Alpha. Will call you when the deed is done.”
“Alright, Gamma Dante. Feel free to return to the ballroom once you’re done.”
On cue, a pair of average-sized werewolves grabbed M’s numb body from off the cold brick floor and raised him high above their heads, his face directed towards the ceiling. From the vantage point, the view from the window allowed him to see the open space outside the packhouse’s thick, tall walls. He then realized then that he was inside one of the high towers that reinforced the four corners of the castle-like packhouse walls.
“Hold him high, so you can easily throw him out the tower after I’ve gutted his insides with my claws,” he heard Dante say in the darkness.
Based on the location of his would-be killer’s voice, all that his executioner had to do was to take a few steps closer to him, shift to werewolf form then easily slash at his exposed back, destroying his spinal cord and spilling his internal organs all over the floor. It would actually be a merciful death since he won’t be feeling himself landing on the ground outside the tall tower.
However, Ma’Heron didn’t plan to go out without a fight, no matter how weakened he was and despite the absence of his wolf.
He twisted his upper body with all the force he could muster to loosen the smaller werewolf’s grip on his wrists. Almost instantaneously, with a rush of adrenalin, M kicked at the claws that held his ankles. Both shifters growled in surprise and slight pain as their prisoner landed solidly on the hard, cold floor, then started to army crawl away in an effort to escape.
He didn’t go far though as he felt the four paws of a larger-than-average wolf landing firmly on top of him, Ma’Heron tried to clamber upwards, despite his breath being squeezed out of his lungs by the heavy weight on his back but only managed a few inches before he felt a large hand push down on the back of his neck, pinning him to the ground.
If he hadn’t been recently drugged, beaten up, and unable to shift, the ten surrounding him would have all been broken and bleeding right now. But since he’s all that, some of his attackers even found it impressive that he still put up a brave fight.
“It’s an honor to finish off such a vicious and determined fighter like you, Gamma Ma’Heron. Too bad, it wasn’t under more principled circumstances. Be comforted by the fact that if my Alpha hadn’t ordered it, I would have preferred to fight you fair and square,” stated the still-human Dante with emotion lacing his voice.
“Don’t... unggghhh… worry… I’ll… still… haaaahhh… give you that… chance… somehow… mmmppph… someday…” M gasped, bravely.
“I don’t think so, Ma’Heron. Goodbye…” Dante mumbled, a tad sadly.
Then both Gammas suddenly heard cries of pain and panic echoing out from the darkness, a few feet away from them.
A few moments more and there were now sounds of bodies falling, violent hits, and the smell of blood grew thick in the air. M felt claws pulling at his arms once again, but this time, he felt himself being carried out into the cold night air, with the noisy yells and shuffling movements little by little fading behind him.
“I won’t let you say goodbye yet, Ma’Heron. We’re not done. Not by a long shot.” Those were the last words he heard as everything went black.