Chapter 3

The back door was opened and I got a glimpse of an airstrip, we were blindfolded Hannah and Nikki tried to fight. I just went willingly. No need to mess with my strength. I will find a way to get away from them. I will. They manhandled us into the airplane. I could hear Hannah and Nikki trying to scream, I heard muffled sounds. Nikki or Hannah must have kicked someone in the balls because I heard someone curse then it sounded like someone being slapped. I need to find a way to tell Nikki and Hannah to spare their strength until the time is right. We were pushed into seats and I heard them speak Italian, all I could make out was that the destination was Texas. At least it’s still in the country. I knew what was happening, I was trying to keep myself calm. These men are going to sell us. We are going to become one of the statistics for human trafficking. Worse of all we are together and no one will be looking for us for at least 3 days. Then it’s far too late, we could be out of the country by then. I could feel myself starting to panic, but I had a way of calming myself down, with deep breaths. I also know if we fight them, they will use drugs on us and I needed to be fully aware of what was going on around us at all times. If I want to escape. I’ll do as the men says, I will be obedient and wait.

The plane took off and I wondered how much the pilot was paid to look the other way. I’m a criminal law student but there are only two kinds of people I will never defend and that is people involved in human trafficking or people abusing children. In my book human traffickers and child abusers fall under the same category.

I must have dosed off again, probably from the drugs that hadn’t left my body yet because I could feel us landing. When the plane came to a stop the men manhandled us off the plane. If these guys aren’t careful, we all will have bruises. We were taken to a van, I presume, I was peaking underneath the blindfold. Nikki and Hannah must be tired of fighting or they were drugged because I didn’t hear a sound from them. I wanted to ask about them but decided against it. We drove maybe for an hour then the van stopped and the back doors were yanked open. They helped me out of the van without pulling me, but I still couldn’t hear Nikki or Hannah.

I was taken to a warehouse with a lot of cells, I would call them cells. There were a lot of other girls there each in their cell, some cells had 2 or more girls. I hoped they would put Nikki, Hannah, and me in one cell, and then I could talk to them. One of the men pushed me into a cell and asked “Why aren’t you fighting us? Did you already give up?” “Will it make the situation any different if I fight back?” I asked him. “No, but it will be more fun for us.” “Sorry, I’m spoiling your fun.” Two other men came in carrying Nikki and Hannah and threw them on the mattress on the floor. I took their blindfolds off. I tried to wake them but I had no luck. I sat in the corner looking around me. It looked like all the girls were high except me. Some look like they were here for a while with the food that was thrown around in the cells. Like they were having a food fight with someone.

After a while, I fell asleep again. I woke up when men came into the cells with food. If you could call it food. It looked like jail food or maybe worse. But I will eat to keep my strength up, I tried to wake Hannah and Nikki but they were still out cold. The girl in the opposite cell of us said “They will be out for a while. Why aren’t you drugged?” “I didn’t fight them,” I told her. “Why? Did you give up already?” she asked. I wondered how to answer her. I can’t trust anyone here. “No, I didn’t give up, I just don’t see the point. It’s not like we can escape.” I told her. “You are right about the escape. I saw someone try and they were shot in front of all of us.” “That must have been a shock?” “It was we all screamed then the men came in and drugged all of us.” “Let’s hope it doesn’t happen again,” I told her

“I heard we’re going to be here for another 2 days.” She said, “How long have you been here?” “2 or 3 days not sure” The men came in again and we quickly went to our corners keeping quiet. I started to work out in my head they took us Saturday late or early Sunday morning early. I’m sure we went directly to the airport. So today should be Sunday. Two days mean we will leave Tuesday to God knows where. When the men were out I tried to wake Hannah and Nikki again but they didn’t wake up. "You are wasting your time," the girl opposite me said, "the drugs they gave you are hardcore it knocks you out if you're not used to drugs. By the look of it, you girls are most definitely not used to it

I went back to my corner and thought about how I got here, then I started to laugh hysterically. The girl in the cell opposite me just looked at me. She probably thought I was crazy but think about it I got here by listening to my therapist encourage me to go out and have a good time. Look where I am now. 'Yes, doctor I'm having a great time.' I said to no one in particular.

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