Chapter 8


I was standing at the door eavesdropping, yes, I know it’s wrong, but I need all the information I can get, even if it’s not told to me directly. I’ll ask her my questions over dinner, the question is, will she answer me? When I heard what she told the doctor I almost burst in and demanded the doctor do the test right now because if anyone violated her, I would kill Matteo with or without Massimo’s consent. But what shocked me more than anything was her answer about her virginity. I couldn’t believe a sexy girl like her was a virgin, it’s impossible. If I met her in a bar, I would most definitely take her home.

I heard the doctor tell her that I should bring her to his office on Monday, I could hear she was scared because she asked him what the reason would be. The doctor just told her ‘Don’t worry dear I’ll tell Damon you need to come to my office for a proper check-up.’ ‘Thank you doctor’ I heard her say then the doctor called for me. “Damon the wound looks better now, it looked like one stitch came loose. I would like you to bring Danielle to my office on Monday at 9 am, then I can give her a proper check-up and I will have crutches for her and Danielle please take your painkillers. I can see you’re in a lot of pain.” “Thank you, doctor, I’ll make sure she takes it.” I shook his hand and Liam appeared as only he could and escorted the doctor to my private lift. I looked at Danielle “All good?” I asked her “Yes thank you.”

“Would you mind if I carry you to the lounge?” “Thank you, Damon.” “For what Danielle?” “For giving me time alone with the doctor.” “It’s my pleasure.” But I felt like shit for eavesdropping. I picked her up and took her to the lounge, to the coach where she will be able to see Central Park. “I’m sure the pizzas will be here any minute now, can I get you a soda so long?” “Yes please.” I was on my way back to the lounge with the soda when Liam walked in with the pizza. “Thank you, Liam, can you come with me I want to introduce you to Danielle.” When I walked into the lounge with Liam, Danielle got a scared look on her face. “Danielle this is my bodyguard, Liam, you’ll see a lot of him, I don’t go anywhere without him. “Nice to meet you.” Danielle said “Nice to meet you miss.” “Ooo please Liam, my name is Danielle.” “Then nice to meet you, Danielle.” Then Liam left me and Danielle alone.

“Why do you have bodyguards? Are you super rich or something?” she asked “Something like that. Now let’s dig into your first New York slice Pizza.” I gave her a plate with a slice of pizza on it. “Wow that’s amazing,” she said after her first bite. She ate 2 more slices, then she looked at me and said “I should stop.” “Nonsense eat Danielle.” As she took another slice I started with my questions. “How old are you, Danielle?” she answered without thinking about it “21, and you?” “I’m 31” “You look younger,” she said “I’ll take that as a compliment.” “Where you from?” “California and you, you’ve always been a New York type of guy?” “Born and bred,” I told her “What do you do in California?” she frowned but still answered me “I'm or was a Criminal law student at Berkeley.” “That’s awesome Danielle, why do you say was?” “Will I be going back to Berkeley, Damon?”

I just looked at her “See not even you know if I’ll be going back.” “Sorry, Danielle there’s just a lot to figure out.” “Like what Damon?” “Well for starters we need to try and find your friends before the Ricci’s ship them out of the country. Then we’ll have to wait it out for them to stop looking for you.” “So, what you telling me Damon, is I’m going to have to stay in New York indefinitely.” “I’m sorry Danielle, but yes.” “I don’t even know if I can trust you Damon, I know nothing about you.” Danielle almost sobbed. I stood up and went to her taking her hand in mine. “I promise you, Danielle, you can trust me, tell me what I can do to make you comfortable in trusting me.” “Tell me why you were at the docks and why you have bodyguards and not the parts you want me to know, I want to know everything. Or I’ll go to the police and take my chances with them, or am I your prisoner?” “You’re not my prisoner Danielle, but I would advise against going to the police.” “Why, if I’m not your prisoner.” “Because the Ricci’s have people all over New York inside the police as well, we don’t know who to trust.” “Now tell me, Damon.” “Okay, Danielle.”

“I’m sure Rachel told you why I was there and why my men and Massimo’s men were there.” “Yes, she did, what she didn’t tell me is why you have men and why Massimo has men.” “I’ll tell you about me, Massimo can tell you about him when they visit tomorrow if that is what it will take for you to trust us. I have legal businesses’ but I also have illegal businesses and being there was part of the illegal side of my business. I’m the head of the organized crime organization in New York. I deal in drugs, gold, art, and diamonds.” I gave her time to process the information. She showed me with the motion of her hand to continue.

“We heard about the Ricci’s going into human trafficking, we burned down their warehouse and tried to delay their plans as much as possible, but I still got the info that they had girls coming in.” I have clear boundaries when it comes to my illegal businesses, no human trafficking, no harming of children, no black-market organs, you get the picture?” “Yes, you’re a criminal with a conscious.” “Okay if that is how you want to put it. I have bodyguards and men to assist with the business and bodyguards because there is always danger around the corner. Don’t get me wrong I can defend myself, but 2 is better than 1.” “That’s very true.” She said. “And that Danielle is the short version of what I do.” “What legal businesses do you have?” “I have a club and two restaurants.” “Is that to move the illegal money through?” “You are very clever Danielle.” “If I was clever, I wouldn’t sit here with a bullet wound.” “What happened is not your fault Danielle, don’t ever think that.” “How else should I look at it, Damon?”

“Please tell me what happened, Danielle, I gave you more information about myself, more than even Massimo knows and he knows me very well. “Okay Damon, I’ll tell you.”

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