Chapter One
I hear a knock on the door, startling me awake. When my brain finally picks up on the cheers and celebration outside, I understand what’s happening. Grabbing my prepacked bag on the floor near the edge of my mattress, yes mattress and not bed, I open my door to come face to face with my mother. She has tears in her eyes and she bows her head to look at the floor, turning to lead me to the clearing for my banishing. This pack does not believe that omegas should exist, which is why today, the day I turn 18 and become an adult, is the day I am banished from it for good. I didn’t ask to be born an omega, it was just the cards I was dealt. I didn’t ask for any of the abuse it brought, nor the sleepless nights and the aching body that comes with it. I didn’t ask for a father who resents me so much that just the sight of me causes him to go into a rage. Nor did I ask for a mother who cowers to anyone in power.
I am shaken from my thoughts as we walk into the clearing and the noise amplifies as the pack begins to lay eyes on me. As the alpha sees me take my place in the center, backpack ready to go, he calls for silence. “Today is a wonderful day for us! Today is the day that we banish the weakest link and reclaim the name of the greatest pack around! Not that anyone thought otherwise to begin with. But no pack needs an omega holding them back!” Alpha Leonard said. The whole pack laughed and murmured in agreement. “Today, Hikari Faye Reece will no longer be a part of our pack and will have to fend for herself as a rogue wolf. A horrible stain we have bared for years will now be removed! I would say ‘May the moon goddess look upon her’, but who needs a worthless omega anyway,” Leonard snarled as he finished his speech in front of the pack. I schooled my face into a blank expression as everyone around me started to cheer and throw things at me. Holding my head high, I knew I had to say the last thing on my mind before I left. “I, Hikari Faye Reece, officially denounce you as my alpha and denounce this as my pack. May the moon goddess give you the karma you deserve,” and with that said, I turn and walk away, heading for the tree line. Even with everyone around me being pissed and snarling, I held my head high the best I could. I took a deep breath and walked into the trees, not looking back.
Once I am a few feet into the trees, I shift into my wolf form, taking my bag into my mouth. I can feel my eyes trying to change colors from holding back the extreme emotions I felt in that clearing. Despite the pack never wanting me, I feel sadness that my pack could abandon me like that. I feel happiness that I am finally away from the horror and the monstrosities of that pack. I feel fear for what the future could possibly hold for me. After about 10 minutes of running in wolf form, I slow next to a small stream, shifting to human form again to sit and take a breath. I can feel the headache coming on from concealing my eyes, so I let them do their thing now that no one is around. You see, I learned from a young age that my eyes changed into vibrant, glowing colors when I felt strong emotions. My mother and I figured that out one day when I was six and I broke a plate, pissing my father off and causing my to strike me so hard I hit the ground. I looked at my mother and she looked back at me with astonishment. When my father was out of the room, she held a clean pan to my face, only for me to gasp at my reflection that had glowing orange eyes staring back at me.
From that day on, my mother helped me learn to suppress my emotions the best I could so that no one would ever find out about my eyes. And they never did, whether it was because I got good at it or because they just never paid attention to me, I’m unsure. I learned my place at a very young age. An omega didn’t belong in a pack and they treated me as such, whether that be making me do their work, or using me as their mental and physical punching bag, they didn’t care. The only thing that ever kept my spirits up as a kid was a storybook my mom used to read me. It was about the prophecy of our world. About four mates who will find each other and be stronger than any others in history, bringing great change to the world. I used to hope every night that those mates would meet soon and that the change they made would help me out of my mistreatment, but that never happened.
At least I am finally free from it. I may be considered a rouge wolf now, but I would rather be a rouge wolf than live in a pack that treats me as if I am trash and causes me more harm than good. I can do what I want now. I can train and hunt and learn things about the world without fear that I will be killed by the next beating I receive. I lean over the small stream and splash water on my face before standing up and stretching. I shake out my muscles and I get ready to shift again, trying to decide where to go. I don’t have any kind of map or anything on me, so I think I’ll pick a direction and just run. As long as it’s not anywhere near my old pack. Good riddance to them.
From this day forward, I will be seeing what the moon goddess has in store for me.