Chapter Four


I had to leave my pack once my heat started because I refused to let an alpha help me. I am waiting for my mate and my parents, being the leaders of the pack, are tired of it. They send me away so that I don’t bother others and I have to fend for myself. I hate it. I don’t get to be in the comfort or safety of my home and I am expected to fight off danger while in need and pain all because I want to wait for the one the moon goddess sent for me. It’s crazy. I manage to make it about 20 minutes outside of my pack before the pain gets too bad. When the pain gets worse though, I find a set of bushes that look comfortable and I crawl into them to hide while I ride out this wave of pain. I think 20 minutes out is far enough, but maybe I can go a little further. I really can’t wait to meet my mate so that I don’t have to deal with this alone. I feel the pain get worse, so I curl into a tight ball in the bush and close my eyes, hoping sleep will overtake me.

Time skip to when Rollie and Faye get to the area

I slowly open my eyes and am confused by my surroundings. When the brain fog clears, I feel a rush of heat and remember that I left the pack because my heat started. I start to move around, trying to adjust when I hear footsteps. I freeze in place, slowly inhaling the air. I recognize Rollie’s scent because he is my friend, but what is that other heavenly scent? It smells like lily and vanilla. It smells so good that I let out a loud whimper without meaning to. Before I have time to hide more or adjust myself, Rollie is in front of the bush, asking me to come out and when I refuse to do so, he asks why I am here. I explain to him what happened and he offers to make me a safe space and keep guard until it’s over. He says he has a friend with him. That must be the amazing smell. I wonder if it is his mate.

Rollie pulls me from the bushes and then steps aside, allowing me to see the other person with him. Goddess, she is beautiful! She is probably about 4 foot 9, with long black hair down to her waist and light brown skin. She has large breasts, a firm ass, and a slim but curvy figure. I look into her almond-shaped caramel eyes and I can’t help the rush that goes through me. All I can do is let out a loud whimper of “Mate” and I see her freeze. That makes me want to hide. Does she not want me? Am I not good enough for her? Is she upset that I’m also an omega? She will reject me. I know it. Just the thought of her rejecting me makes it feel as if my heart is being ripped from my chest and I am biting my lip so I don’t cry. Why am I so pathetic?

Rollie waves his hand in my face for my attention and as I look up at him I can feel the tears fall. He gently grabs my shoulder before speaking softly, “Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I hang my head low, letting more tears fall, before I manage to choke out, “She will reject me. Why would an omega want another omega and not a strong alpha?” Rollie rubs my shoulder, “Look Kautious, I can’t help you with that, and I’ve only known her for about 24 hours, but I don’t think she will reject you. How about I start to set up a hut big enough for the both of you and you go talk to her? She goes by Faye. She’s been through a lot from what she’s told me, so maybe she’s just in some kind of shock.” I know Rollie is right and I need to be a man. I nod my head and use my wrist to wipe my tears, slowly looking up towards Faye who is watching me with concern. I take a deep breath and before I have time to move or even think, Faye is in front of me looking up at me. She gently touches my chest and I try not to make any noise or sudden movements as she says, “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?” I blink at her and slowly put my hand on top of hers on my chest. I can feel a stray tear roll down my cheek as I answer her, “You are my mate. But why would an omega want another omega? That means that you are going to reject me right?”

I try to step away from her after speaking my thoughts, but she gently grabs my face, “I don’t want to reject you. I never thought I’d have a mate, and even if you are an omega, I am so grateful to have you.” She lets go of my face and sticks a hand out, “Hello, my name is Hikari, but you can call me Faye and I am proud to be your mate.” I look at her stunned for only a moment before I burst into tears and cover my face. I try to talk through it, “H-hello Faye. My… name is… Kautious. Thank you f-for accepting me… as a mate… the way I accept you.” When I don’t shake her hand because mine are still hiding my tears, she pulls me into a hug and I can feel her kiss my shoulder, “How about we settle in the hut Rollie has made and we can figure out what to do about your heat? Does that sound okay?” I nod my head furiously and I can feel my cock harden in my pants just from the thought of my mate being so close to me. Would she want to help me with my heat? She can do or have whatever she wants as long as she stays by me. We slowly make our way over to the hut that Rollie has made. I nod at him and thank him before we go inside to realize he even took the time to line it with soft leaves and mosses he found, which I am grateful for. I settle down and Faye sits next to me. We sit in silence for a moment before she looks at me and says, “What can I do to help with your heat?”

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