Chapter 6: Tempting the Father (Part II)

Chapter 6: Tempting the Father (Part II)

I stayed very still.

I didn't know if it was a defect of my eyesight or my imagination, that is, I had been thinking a lot about it and besides... what was the father of the church going to do spying on a nun?


That shadow?

I knew the right thing to do was to fix my clothes and get out of here, but I stayed still, my heart racing at the thought of him seeing me because he found her attractive.

That thought had never crossed my mind, that of looking attractive to someone... but now, I really wanted them to continue seeing me and admire my beauty.

I opened the door to the arrogance and with trembling hands I continued to lower the zipper, I felt like my throat was dry, my breathing was irregular without thinking about what I was doing, I just finished lowering the zipper and then I uncovered the fabric on my shoulders being conscious that I left my entire back naked, but without being able to turn around.

I dared to look at the reflection of the water again and to my surprise or disappointment he was not there.

He had left.

I put my robe back on, feeling ashamed of myself.

But what about me?

I didn't know why I did it, and I felt worse because I thought I should feel worse than I did. I went to my room and got on my knees to say the Hail Mary 10 times, but when I was halfway through my mind went to Father William and the dream I had last night, when he trapped me against the wall, then I thought of his naked torso, in the tattoos on his abdomen and in how good he looked when he simply saw you with those piercing gray eyes.


I opened my eyes asking the virgin for forgiveness, but without knowing what was happening to me.

I was startled when my wrist watch made a shrill sound, breaking me out of my thoughts. I noticed that it was 12, the time I was supposed to deliver the photos to Father William.

I took a deep breath and sat on the bed.

I would avoid Father William West until these sinful thoughts left my head...

...Even if I had to sacrifice my extracurricular class.

It was 2 in the afternoon, my stomach was growling with hunger, my roommate Georgette put on her shoes, she had been lying on her bed waiting to end the fast just like me, both of us silently enduring the hours without eating.

"At last!" She said Georgette, suddenly she seemed embarrassed for having expressed herself like that about fasting and added: "I didn't eat dinner last night, I'm hungry as hell."

I squeezed my stomach, I was also very hungry, it was growling at me like a caged lion.

"Let's eat?" Georgette said.

I licked my lips, I had promised myself not to go out as a form of self-punishment so as not to see or continue thinking about Father William, but being locked up here I only thought that I shouldn't think about him and I ended up thinking more about him.

I think isolation to retain my imagination was a bad idea.

"Uh... I..." I murmured, not knowing what to respond.

“Hurry up, today they will give mashed potatoes,” she told me excitedly.

My stomach growled, the mashed potatoes were delicious here.

"Okey." I said, she left, closing the door.

I think I had to get out of here.

I got up fixing my shoes, I think I would be able to avoid meeting Father William, after all he didn't eat with us in the dining room, he always ate separately.

To start having my thoughts normal again, I had to act normally.

I went down the stairs to the kitchen, and most of the nuns must have been in the dining room because I didn't see them in the hallways. After a fast it was very common for them to run to the dining room to eat.

As I crossed the hallway to reach my destination, I stopped short and held my breath when I ran into Father William head on.

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