Chapter 7: Am I intimidating you, Celeste?
Chapter 7: Am I intimidating you, Celeste?
"Father William." I expressed almost in a scream, I cleared my throat, I needed to calm down.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Are you Okey?" She asked.
"Yeah." I whispered in just a whisper, my throat completely dry.
"You didn't go to my office." He brought up.
I didn't want to see his face.
The thought that he had seen me almost naked in the river kept crossing my mind, I didn't want to see her face.
"It's just that I fell asleep in my room," I said, looking at the floor, "it's because of fasting, I'm sorry."
"I thought you didn't want class to be closed," he commented.
"I don't want it," I admitted, but I didn't want to face this situation either.
Now I was here in front of him after wanting to avoid him so much.
"And the photos?" he asked.
"They're in my room, I..."
I fell silent when he raised his hand and, placing two of his fingers under my chin, lifted my face. I was forced to face his gray eyes and admire the perfect beauty that seemed lethal. His light touch on my skin sent tickles through my skin. different parts of my body.
"You never fight for what you want, Celeste.“ he commented. "That is very bad."
I didn't like that his gaze was so fixed, I felt like he could see through me.
How can I explain to her that I forgot to take the photo that I begged for more time for and that now I was embarrassed by what I did or wanted to do in the river?
Would he have seen me?
"Sorry, Father William," I said, "I took some photos, but not enough to be anything extraordinary."
Now I really doubted my abilities in photography, he had made me feel like I wasn't good enough.
"Let's see." said Father William suddenly.
I swallowed dryly.
"Let's see the photos." He explained calmly, the fact that he was so calm only made me more nervous.
"I just didn't print them," I said, "let me print them after eating."
It wasn't entirely a lie, I didn't print them because in fact I didn't have any photos to show you, after what happened with the river I couldn't develop my idea.
I bowed my head to say goodbye but he said out of nowhere:
"Celeste," I looked at him, "Am I intimidating you or why do you look like you want to run away from me?"
I swallowed heavily, I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or curious about me, his face knew how to show everything and nothing at the same time.
I felt my cheeks blush a little and shook my head.
"No, no Father William," I said, "it's just that when I'm hungry I get so anxious wanting to run, then I give him the photos."
He was trying to speak with the half-truth, he hoped that he wouldn't notice that he was hiding the huge and true reason; that I gave way to sin wanting to provoke it.
That embarrassed me too much, but I didn't really know if he had seen me or not to apologize to him.
"No, give it to me now," he insisted, "you can give me the camera and I'll check it in my office."
I looked at him at his demand, what was his problem?
"Or do you have something to hide?" He continued before my silence.
I felt my blush worsen on my cheeks, and my chest fell into a deep emptiness. I didn't know if he really knew what he had done, but I didn't think it was possible. If he knew, surely he would have already ordered me to be expelled and would be in penance right now.
Unless...he would have liked it.
No, most likely he hadn't seen me, but why such a comment?
"No," I replied, "I'm not hiding anything."
"Before you have dinner," he said, "you can come through your room to my office and you will have the answer to my decision."
Well I was being understanding.
"Okay," I said and bowed my head, turning around to go back up the stairs to my room to look for the camera, when suddenly I felt Father William's footsteps following me.
I turned to look at him, he was very calm walking up the stairs behind me.
"Where you goes?" I asked for.
"To accompany you," he stated.
My heart accelerated its rhythm to a more agitated one, I had a pulsation in my ears that I didn't like, I didn't understand why I felt that way if he was only the father of the church; my spiritual father.
"Okay," I said in a low voice and continued walking, I shuddered, not being able to feel comfortable going up the stairs knowing that he was coming behind me.
I was a little uneasy.
He had the robe that literally covered everything, but a part of me felt exposed before his gaze fixed on me.
No, I had to get rid of those impure thoughts that invaded my head, it was impossible for Father William to feel carnal things, surely he saw me as the mother superior saw me; like a second hand that helped him...
Even knowing this, I couldn't help but feel this strange tension towards him, and the shame of knowing what I wanted to do in the river; seduce him, although now I doubted that he had really seen me, because he would have already reprimanded me... my head was a hurricane.
Upon reaching the top, I entered my room, Father William stayed in the door frame but his eyes examined everything inside as if he were looking for something or observing the insipid color of the unadorned walls.
I took my camera and approached him, his gray eyes rolled towards me as if they could read my head and see my most impure thoughts, I had to look at the cross on his chest to remind me that I had to see him as my authority and not as my someone to wish or feel strange things. I tried to regularize my breathing by inhaling through my nose and slowly releasing it through my mouth in a hidden manner, as if nothing was happening.
I gave it to him, but when he took it, his hands held mine, I trembled and looked up at him feeling like I was becoming very small at the intensity I was beginning to feel; that called me to approach him in an inexplicable way.
"You're very red, do you feel okay?" He said seriously but I didn't know if he was really aware of what his excessive kindness and attention was causing me.
"Yes," I murmured, avoiding his gaze.
That he didn't take his gray eyes off me didn't help at all.
"I thought I didn't intimidate you, Celeste," he commented, his voice lower than before but his face entirely serious.
I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I couldn't speak, my hands trembling under his, suddenly it felt like the heat was beginning to envelop them and force us together, would he feel this?
Father William cleared his throat, looking down at the camera, and added as if to change the subject:
"How do I turn on the camera?"
I let go of his hands, regaining control of myself, and pressed the camera button. The screen immediately lit up. I couldn't speak. I just needed to keep my distance. My stomach was growling, a victim of nervousness and hunger, but it didn't really provoke me. eat.
I closed the door of the room without daring to look at Father William again and went towards the stairs quickly.
I just wanted to avoid feeling this, the nervousness of my body when I was next to him.
Suddenly, due to my frantic attitude, I slipped on the first step of the stairs without being able to see it in advance, I held on to the railing tightly to avoid falling at the same time that a hand grabbed me by the waist, wrapping me tightly and pulled me back, the smell of Father William's perfume invaded my senses at the closeness.
My breathing became heavy, I could feel his breath in my ear making my whole body warm and I trembled, my back attached to his chest I could feel his entire anatomy under his tunic and I stayed very still when I noticed a protuberance that rubbed against the back down my spine...