Chapter 2: Plans

I'm not going to let this frustration take over me. I'm beautiful and I know I have what it takes to become a model. I'm going to take a small trip to New York just to get a glimpse of the place. I've never been there, so if taking a one-day trip there helps me, then that's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to ask my boss at the diner for extra hours, I'm going to get a plane ticket for New York, I'm not going to drive all that way by myself.

I've been working at the diner for over two years now and my boss better gives me a few extra days off, if he doesn't then I'll quit this job. I hate it anyway, I'm supposed to be a model, not some waitress in a diner. When I'm at work tomorrow, I'm going to ask him.

The night before I was up all night, worrying that my boss would not give me these days off. Maybe if I flirt with him a bit, then he will give me my days off. It's not like I'm going to take weeks off at a time right now. I'd have enough courtesy to give him notice. On my way to work, I texted Leila and told her that I'm going to take a day trip to New York and see what it was like there. She texted back and said, "when?" I replied back and said, "I'm not sure yet, I'm going to work a few extra days to get a plane ticket." Then she said, "Damn, I want to go with you." I left it at that since I was almost at work.

When arriving at work, sitting in my car a bit, thinking about how this day is going to go and getting enough balls to ask my boss for extra days and then to get a few days off later, I became a bit nervous.

"Not about asking my boss for the extra days off, but because I'm really going to do this!"

First I'm going to ask him if I can work some extra hours, I'm not going to tell him the reason why, but just tell him for extra money. After clocking in for my shift, I went straight back to my boss's office, but before I went inside, I pulled my V-neck shirt down so that my breast showed a bit. After knocking on his door a few times, he yelled out to come in.

I've never been inside his office before, I sat across from his messy desk, papers everywhere, old food containers and the trash hasn't been taken out in a few days.

"This office is gross," I thought.

"What can I do for you, Star?" He asked.

"Do you think you could give me a few extra hours?" I replied.

"Hmm. Let me check on that, but I'm sure I can," he said.

"Okay. Thank you. When will you know?" I asked.

I suddenly bent over to pretend I was tying my shoe, he gave my breast a slight look, then he looked away.

"Well, I could give you one extra day a week for now. Starting tomorrow," he said.

"Great! Thank you again," I replied.

I left his office excited and went straight to waiting on tables. When this workday is over, I'm going to check on the price of a plane ticket to NY. This is so exciting, I'm going to go to NY for the first time! I can't wait to tell Leila about this. My parents, on the other hand, will not be so excited, I'm not sure why they forbid me to do this, but I'm going to.

After my workday ended and going straight home to look up flights, this all seems surreal now! I'm finally doing this, by myself and no one is going to stop me. My dream of becoming the next top model in New York is finally here.

While searching for flights, I'm surprised at how expensive a plane ticket is, but this will not stop me, I'm going to work extra just for the ticket. So coming across the cheapest round trip flight and hotel, only for one night cost, $249.00. I'm going to book the room and flight now. I'll be broke, but at least I'll have the extra money next payday.

The flight and hotel are booked! I'll be leaving for New York in two weeks to check the city of Manhattan out. Wait until I tell Leila.

I'm going to give her a call now and tell her.

"Hey, girl. What's up?" Leila asked.

"Listen to this. I just booked my flight and hotel to New York," I replied.

"What! No Way! That's a great girl," Leila said.

"I know. I can't believe I'm doing this," I replied.

"You are and you're going to be great," Leila said.

"Are you able to come with me?" I asked.

"Ugh. I really want to, but my boss won't give me the time off," Leila said.

"Damn, that sucks. Well, next time I go, make sure you get the time off. We don't have to stay here in this small town forever," I said.

"I know a girl. I'm going too," Leila replied.

We hung up.

While my parents and I are eating dinner, they ask me why I'm so excited. I'm not telling them what I'm doing because they will become mad and I don't want to hear them, so I'm just going to tell them that my boss is giving me a raise. I hate lying to them, but this is what I must do to further my career and my dream.

When I told them about the raise, they became excited for me. I'm feeling bad, but I cannot let them make me feel this way, I'll never get out of this town and become what I want to be. We left it at that.


I'm putting a few of my things in a small carrying bag for this trip because I'm going to be working my ass off for spending money. The only thing left is figuring out who to ask to drive me to the airport. My parents are out of the question, so I'm going to ask Leila.

Three days before leaving for NY I asked Leila if she could take me to the airport, and of course, she said that she could. Everything is going as planned.

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