Chapter 8: Stunned

John stands here as if he's seen a ghost. He was not expecting to see ME for his interview. We were completely silent, we didn't know what to say to each other, then John stutteringly said, "C-Come in Star." All I could do was walk in with my head down. I'm not sure if I'm Embarrassed or nervous. I'm sure this is so awkward for John, it's awkward for me, but I knew before he knew about this, so I'm pretty sure he's not sure what to do now.

We both sat down at his desk, he put both his elbows on his desk and then he crossed his hands. He looks at me and says, "Well, I had no idea you were at my interview today for the next model that I hire." I looked at him and said, "I did not know either." I had to lie to him because if I would have told him that I knew I'm sure it would have ruined everything.

I swear we must have sat in his office about ten minutes before we could really say anything important. Then I spoke up.

"So, I know this is probably awkward, but how about if we start this interview?" I asked John nervously.

"This is awkward, I've never had this happen to me before. We must be as professional as possible," John replied.

"I agree," I said.

"I'm actually not sure what to ask you since we already met and I've seen your looks," John said sparingly.

We really didn't have much of an interview because we already knew each other and he already knew my looks and how beautiful I am. I have to find a way to break this tension between us. I don't want to lose this interview just because we went on a date, so I blurted out, "If I get this modeling position, I will be as professional as I can be. Our date will not interfere with my job."

John looks at me and says, "I'm sure it won't, I see that you have what it takes to become a top model and you will be good for my company."

"Does this mean I have the job?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm giving you this position. I think you will do well," John replied.

All I wanted to do was jump up with joy, but I couldn't do that because he would think I'm a nut. So I stood up and shook his hand and thanked him. When we shook hands, I could feel the tenderness when we touched.

I had to act professional, I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of this job. John had told me to wait here because he is going to get his modeling coach to come and talk to me. He stepped out of his office, it was for about fifteen minutes then he and his coach, (Mr. Robertson) came back into his office. I sat there shaking my legs, I became so nervous when they arrived back into the office, yet, I still don't know why I'm so nervous because John knows me and I know him.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm actually going to be his model.

Once John introduced us, Mr. Robertson takes me to his office. We both sat down inside his office and he started to tell me about the job requirements and what they look for. Mr. Robertson said to me that he thinks I'm very beautiful and I have many features that will land me in the big-time modeling with this company. I wasn't shocked.

Then he went on to tell me more…He said that he will teach me a variety of skills and will give me advice and guidance throughout my career. He even mentioned to me that I could do runway shows, I was shocked about that because I didn't think of doing runway shows. More importantly, he will teach me, posing skills, personal image development, and branding. I sat there the whole time he explained everything, then he said there is one important rule to modeling.

"Always remember this is going to be a roller coaster ride!" Mr. Robertson said.

"Oh, I'm sure it will be and I'm prepared for it," I replied.

Mr. Robertson had told me that he is going to give me the tools and the professionalism that I need to make it in this industry. I told him that I'm ready for whatever he throws at me, and I'm willing to do what it takes to become the next top model in New York. He looked at me surprisingly, I'm sure he didn't think I would say that to him. But he doesn't know me yet, he doesn't know that I know what I have to offer.

After we finished, he told me to come back in two days for fittings and training. I shook his hand and left his office. I started to walk back to John's office hesitantly, but then I decided to just leave the building and go back to my hotel room. I was unsure if he wanted me to go back to see him.

When I arrived back at the hotel, I went straight to my room and took a shower. It had been a long, hot day, so I felt a bit sweaty plus being so nervous at John's office. When I finished with my shower, I put on comfortable clothes and just relaxed. I checked my phone and I had a missed call from John.

I thought to myself, "what could he possibly want? Should I call him right back or should I wait a bit?"

I decided to wait to call him back. I waited about a half-hour and called him back.

"Hello," John answered his phone.

"Hey. Sorry I missed your call. I was in the shower," I replied.

"Ohhh,, I'd like to see you in the shower," John laughs.

"I'm sure you do," I chuckled.

"Do you think we could meet up a little later? I'd like to talk to you," John said.

I started to think, "Oh my. Now what? Did I do something wrong?" I thought to myself.

"Yes. I'd like that," I replied.

"Let's meet at the diner," John said.

"Okay. What time?" I replied.

"How's an hour?" John asked.

"That's good. See you then," I replied.

Thinking to myself and hoping that he still wants me as his model, I became nervous again.

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