Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4


I rubbed the wound on my neck… I felt no pain from it… This was the mark he was talking about…. It was there…

I wanted to know more about this connection he spoke of… that it was why he saved me, but I was also hesitant to….

The sight of what he was was still Fresh…. He was Massive… it may as well could have been a bear against puppies…. But at the same time, he Did that For Me. The lead wolf man was about to kill me…. But I was saved. I didn’t understand why. I also didn’t understand Why I feel like I could trust his words….

It was like something told me that I should accept whatever fate he gave me… I prayed to the Light… the Lord of Light blesses all his children.

“Could you not think so loudly?” He asked a little annoyed.

I blinked twice.

“I get that you’re afraid and praying, but it is distracting.” He mumbled.

I sat there with my mouth agape.

“…. That was Private.” I hissed, surprised that I’d pull that tone myself.

“Sorry… It’s passive. Some Old wolves can hear other, weaker wolves but I hear everyone… all the time.” He grumbled.

“Well Try.” I said defensively.

“I Am, but it’s hard with you going ‘Oh Light he’s real and so big and blah blah blah. I wanted to hear Tom and the Morning Show you know.” He said it with a grin.

I turned red in embarrassment. “Shush!” was my only counter and he laughed.

“No promises.” He grinned. “While we’re making small talk and you’re thinking about how you saw my dick, have any supernatural questions?”

“Ah! I did Not Say that, Think that! You know what I mean!” I screamed, slapping his arm and he laughed harder.

“Fun fact: That hit was in slow motion for me. Next time I’ll dodge it, and tease you more.” He smiled.

“…. Then Driving must be boring.” I said with a huff… He was intent on messing with me it seemed.

“Yes, I Am a clown.” He replied to my thought rather than my words. “But Yes, driving is Very boring, since I am faster. Look at that one speed.” He pointed a clawed finger at a Honda going at Least 100. “His wife’s cheating and he’s caught her.”

“You shouldn’t be so nosy.” I said briefly seeing how upset the other driver was. “That guy who’s going too slow is gossiping.” I said making something up, pointing to a blue Accord…. I figured why not try to extend an olive branch…. It took my mind off what happened…

“That’s the spirit.” He grinned. “He made bad grades… is on a road trip home to see his folks.” He paused, slowing down to snoop. “They think he’s going to be a doctor, but instead he’s going to drop out and be an artist.” He said squinting his eyes. “He keeps debating on calling them Now in advance or not.” He said speeding back up.

“What do you think he should do.” I asked.

“I’m a hundred as of midnight…. I’m Immortal. I can’t even die like regular supernaturals. I feel like humans worry too much about being the Best at something they hate, rather than living for what they love.” He said firmly. “I mean…”

“No... You’re right. I became a teacher because I love teaching. I mean the kids can be a handful, even at a really expensive private school, but once you get past that part, they’re usually great…. But I won’t be able to do that this year will I?... oh and happy birthday to the both of us…” I said quietly.

He was silent. I think that threw even him off guard…

“Happy birthday.” He said sadly. “27 is a good age….”

“Sorry.” I said quietly. It took everything I had not to shed a tear.

“…. I don’t want you nervous around me. You don’t have to be.” He gently grazed his thumb under my eyes, catching the single tear. “All you know of the human world is Gone for you… your time stops with me…” he said putting his hand on mine. “I’ll make sure the rest of your life is filled with joy little one. You are now My responsibility.”

He said that like he meant that with every fiber of his being.

“I do. You have my blood oath. On my Horned blood, I will protect you, nourish you and respect you… as my mate you are the Only person I could ever be with….” He said pressing his thumb claw into his index finger as we drove. “Unlike humans, my word is true. Whatever it is I vow, I Must keep it. It is our way.” He said firmly.

“Then I’ll hold you to that.” I said holding his hand while he drove.

“When you’re ready… ask anything of me, and I will try my best to answer.” He said petting my hair. He pulled it away reluctantly, but I… I didn’t want him to stop….

I should be afraid… I should still be trying to escape…. But I wasn’t.

I don’t know if it was a magic spell or What… but his touch felt nice. It felt like I really could Truly Trust someone I just met, but the commonsense side of me told me to still be at least a little suspicious…. After all, he may have killed for me and saved me, but he was still a monster.

What I sat next to was what I’d been warned about all my life. He was an Actual Monster…. A Monster the OTHER monsters were Afraid of…. And his grin was Not helping…..

He was the real deal, no questions about it… I was taken by this man, and he vowed to be my protector… but he was still a Man-eating, Adversary hailing…. Actual Demon…. It was surreal. It really was. But his face looked so calm…. As if we’d known each other our entire lives, and this was a Sunday morning ride.

Not that I was a fugitive because of laws I knew nothing about…

Not that I still had physical and mental whiplash from last night….

I was a human… a human in the hands of a Literal Monster. He didn’t say any snarky comments this time. He’d made his point… He could hear me, so there was no point in planning anything.

Yet…. I also made no effort to even think of one…

“Tell me more about mates.” I probed…. Maybe this was why.

“It is.” He said, picking and choosing what to respond to. “The bond of mate…. It is all the heart and half the soul. You know, I used to think that part was bullshit until I met you.” He said glancing at me briefly…

Now that I’d calmed down, he was… really handsome. His body looked like sculpted, olive skinned marble… His predominant features were like a Roman statue… chiseled…. head to toe.

“You’re hot yourself.” He grinned. “Those freckles are absolutely adorable.”

I shyly thumbed them…. I hated those dots… but he’s the first person to complement them…. The men I kn-

He snarled.

I gasped. I froze like an idiot… but he put his hand on the bite…. Instead of pain, I felt a wave of calm…. What the hell….

“I should apologize for that outburst…. Don’t think of the losers who weren’t your only…. To be a mate… it is an unbreakable bond… except if You were to reject me.” He mumbled. “We were made to be with each other by the goddess before we were even born…. And meant to be with each other for eternity. Should you mark me back and accept this bond, you get the share that immortality…” He sounded worried, as if I’d reject him immediately.

I don’t understand it, but I wouldn’t.

“Um…. That sounds like a lot…” I said looking out the window…

That sounded like More than marriage with someone I Just met…

“There’s more to it, but I feel like if I talk about it now, it’ll be too much to take in all at once. But long story short. I claimed you on instinct. I literally had no control over myself… You’re already bound to me. If you allow yourself to choose this bond, know you’ll never be alone.” He said quietly. “The bond of soulmate is unbreakable to all But the people linked through it...”

“That sounds like even More.” I said, seeing him smile.

“I know. To be honest, I’m just glad I got my mate.” He said touching my hair. “Sorry…. You’re really soft and Fuck Knows you’re so small… It’s calming.”

“I don’t mind.” I said quietly, and he looked like a kid that just tried candy for the first time…And I felt like this was the first time I’d ever had my head touched.

He pet my hair, gently dragging his hand down to my neck… His thumb on where he bit me should have been painful… but instead it was almost as if there was a connection that ran from my neck straight to my core… holy cow.

“I find it cute that you don’t swear much.” He commented smoothly….. he sounded a little huskier. “My urge to be marked by you is so strong, I can’t think straight….”

“I don’t know about that yet…” I said feeling unsure about all this…..

“Don’t worry about it, there isn’t a rush; I’m not asking for your decision right Now.” He said with a small smile. It looked like I Crushed him…. And I felt bad for it.

I hesitated to touch him, but I did reassure him. “I didn’t say I was against it.” I mumbled…. Why was I doing this? Why was I so… friendly with my captor….? Why did I go along with all this so easily….? Was the mate bond Really This strong?

I Knew the answer to that was ‘yes’, but I think I was still in denial that all this was happening.

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