Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Next Morning
I’ve just finished layering my face in foundation trying to cover up the bruises that cover my face when I hear a faint knock come from my bedroom door "Sweetheart are you up?" my father asks quietly yet loud enough for me to hear.
"Y...yeah I'm just getting dressed now" I answer. I hear him say ok and then walk off downstairs. Looking in the mirror I could still see the purple bruising around my eyes and on my cheek bone. I sigh if I put any more makeup on I'd look orange or if not then my face would look greasy and well Melanie being Melanie would point it out and most likely make me take it all off. So I start on my eyeliner. With eyeliner being black and well I'm known for wearing a lot. It should cover most of it up and people would just think that the purple and grey patches around my eyes were from that.
I pull a top over the long sleeved top I’m wearing and then search my room for a wrist band or something to cover up my scars. I find a sweatband in my dresser drawer and put it on hoping that it will cover most of the ones that are visible.
"Sweetheart, is toast ok?" I hear my father call up to me from the stairs.
"Yes," I call back. I don't care what he makes me as long as it was him that was making it and not the one I had to put up with last night. Once I’m sort of happy with myself I walk out of my room and down the stairs.
My house is a decent size with three bedrooms with an en suite in each bedroom, a large living room and a normal sized kitchen. There’s one big bedroom which is my father's room, the middle size one is mine and the smallest is for guests. We can afford a bigger house with many rooms and a giant swimming pool in the back but my mother never saw the point in those big houses where you don't use every room, she was content with this house which meant we could afford more expensive things.
"How was your first day back?" Dad asks as I sit down at the kitchen table.
"Ok...my English and art teacher are leaving at the end of this week" I state.
"Why at the end of this week why didn't they leave at the end of last year?"
"School probably couldn't find anyone in time. I don't know really I was wondering that too when they told us" I state.
"Are you going to miss them?" he asks, placing the plate of toast on the table. I take two slices and start to butter them.
"Probably not my English teacher, he is so grumpy and boring but my art teacher probably" I say, biting into my toast.
"What happened to your lip?" he asks, leaning forward and tilting my head so he could look at my lip a lot closer. This always happens. It's like he doesn't remember what he did last night. "That looks a little nasty. Don't tell me you walked into a door again?" he asks, referencing the last time he’d asked me and I lied to him. I told him I’d walked into a door.
"No not this time I err..." I couldn't think of anything then gym class came to mind "we were playing dodge ball and well you know how that game goes some of the guys are a bit competitive when it comes to that sort of thing" I say looking away from him.
"Oh" he takes his hand away from me then I look at his hands and he seems to notice "a wall at work you know some clients piss me off" he says moving his fingers over bruised knuckles. But it wasn't because of that at all. My face had bruised his knuckles and he didn't seem to know that.
"Oh" I say looking down at my food "I should get going. I'm walking with Melanie today because you normally have meetings on a Tuesday don't you?" he nods and I pick up my bag and walk out of the house to Melanie's house.
Half an hour later
Melanie is dressed a lot differently today than she was yesterday and well it’s hard to explain, it’s crossed between Goth and punk seriously this girl just doesn't care. She’s walking backwards so she’s facing me "What's up Meg-Chan?" she asks. I rolled my eyes at her as she’s now in her anime mood. Whenever she watches anime she always refers to me as Meg-Chan.
"What did you watch last night?" I ask as she steps to walk at the side of me.
"Well..." this is where she tells me about the anime she watched and I just nod as if I am listening when really I am lost in my own train of thought.
"Will you come shopping with me tomorrow after school?" I ask looking at her "I need some more makeup"
"What do you do with all that makeup you only bought some two weeks ago? Do you eat it or something?" she asks, a little surprised.
"Well I err like to experiment with different looks when I’m doing nothing" I don't know what else to say and look down at the floor.
"You know if you were an anime character you'd be scratching your head and laughing nervously with a sweat drop at the side of your head" she states. I glared at her "now you'd have little blue anime veins pulsating up and down at the side of your head" she says with a chuckle
"Melanie, are you going to come with me or not?" I snap. She nods and smiles. I sigh and rub my temples "Sorry I don't mean to snap at you" she just shrugs and carries on walking while flicking her blonde hair behind her.
"What's wrong babe?" Tyler asks as I lay my head on his chest. We were at mine. My dad wasn't going to be home till late tonight so I was safe to have him round. I do have more good news though he hasn't been in that mood all week he had been the nice kind loving dad so I was ok "You've been a little off all week" he says lifting my head up to face him.
"It's nothing"I reply and I lay my head back on his chest. I can't tell him what is happening or he'd literally flip and he’ll most likely kill my dad. Also thankfully my bruises have faded so I didn't have to wear as much makeup and Tyler has believed my excuse for the cut on my lip. I slowly sit up and lean in to kiss him which takes him a little by surprise.
I pull back from the kiss and run my fingers through his chestnut brown hair "c'mon babe tell me what's wrong with you" he asks.
"It's nothing I'm just thinking" I say and lay off of him onto my bed. He moves onto his side and lays his hand on my stomach. He gives me a look that asks me to tell him, "honestly" I add. He sighs and leans in to kiss me. I move my hands to his chest and pull him on top of me by his shirt. You'd think after we've been going out for over two years we would have had sex but I wasn't ready and he has been waiting patiently for me. I'm the virgin in this relationship, not him. On our six month break he got drunk at a party and well let's just say that is the reason Melanie hates preps and him. He told me the day after it happened and well I wasn't really bothered. It wasn't like we were together at the time we had been broken up for months.
He pulls back from the kiss and starts to kiss down my neck while moving his hands up my top. He then moves a hand back down to unbutton my jeans. I pull away from him and take my top off hoping he won't notice the faint purple and pink bruising around my rib area. He takes off his t-shirt revealing his muscular chest. He moves back to kissing my lips and lays in the middle of my legs "I love you" I say pulling away and looking at him. He smiles slightly and his cheeks ever so slightly pink like they always do when I tell him that or when he tells me.
"I love you too" and he leans in and kisses me.
We have just been making out for the past hour. We’ve done a little bit of touching and in it all I never heard my father's car pull up into the drive or the front door slam shut or hear him shout for me. I pull back and Tyler kiss my neck while he has one of his hands down my pants and another caressing my body.