Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter. 26

It was 3:12 AM when Tyler’s cell phone rang. He was having a dream that at first was pleasant--he was climbing a giant cliff with Katie, and they were holding hands. It was a warm, sunny day. She was looking up at him, smiling. And then suddenly, she lost her grip and was falling--he couldn’t catch her. She was falling farther and farther away…

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Tyler awoke from his nightmare with a start, sweating, and thinking the word “ring” in his mind. It took him a moment to realize his phone was what woke him. His mother’s cell phone number was on the caller ID.

“Mom?” Tyler flipped on his bedside lamp and tried to wipe the sleep from his eyes. “What is it? Is dad…” He couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence.

And he didn’t have to. His mother’s soft weeping on the other end was enough of an answer.

“I’m coming now. I’ll meet you at the hospital, ok?” Tyler was already stumbling around his bedroom, trying to find his pants, keys, and wallet simultaneously. Tyler hung up and started to order himself a car. He already knew that he would be in no shape to drive himself home from whatever he was walking into.

Even in the middle of the night, the hospital seemed busy. But amidst the chaos, his mother stood stony in the waiting area, tears running down her cheeks. When she saw Tyler, she wobbled a bit.

“What happened?” Tyler asked her, his voice shaking.

Mrs. June pulled him into a hug and through sobs could just say, “His heart. Just stopped. Tyler, he’s gone.”

Tyler allowed himself to cry along with his mother for a moment before reverting to his protective nature.

“Where’s the doctor?” he asked, wiping his eyes with the palm of his hand. “I want to understand.”

He followed his mother’s gaze to Mr. June’s doctor, an older man wearing small round glasses, who was already approaching the waiting area.

“Tyler, I’m so sorry for your loss,” the doctor started.

“ said he’d be fine,” Tyler said, his voice shaking. “I trusted you. We both trusted you.”

“And at the time, that was my diagnosis,” the doctor said calmly. “But things took a turn.”

“That’s a pretty big turn,” Tyler said, his anger starting to rise to the surface, overtaking his grief.

“Unfortunately, that’s the way these things go sometimes,” the Doctor said, shrugging.

“I’m sorry--the way things go? It’s your job to make sure things go well,” Tyler said, raising his voice. “Is that a medical term? ‘The way things go’?”

Other strangers in the vicinity started to look in their direction.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t sue your ass for malpractice,” Tyler continued, starting to get close to the doctor’s face. “Because I know a great lawyer.”

The doctor backed away, knocking into the back of another doctor, who turned around, startled.

“Tyler?” the second doctor asked. “Is that you?”

The second doctor was wearing a nametag--Dr. Aaron Meloni.

“Dr. Meloni. I’m really glad to see you,” Tyler said, his voice breaking. “I just thought...last time I was here, everything turned out ok. I’m sorry, I’m a mess.”

“It’s ok, George,” Dr. Meloni said to the first doctor. Mr. June’s doctor nodded in Tyler’s direction and made a hasty exit.

“It’s so unfair,” Tyler said, throwing his hands up in frustration. “Why do I keep ending up here?”

“Come with me,” Dr. Meloni said, putting an arm around Tyler’s shoulders and guiding him to an empty exam room.

“I shouldn’t leave my mom alone,” Tyler said, looking back over his shoulder.

“She’ll be ok. This will just take a minute,” Dr Meloni said reassuringly.

They entered the room, and Dr. Meloni gestured for Tyler to sit on the exam table.

“I just want to check in. I know these are terrible circumstances, Tyler, but I’m happy to see you,” Dr. Meloni said. “You look healthier than when you walked out of here. How are you doing? ...Otherwise?”

Tyler sighed. “Fine. I have a job I love...and I’m totally obsessed with this girl Katie from work who has a boyfriend and is also my boss.” He couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous he sounded.

“That’s funny,” Dr. Meloni said, smiling.

“What do you mean? It’s not actually funny, I think I’m just in shock,” Tyler said, annoyed.

“No, I mean, because this girl that you--she has the same name as that other girl…” Dr. Meloni trailed off, realizing that perhaps Tyler didn’t have all of the information he did.

“The girl that I what?” Tyler said, leaning into the doctor.

“You know what? This is a conversation you should have with your mother,” Dr. Meloni answered. “I’m just glad to see you healthy and well...all things considered. If you need anything--here’s my card. Call anytime.”

Dr. Meloni put a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “When I heard the June family was back here, my heart went out to you all. I really am very sorry. There’s only so much one family should have to endure.”

The doctor opened the door, giving Tyler one more sympathetic smile.

Tyler wandered back to the waiting area, finding his mother already making calls and arrangements. He put his hand over hers to stop her from dialing the next number.

“Mom, I need to ask you something,” Tyler started.

“What is it?” his mother answered, trying to stifle a yawn.

“Remember yesterday...Dad said he had something to tell me. About a woman. The night of the accident. And just now, Dr. Meloni said something about a girl, too. Do you...know what they’re talking about? Was there something else about that night that you and Dad never told me?” Tyler looked at his mother, his eyes burning with intensity.

Mrs. June just shook her head, sadly. “I’m sorry, honey, I told you--I don’t know anything about a woman. All I know is that your father was so proud of you. I’m sure that’s all he wanted to tell you.”

Tyler just nodded and leaned his head into his mother’s shoulder, like he used to do as a child. He couldn’t wrap his brain around this mystery tonight. Tonight, he would mourn his father.

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