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Chapter Eleven - A fucking trip?


The King summoned the three of us and our parents to his private room. I was the first to receive the call and, shortly after, I was informed that I should only meet with the King later, because Nikco and Mari were on a date and had not yet returned.

So, I stayed in my room until eight o'clock at night, waiting for both of them to arrive from the date, not knowing what the King wanted with us. It was three long hours of waiting, where I didn't even want to talk to my mother. All the scenarios ran through my head and I couldn't even decide which one was the worst. Would the decision be made early? Is the competition over? Did any of us do something wrong?

I have to admit that it wasn't just the King who disturbed me. Knowing that Mari and Nikco went out together bothered me. And every hour without news from both of them, the more tense I became. The image of the two of them laughing together at the ball, while dancing, came back to me again and again.

How broken would I come out of this competition in the end? If I could barely accept that they went for a walk, how would I feel when I found out they kissed? Or that they spent the night together?

Or when Nikco says he chooses Marianne?

  • Gods! - I scream to myself, in my empty room.

I hated this feeling of being in love or whatever that was. I've never felt this before, not like this. I thought I was in love with this cute boy at school who loved taking my virginity, but didn't want to start dating me. Or the guy who slept with me for three years in college and ended our affair by saying that I “already belonged to another man.” Those were times when I made the mistake of falling in love. In all of them, Nikco was the problem.

Now, it seems like nothing has changed. Nikco continues to be my problem. And worse: the feelings were more intense, which meant that the problem was now bigger.

No book distracts me, no radio program seems interesting. Just when I thought I was about to go crazy, one of the castle staff came to pick me up to meet the King. Apparently, the couple in love had returned from their date.

Take a deep breath, I tell myself, you are taking your frustrations out on both of them. Is not fair.

I wanted to tell myself to fuck off. My feelings were too agitated for me to be rational. Which sucks, because I would have to talk to the King in a few minutes.

In fact, the situation seemed even worse. Because when I arrived at the King's private room, the Queen was there too. And my parents, as well as Roseanne, Mari's mother, were there too - and Mom looked sad and uncomfortable. I bow to the royal couple and greet Roseanne and Dad with nothing but words. They don't say much, the tense air in the room making me even more anxious. None of them matter much to me after seeing that look on Mom's face.

I hold her hand tightly, but before I can say anything, the doors open once more. Marianne and Nikcolai enter together. I squeeze Mom's hand even tighter. They walk side by side, close enough to demonstrate intimacy. They bow at the same time, in tune.

Stop, I tell myself, you're seeing too much.

I take a deep breath for the tenth time in just the last hour.

  • Finally, everyone here - the King says, looking tired - All parents already know and approve of what I'm going to tell you now. Therefore, there is no room for discussion.

From my mother's stance, I know she didn't approve of anything. But it was a defeated vote. This means that good things do not come from the King's next words.

  • The three of you are going on a trip - Arthuriano decrees - You are going to travel around the country. I want you to visit the main cities and some smaller ones too. It will be a trip of a few months. It will be a way for you to get to know each other and those who may govern one day.

I close my eyes to control my indignation. Is he really going to put his son's two suitors on the same trip for months to travel around the country? That would be a big deal for the press and a recipe for misfortune. What are the chances of the three of us fighting on this trip?

Sure! Let's share our days together! We're barely going to have time alone, let alone Mari or I having time alone with Nikco. And, if we do, the other person will always know. I remember how I felt today when I found out about their date. Now am I going to have to wait for both of them in hotels before we can continue our journey?

May the goddesses help me. I need to take a deep breath, but nothing seems to calm the ball of anger in my chest.

-My King...- Nikco starts, but he doesn't have the courage to continue.

Luckily, I don't lack courage.

  • Your Majesty, I think it's a risky move - I say, looking him in the eyes - The people and the press are heated by a supposed climate of rivalry between my sister and me. Trapping the two of us on this trip could be a spark for confusion and unnecessary moments of tension.

  • It's an order, Sorah Ailenna - he responds in a firm voice - If you and Marienne can't deal with this trip and its possible problems, then you will not be ready to sit on the throne.

I lower my eyes and bite my lip to keep from arguing with him. I recognize that tone, he won't budge. In all my life, I have never felt angry with Arthuriano. I never felt that his orders hurt me or that his authority was being used in the wrong way.

Until that exact second.

I wanted to scream that he was wrong. That he was abusing his authority and not listening to the voice of reason. However, he was my King. That means I had to swallow my feelings, my reason and deal with the situation with class.

I let go of my mother's hand and look up. I keep my face neutral, my eyes empty, and my posture relaxed yet perfect. Then, in an apathetic voice that barely sounds like me, I give the answer the entire room has been waiting for.

  • Of course, my King.

I see Arthuriano watching me and I feel Nikco's eyes on me. They both know that wasn't me. That wasn't the answer I wanted to give. But no one can question my stance or my words - after all, it was the expected response.

  • Let's continue, then - the King says, still glancing in my direction.

I don't even look at him while he continues talking. I focus my gaze on a detail of his golden chair, which is to the right of his face and at the same level as his eyes. I pretend to be calm while my heart gallops with anger and indignation. And with every word he says, I feel even more helpless and unhappy about my future.

The truth is that I, who always thought I was so intelligent, didn't prepare myself for the day when I would no longer have a voice. I have deviated and bypassed so many limitations so far, I went beyond what everyone believed, and with that I deluded myself into thinking that I would have control over my entire destiny. I was fooled by the freedom that, in the end, they allowed me to have until now.

Dumb. Naive. When I agreed to be part of this competition, I sold my life to the King and Nikco. I am at the mercy of two men and their choices. And I must follow your orders until the end, so that I may not even be chosen. I'm trapped in a destiny where I'm not the one writing the script and it's past time to accept that.

Tonight, I will cry for the truth that I always refused to accept. Tomorrow morning I will leave for this trip, because if I know how to play the rules of the game, I can emerge a champion.

And if I emerge champion, I will be Queen of Luavyn. And no man will have power over me.

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